This construct allows you to IaC your service quotas
yarn add --dev @reapit-cdk/service-quotas
# or
npm install @reapit-cdk/service-quotas --save-dev
import { Stack, App } from 'aws-cdk-lib'
import { AWSService, AmazonCloudFrontQuota, ServiceQuotas } from '@reapit-cdk/service-quotas'
const app = new App()
const stack = new Stack(app, 'stack-name')
const quotas = new ServiceQuotas(stack, 'service-quotas', {
// Fail the stack if your requests aren't granted yet
failIfNotGranted: true,
// Make another request if an existing one is denied
rerequestWhenDenied: true,
// region
// service (use the AWSService.${Service} helper or specify the e.g. 'cloudfront' string as any)
// quota (use the ${Service}Quota e.g. AmazonCloudFrontQuota helper or specify the 'LL-' string as any)
// desired value