A role to deploy a simple flask application with RDS db cluster as backend.
AWS User Account with the following permission:
- ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute
- ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus
- ec2:DescribeInstances
- ec2:RunInstances
- ec2:CreateKeyPair
- elb:CreateLoadBalancer
- rds:DescribeDBInstances
- rds:DescribeDBSubnetGroups
- rds:ListTagsForResource
- deploy_flask_app_private_subnet_id (str): Private subnet id of the bastion host
- deploy_flask_app_vpc_id (str): vpc id for the host.
- deploy_flask_app_rds_host (str): The RDS endpoint address.
- deploy_flask_app_rds_dbname (str): The RDS database name.
- deploy_flask_app_rds_master_username (str): Username for the RDS instance.
- deploy_flask_app_rds_master_password (str): password for the RDS instance.
- deploy_flask_app_bastion_host_username (str): Username for the bastion host SSH user.
- deploy_flask_app_bastion_instance_id (str): The instance id of the virtual machine used as bastion.
- deploy_flask_app_bastion_ssh_private_key_path (path): The path to the ssh private key file to use to connect to the bastion host.
- deploy_flask_app_number_of_workers (int): Number of instances to create.
- deploy_flask_app_listening_port (int): Load balancer port.
- deploy_flask_app_force_init (bool): A boolean value True to force init the app and False to not force init.
- deploy_flask_app_config (dict): A dict of config parameterys for the app. env (str): Flask env. admin_user (str): App config's admin username. admin_password (str): App config's admin password. app_dir (str): App directory.
- role: aws_setup_credentials
This role takes care of adding the bastion host to the inventory and deploying the app. You can use the deploy_flask_app role after setting up the necessary resources.The resources required for using the app are
- RDS cluster and instances.
- A Bastion host.
- SSH key pair to connect to the host.
The setup of these resources needed for the app deployment can be done using a playbook similar to this playbook.
Deploy a simple flask app
name: Import Deploy Flask App Role hosts: localhost gather_facts: false
- name: Deploy app ansible.builtin.import_role: deploy_flask_app.yaml
name: Use Deploy Flask App Role hosts: localhost roles:
- role: cloud.aws_ops.deploy_flask_app vars:
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- Ansible Cloud Content Team