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README for End-to-End Automation Framework

Stack: Playwright over TypeScript
Repository Location: GitHub Repository

File Structure of the Testing Framework

Path Description
e2e-tests/playwright.config.ts Configuration file for Playwright, specifying settings for automating browser interactions in tests or scripts
e2e-tests/playwright/e2e Contains all the end-to-end (E2E) test suites and test cases
e2e-tests/playwright/e2e/plugins Contains all the dynamic plugins E2E test suites and test cases
e2e-tests/playwright/utils Utilities for easier test development, from UI interaction tasks to network requests
e2e-tests/playwright/support Contains helper files for Playwright, like custom commands and page objects
e2e-tests/playwright-report/index.html HTML report of the test execution
e2e-tests/test-results Contains video recordings of the executed test cases

Navigate to the E2E Tests Directory and Install Dependencies

From the root of the project directory, navigate to the e2e-tests directory:

cd e2e-tests
yarn install

Install Playwright Browsers

The Playwright browsers should be installed automatically via the postinstall script in package.json. If not, you can manually install them:

yarn playwright install chromium

Adding a Test

To incorporate a new test case, create a file with a .spec.ts extension in the e2e-tests/playwright/e2e directory. The tests within a spec file can run in parallel (by default) or sequentially if using the .serial modifier like in these examples. Note that sequential execution is considered a bad practice and is strongly discouraged. To add or edit a test, you should adhere to the contribution guidelines.

Running the Tests


To run the tests, ensure you have:

Environment Variables

Certain environment variables need to be set up, depending on what you intend to run. The most convenient way is to export them from the CLI or add them in your .bash_profile or .zshrc. Alternatively, they can be passed to Playwright via the --env flag:

# BASE_URL (The URL to the main page of the application) is mandatory to run all the E2E tests.
VAR_NAME=variable_value npx playwright test

The currently supported environment variables are:

Variable Name Description Required for Tests
BASE_URL The URL to the main page of the application All tests
GH_USER_ID Your GitHub username, required for logging in using GitHub Tests involving GitHub authentication
GH_USER_PASS Your GitHub password Tests involving GitHub authentication
GH_2FA_SECRET GitHub 2FA secret used to generate a 2FA OTP for login Tests involving GitHub authentication
GH_USER_TOKEN A classic GitHub token used to make API calls to GitHub Tests involving GitHub API interactions
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL Keycloak base URL Tests involving Keycloak authentication
KEYCLOAK_REALM Keycloak realm Tests involving Keycloak authentication
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID Keycloak client ID Tests involving Keycloak authentication
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET Keycloak client secret Tests involving Keycloak authentication

Running the Tests

The Playwright command line supports many options; see them here. Flags like --ui or --headed are very useful when debugging. You can also specify a specific test to run:

npx playwright test e2e-tests/playwright/e2e/your-test-file.spec.ts

Our project contains multiple test suites for different environments and configurations. Some useful scripts to run the tests:

yarn showcase                       # Runs the showcase test suite
yarn showcase-rbac                  # Runs the showcase RBAC test suite
yarn showcase-1-2-x                 # Runs the showcase 1.2.x test suite
yarn showcase-rbac-1-2-x            # Runs the showcase RBAC 1.2.x test suite

Setting Up Backstage Configuration During the Pipeline

app-config-rhdh.yaml is the configuration file used to add plugins or any other kind of configuration into Backstage during pipeline execution.

Environment Variables in configmap-app-config-rhdh.yaml

To use environment variables in configmap-app-config.yaml, you need to set the variables encoded as Base64 in the secrets-rhdh-secrets.yaml. You can use temporary values for the secrets because they can be replaced by the pipeline. Add the required environment variables as Base64-encoded values using secure properties.

To replace the values in secrets-rhdh-secrets.yaml, you need to create a replace function using the script. For example:

sed -i "s|KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL:.*|KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL: $KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL|g" $DIR/auth/secrets-rhdh-secrets.yaml

This command replaces the KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL value in the secrets file with the one provided in your environment variables.