To get started, first clone this repo:
cd $HOME
git clone
- To test locally:
cd $HOME/codestarter-2017/js
npm install
npm start
Access app using http://localhost:8080
- To build and deploy on OpenShift:
cd $HOME/codestarter-2017/js
oc login
oc new-project iotdemo
oc new-build --name dashboard --image nodejs:4 --strategy source --binary
oc start-build dashboard --from-dir=. --follow
oc new-app dashboard -e BROKER_HOSTNAME=<broker_host> -e BROKER_PORT=80 -e BROKER_USERNAME=<username> -e BROKER_PASSWORD=<password -e BROKER_TOPIC_PREFIX=<topic_prefix>
oc expose service dashboard
- To re-build and re-deploy after making changes:
cd $HOME/codestarter-2017/js
oc start-build dashboard --from-dir=. --follow