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The findings offer some of the clearest archaeological evidence demonstrating how...", "link": "https://newatlas.com/science/psychedelic-beer-history-wari-america-drugs/", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "Rich Haridy"}]}, "https://www.cbsnews.com/latest/rss/science": {"feed": {"title": "Science - CBSNews.com"}, "entries": []}, "https://www.cbsnews.com/latest/rss/space": {"feed": {"title": "Space - CBSNews.com"}, "entries": []}}, "Gadgets": {"https://www.emergentmind.com/feeds/rss": {"feed": {"title": "Emergent Mind Feed"}, "entries": []}}, "Food_Health": {"https://phys.org/rss-feed/biology-news/agriculture/": {"feed": {"title": "Agriculture news"}, "entries": [{"title": "Triggering parasitic plant 'suicide' to help farmers", "summary": "Parasitic weeds are ruthless freeloaders, stealing nutrients from crops and devastating harvests. But what if farmers could trick these invaders into self-destructing? Scientists at UC Riverside think they've found a way.", "link": "https://phys.org/news/2025-03-triggering-parasitic-suicide-farmers.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}]}}, "Nature": {"http://feeds.feedburner.com/DiscoverLivingWorld": {"feed": {"title": "Planet Earth | Discover Magazine"}, "entries": []}, "http://feeds.feedburner.com/DiscoverEnvironment": {"feed": {"title": "Environment | Discover Magazine"}, "entries": []}}, "Business": {}, "Foss_Self-hosting": {}, "History": {}, "News": {"https://www.livemint.com/rss/politics/": {"feed": {"title": "mint - politics"}, "entries": [{"title": "Transportation Secretary Slams NYC Subway, Pressures MTA", "summary": "US Transportation Secretary Sean Duffy intensified the Trump administration\u2019s criticism of New York City\u2019s subway system on Saturday, accusing Governor Kathy Hochul of neglecting safety and homelessness issues in the transit system.", "link": "https://www.livemint.com/politics/news/transportation-secretary-slams-nyc-subway-pressures-mta-11742677450895.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "US Senator Daines Meets China VP He With Trade Tensions High", "summary": "US Senator Steve Daines stressed his belief in \u201cconstructive dialogue\u201d during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng in Beijing that took place against a backdrop of heightened trade tensions between the world\u2019s two biggest economies.", "link": "https://www.livemint.com/politics/us-senator-daines-meets-china-vp-he-with-trade-tensions-high-11742636570471.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Trump\u2019s Makeover of US Diplomacy Leaves Many Allies at a Loss", "summary": "Before President Donald Trump took office for a second time, European officials thought they had him figured out. He was transactional, they said, a man motivated by a good deal.", "link": "https://www.livemint.com/politics/trumps-makeover-of-us-diplomacy-leaves-many-allies-at-a-loss-11742632139567.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "\u2018Jo bhi aankhein dikhayega...\u2019: Ajit Pawar warns those who intimidate \u2018Muslim brothers and sisters\u2019", "summary": "Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, \u201cI want to assure you that your brother Ajit Pawar is with you. Anyone who shows an eye to our Muslim brothers and sisters\u2026\u201d", "link": "https://www.livemint.com/politics/news/jo-bhi-aankhein-dikhayega-ajit-pawar-warns-those-who-intimidate-muslim-brothers-and-sisters-11742627826613.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "\u2018Khalnayak\u2019 Nitish Kumar's poster outside Rabri Devi's house in Bihar amid controversy over national anthem", "summary": "\u201cYes, I have insulted women, insulted Gandhiji, now insulted the national anthem; Yes, I am a villain,\u201d the poster on Nitish Kumar read.", "link": "https://www.livemint.com/politics/news/khalnayak-nitish-kumars-poster-outside-rabri-devis-house-in-bihar-amid-controversy-over-national-anthem-11742618014594.html", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}]}, "https://www.livemint.com/rss/industry": {"feed": {"title": "mint - industry"}, "entries": []}, "swarajyamag.com": {"feed": {"title": "swarajyamag.com"}, "entries": [{"title": "Army Subjected Indigenous Howitzer To 'Absurd Tests' While Still Keeping Door Open For Israel's ATHOS: Military Brass Still After 'Imported Toys'?", "summary": "<a href=\" target=\"_blank\">Army Subjected Indigenous Howitzer To 'Absurd Tests' While Still Keeping Door Open For Israel's ATHOS: Military Brass Still After 'Imported Toys'?</a> <font color=\"#6f6f6f\">", "link": 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Rs 78,672 Crore In Sales, Rs 14,963 Crore in Exports", "summary": "<a href=\" target=\"_blank\">Telecom PLI Scheme: Rs 4,081 Crore Invested By Beneficiaries, Rs 78,672 Crore In Sales, Rs 14,963 Crore in Exports</a> <font color=\"#6f6f6f\">", "link": "https://news.google.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?oc=5", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Pentagon Awards Boeing Contract For Sixth-Generation Air Dominance Fighter F-47, Successor To F-22 Raptor", "summary": "<a href=\" target=\"_blank\">Pentagon Awards Boeing Contract For Sixth-Generation Air Dominance Fighter F-47, Successor To F-22 Raptor</a> <font color=\"#6f6f6f\">", "link": "https://news.google.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?oc=5", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Vande Bharat Sleeper Train: Trials of First Prototype Completed, Commissioning Underway; 60 Rakes Provisioned For Production At ICF Chennai", "summary": "<a href=\" target=\"_blank\">Vande Bharat Sleeper Train: Trials of First Prototype Completed, Commissioning Underway; 60 Rakes Provisioned For Production At ICF Chennai</a> <font color=\"#6f6f6f\">", "link": "https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigAJBVV95cUxOc3pBU29hNk1MbUp3Z1dicHVtMGktdWNmM2RQT2xYcmJBS2xWYkpHdFktU0RxVWFYdGNpT0tITWJkVTV4Y1BwaTVWcGNXQmRwaUFpdHp6aDMtU1R6RTdHM2Y3TXRQVlVRZk1jNjk2eWY2WFpST21pTmxUQU12ZUhiM3R6Y3BJS0tDbHVEY1lCLUV0djVTSXdnNXZWdUVkemgyblRNc0tlZ1lMVHFweGdZdTV3SmVmT3hYbXBNN3FEVnlNWlRack9JUlVMY2ZhdTRSQ3hZLTlDSUtOM1lqNVJHMGtYQWh1SGZVMGRnNm1HejB6dDFvbFVOY3N2NFhFMlFj0gGQAkFVX3lxTE1GenZXYkR3Rld5WENaUTFhVGNGakdpM3B5WXRoMVY0RFlwWXR6Z0JoNnNhYW1SM0prVXpaSTBzUlhoSU9BcWpzZmx3WkRSbVVxNEFzNy1LWHMydFJFVnA5dGx6TXA1ZndYZGNEal9vX2kxSXdEUkVBOGZfU3VyWkV3c0d2TTFsRVpucTRYYnZTVVJJTU5WaGJJdU1uTDFrYl9tX00zV1hBd01KNkN2MGFtN2IyczdUOFZLMGFycEZuX2NqTnlzdEt5VzkzNG1kLUR4REpxN25mYk83YlplVFRvUE5RMzJ5RUhuVWlDT2tmWWdnSHFxOTd6cnlndG9tY3djMXRTQjZ4Y3FzZGVHX25F?oc=5", "published_js": "2025-03-22", "author": "None"}]}}, "Reddit": {"https://oauth.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/top": {"feed": {"title": "Reddit - TIL"}, "entries": [{"title": "TIL Beastie Boys won a lawsuit for company using their songs \"Girls\" without permission, then donated all to a charity that is STEM programs for females.", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/may/13/goldieblox-beastie-boys-girls-settlement", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL in 1914 student William Bowlus and several other upperclassmen entered a freshman's room to haze the occupants, however one of the five freshman in there shot Bowlus in the abdomen, killing him. But the men refused to identify which one had fired the shot and a grand jury declined to indict.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hazing_deaths_in_the_United_States#:~:text=May%2026%2C%201914,%5B48%5D", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL Rhode Island Hospital was fined $50,000 and reprimanded by the state Department of Health after brain surgery was performed on the wrong side of a patient's head three times in 2007. The state also ordered the hospital to develop a neurosurgery checklist that includes the location of the surgery", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/third-wrong-sided-brain-surgery-r-i-hospital-flna1c9463696", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL Sten Gustaf Thulin invented the plastic bag as a reusable and sustainable alternative to the deforestation caused by paper bags. He'd always carry his plastic bag in his pocket and envisioned everyone would carry and re-use their plastic bags wherever they'd go.", "summary": "", "link": "https://orionmagazine.org/article/plastic-bag-history/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL Astronauts' bones shed weight in Space, losing as much as 1.5% of their mineral density each month, and recover *most* of it back on Earth. Interestingly, astronauts with permanent mineral density loss don't seem to experience more bone fractures than normal", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.nasa.gov/humans-in-space/the-human-body-in-space/#:~:text=NASA%20has%20learned,is%20not%20higher", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL about Peter Belt, a British audiophile who sold unusual items that supposedly improved sound quality of hi-fi equipment, such as a \u00a315 paper clip with paranormal properties. He also promoted various ideas to improve sound quality, such as freezing compact discs and only using white cables.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Belt", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that in 1923, hyperinflation in Germany became so extreme that prices doubled every two days, eventually leading people to burn money because it was cheaper than buying firewood.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL in 2012, Spain\u2019s King Juan Carlos I went elephant hunting in Botswana. The trip was meant to be secret, but he was badly injured and needed a medical flight home. A scandal erupted over the cost\u2014and since he was an honorary president of the World Wildlife Fund at the time.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Carlos_I", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL Elephants are afraid of bees, so African farmers are putting beehives at the edge of their farms to keep elephants out", "summary": "", "link": "https://undertheskin.co.uk/journal/elephants-are-scared-of-bees/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that Bobby Caldwell was nominated for Best New Black Artist of the Year in 1979 by Billboard. Bobby did not win after they found out he was White. TI also Learned that Bobby was white.", "summary": "", "link": "http://www.loungecore.com/blog/bobby-caldwell-what-you-wont-do-for-love", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL Carrie Fisher gave a cow tongue to predatory producer", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41650345?", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that Pythagoras's bizzare fear of beans is scientifically attributed to the deficiency of an enzyme, Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase.", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/favism-why-pythagoras-didnt-eat-falafel.html#:~:text=Favism%20is%20an%20inherited%20deficiency%20of%20the%20enzyme,right%20triangle%20fame%29%20would%20never%20eat%20a%20falafel", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL When Rome fell into a grain shortage, M.Coriolanus suggested to weaponise the crisis and withhold aid from the starving plebs until some the recent pro popular reforms were rolled back. Following popular uproar the senate called him into a hearing, he refused to show up and was convicted", "summary": "", "link": "https://constitution.org/2-Authors/mac/disclivy1.htm#1:07", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that the \"Where do we go now?\" ending in Guns N' Roses' 'Sweet Child O' Mine' originated from the band actually being unsure how to complete that section of the song. Rose started saying to himself, \"Where do we go? Where do we go now?\" and Proffer suggested that he sing that.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweet_Child_o%27_Mine", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL the use of blinding laser weapons was outlawed under the 1995 Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons and prohibited the use of \u201claser weapons specifically designed, as their sole combat function or as one of their combat functions, to cause permanent blindness to unenhanced vision.\u201d", "summary": "", "link": "https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/ccw-protocol-iv/article-1", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined \ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf41", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.smallerearth.com/blog/interesting-facts-about-canada-that-will-blow-your-mind", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) currently under construction in Chile will have 15 times more light collecting surface than the largest optical telescope currently in use", "summary": "", "link": "https://elt.eso.org/about/faq/#question_15", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL In the Oneida Native American language, the word \"president\" translates to \"town destroyer\"", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.uwgb.edu/dictionary/EnglishToOneida.aspx", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that jellyfish rely on a network of nerve cells to sense their surroundings and coordinate movements, as they lack both a brain and a heart.", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/animals/jellyfish-function-without-heart-brain.html", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL that in the 19th century, photographers used a technique called \"combination printing\" to create seamless images by merging multiple negatives, allowing for artistic compositions and overcoming technical limitations of early photography.", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combination_printing?utm_source=chatgpt.com", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL the Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR) company's main competitor was Vanderbilt's New York Central Railroad which controlled the only rail access into Manhattan. In 1899 Alexander Cassatt came out of a 17 year retirement to head PRR and visited Paris where he was saw the first electric terminal.", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/the-rise-and-fall-of-penn-station-construction-penn-station/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "TIL \"thumb cats\" are cats with a condition where the cat is born with more than the usual number of toes on one or more of its paws", "summary": "", "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polydactyl_cat", "author": "None"}]}, "https://oauth.reddit.com/.json": {"feed": {"title": "Reddit - TIL"}, "entries": [{"title": "Gemma 3 training: embed_tokens, lm_head", "summary": "How do I train those layers that was in the llama families for Gemma 3 ?\n\nEnabling them in target\\_layers won't work it seems.", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/unsloth/comments/1jhifdc/gemma_3_training_embed_tokens_lm_head/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Rise of the white-collar NRI gives India hard power", "summary": "", "link": "https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/nri/latest-updates/rise-of-the-white-collar-nri-gives-india-hard-power/articleshow/119306309.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Pivoting from Teaching to Language Technology work", "summary": "I have a history in language learning and teaching (PhD in German Studies), but I'm trying to move in the direction of language technology. I've familiarized myself with python and pytorch and done numerous self-driven projects; I've customized a Mistral chatbot and added RAG, used RAG to enhance translation in LLM prompts, and put together a simple sentiment analysis Discord bot. I've been interested in NLP technologies for years, and I've been enjoying learning about them more and actually building things. My challenge is this: although I can do a lot with python and I'm learning more all the time, I don't have a computer science degree. I got stuck on a Wav2Vec2 finetuning project when I couldn't get my tensor inputs formatted in just the right way. I feel as though the expected input format wasn't clear in the documentation, but that's very likely because of my inexperience. My homebrew German-English translation Transformer project stalled when I realized my laptop wouldn't be able to train it within a decade. And of course, I can barely accomplish anything without lots of tutorials, googling, and attempts to get chatGPT to find the errors in my code (at which it often fails).\n\n\n\nIn short, my NLP and python skills are present and improving but half-baked in my estimation. I have a lot of experience with language learning and teaching, but I don't wish to continue relying on only those skills. Is there anyone on here who could give me advice on further NLP projects to purse that would help me improve, or even entry-level jobs I could pursue that would give me the opportunity to grow my skills? Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give.", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/LanguageTechnology/comments/1jhcdec/pivoting_from_teaching_to_language_technology_work/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Keyboard Remapper", "summary": "", "link": "https://github.com/Fajar-RahmadJaya/KeyTik", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Govt to let $23 bn PLI scheme, launched to rival China in manufacturing, lapse", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.firstpost.com/india/govt-to-let-23-bn-pli-scheme-launched-to-rival-china-in-manufacturing-lapse-report-13873460.html", "author": "None"}, {"title": "FuzzRush: Faster Fuzzy Matching Project", "summary": "# \ud83d\ude80 [Showcase] FuzzRush - The Fastest Fuzzy String Matching Library for Large Datasets \n\n## \ud83d\udd0d What My Project Does \nFuzzRush is a **lightning-fast fuzzy matching library** that helps **match and deduplicate strings** using **TF-IDF + sparse matrix operations**. Unlike traditional fuzzy matching (e.g., fuzzywuzzy), it is optimized for **speed and scale**, making it ideal for **large datasets** in **data cleaning, entity resolution, and record linkage**. \n\n## \ud83c\udfaf Target Audience \n- **Data scientists & analysts** working with messy datasets. \n- **ML/NLP practitioners** dealing with text similarity & entity resolution. \n- **Developers** looking for a scalable fuzzy matching solution. \n- **Business intelligence teams** handling customer/vendor name matching. \n\n## \u2696\ufe0f Comparison to Alternatives \n\n| Feature | FuzzRush | fuzzywuzzy | rapidfuzz | jellyfish | \n|--------------|---------|------------|-----------|-----------| \n| Speed \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 | \u2705 **Ultra Fast** (Sparse Matrix Ops) | \u274c Slow | \u26a1 Fast | \u26a1 Fast | \n| Scalability \ud83d\udcc8 | \u2705 **Handles Millions of Rows** | \u274c Not Scalable | \u26a1 Medium | \u274c Not Scalable | \n| Accuracy \ud83c\udfaf | \u2705 **High (TF-IDF + n-grams)** | \u26a1 Medium (Levenshtein) | \u26a1 Medium | \u274c Low | \n| Output Format \ud83d\udcdd | \u2705 **DataFrame, Dict** | \u274c Limited | \u274c Limited | \u274c Limited | \n\n## \u26a1 Why Use FuzzRush? \n\u2705 **Blazing Fast** \u2013 Handles **millions of records** in seconds. \n\u2705 **Highly Accurate** \u2013 Uses **TF-IDF** with **n-grams**. \n\u2705 **Scalable** \u2013 Works with large datasets effortlessly. \n\u2705 **Easy-to-Use API** \u2013 Get results in **one function call**. \n\u2705 **Flexible Output** \u2013 Returns **DataFrame or dictionary** for easy integration. \n\n## \ud83d\udccc How It Works \npython\nfrom FuzzRush.fuzzrush import FuzzRush \n\nsource = [\"Apple Inc\", \"Microsoft Corp\"] \ntarget = [\"Apple\", \"Microsoft\", \"Google\"] \n\nmatcher = FuzzRush(source, target) \nmatcher.tokenize(n=3) \nmatches = matcher.match() \nprint(matches)\n\n\ud83d\udc40 Check it out here \u2192[ \ud83d\udd17 GitHub Repo](\n\n\ud83d\udcac Would love to hear your feedback! Any feature requests or improvements? Let\u2019s discuss! \ud83d\ude80", "link": "https://github.com/omkumar40/FuzzRush", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Panic persists across Bangladesh as mob violence continues unabated - The Hind,u", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/panic-persists-across-bangladesh-as-mob-violence-continues-unabated/article69358350.ece", "author": "None"}, {"title": "RuntimeError: Unsloth: The file 'llama.cpp/llama-quantize' or 'llama.cpp/quantize' does not exist . Using newest version.", "summary": "This issue is occurring when trying to save the model in gguf format: \nmodel.save\\_pretrained\\_gguf(\"lama\\_3.2\\_SQL\", tokenizer)\n\nSearching the subreddit it is an issue that other users have mentioned. Since it is a seems to be a long running issue, i was wondering if it pertains to all models? \n\nMy main goal is to save it to gguf so that i can use it with ollama. Is there any way to circumvent saving to gguf (since regular model.save\\_pretrained(\"llama\\_3.2\\_SQL\") works). ", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/unsloth/comments/1jhc45d/runtimeerror_unsloth_the_file/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "An arbitrator banned the promotion of \u201cCareless people,\u201d a book written by an ex-Meta-Exec-turned-Whistleblower. It\u2019s now a bestseller.", "summary": "> The moment that an arbitrator (requested by Meta) slapped Wynn-Williams with a gag order, banning her from promoting her memoir, Careless People, he handed her the kind of publicity no book party could match. Suddenly, Careless People wasn\u2019t just another tech whistleblower book;\u00a0it was the book Mark Zuckerberg didn\u2019t want you to read, and for many, that\u2019s enough to recommend it. In the week following its release on March 11, Careless People hit the top of the Times best-seller list and sold 60,000 copies. It\u2019s selling out in New York bookstores and prominently displayed in the ones that still have it. The book has taken on an air of persecution, even scarcity \u2014 as much as something freely available on Amazon (it\u2019s now No. 3 on the Amazon best-seller list) can be called those things.", "link": "https://www.vulture.com/article/careless-people-sarah-wynn-williams-facebook-gag-order.html", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Changing the System Prompt in Unsloth GRPO", "summary": "Hello, I'm a student experimenting with GRPO using Unsloth. \nI have a question regarding the system prompt used in the notebook.\n\n[\n\nWhen I check the notebook, I see the system prompt is written like this:\n\n # Load and prep dataset\n SYSTEM_PROMPT = \"\"\"\n Respond in the following format:\n <reasoning>\n ...\n </reasoning>\n <answer>\n ...\n </answer>\n \"\"\"\n \n\nIs it possible to change this system prompt during training? \nOr is this format fixed and must always be followed?", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/unsloth/comments/1jh3dq9/changing_the_system_prompt_in_unsloth_grpo/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "I made a fetch tool to get food recipes", "summary": "", "link": "https://github.com/noahfraiture/foodfetch", "author": "None"}, {"title": "In 1984, Ryan White was diagnosed with AIDS that he contracted from a blood transfusion. When the 13-year-old tried to return to school in Kokomo, Indiana, hundreds of parents and teachers petitioned to have him removed, and his family was forced to leave town after a bullet was fired at their house", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1j4eboi", "author": "None"}, {"title": "India parliament panel asks government to cut tariffs to boost local manufacturing | Reuters", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-parliament-panel-asks-government-cut-tariffs-boost-local-manufacturing-2025-03-21/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "\ud83d\udd0d AI\u2019s Pulse: Daily Reddit AI Trends \u2013 What\u2019s Blowing Up Today?", "summary": "Hey r/coolgithubprojects! Recently, the ai news envolving so fast and I really got tired of hopping between AI subreddits trying to catch up, so I built a tool that tracks and ranks trending AI discussions across Reddit\u2014updated daily at 6 AM CDT\uff08report details in the readme\uff09\n\n\ud83d\udca1 What it does:\n\u2705 Scans r/singularity, r/LocalLLaMA, r/AI_Agents, r/LLMDevs, & more\n\u2705 Highlights today\u2019s hottest posts, weekly top discussions, and monthly trends\n\u2705 Uses DeepSeek R1 to spot emerging AI patterns\n\u2705 Supports English & Chinese for global AI insights\n\n\ud83d\udd25 Today\u2019s AI Highlights (March 21, 2025):\n\ud83d\ude80 SpatialLM is taking off! (742 upvotes on r/singularity) \u2013 The first LLM built for spatial reasoning\n\ud83d\udcb0 Intel\u2019s ex-CEO just called out NVIDIA, saying AI GPUs are \u201c10,000x Too Expensive\u201d\u2014hot take or facts?\n\ud83d\udd0e Claude\u2019s new web search is making waves\u2014game-changer or just hype?\n\n\ud83d\udd17 Check it out: \nWould love feedback! What AI trend are you most hyped about?", "link": "https://github.com/liyedanpdx/reddit-ai-trends", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Inside twisted 'Porta Potty' parties after OnlyFans model left for dead", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/inside-dubais-twisted-porta-potty-34912773", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Odisha's gold reserves span multiple districts, says mines minister Bibhuti Jena", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/odishas-gold-reserves-span-multiple-districts-says-mines-minister-bibhuti-jena-1868056", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Why is there no follow-up on Time Team discoveries.", "summary": "I'm re-watching Time Team again, and S2 E3, is about the discovery of a huge Roman building in Tockenham. There's a lot of discussion about scheduling the site, and not digging it up. In the end they're allowed to dig a trench at the end of day 3, but that's it. I looked up the site on English Heritage, and it is indeed scheduled, but after 30 years, NO-ONE has dug the site any further whatsoever!\n\n[\n\nWhy is this? Is there just too many potential sites to dig in the UK, that something like this doesn't warrant further investigation? Or was it simply that the site had been proven to be too robbed out to find anything useful about what it is was?\n\nI've followed up several of Time Team's expeditions, and it almost always seems that even when something interesting is found, nothing else ever is done.", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Archaeology/comments/1jh3ekn/why_is_there_no_followup_on_time_team_discoveries/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Charting a Course for Deeper India-Taiwan Cooperation", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.orfonline.org/research/charting-a-course-for-deeper-india-taiwan-cooperation", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Deendayal Port To Get Rs 57,000 Crore . Smart Port And Shipbuilding Upgrade", "summary": "", "link": "https://cargoinsights.co/deendayal-port-to-get-rs-57000-crore-smart-port-and-shipbuilding-upgrade/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Govt disburses Rs 14,020 crore in ten PLI schemes so far", "summary": "", "link": "https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/economy/policy/govt-disburses-rs-14020-crore-in-ten-pli-schemes-so-far/articleshow/119341321.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Federal judge orders Colorado district to return banned books to school libraries", "summary": "The order also prohibits the school board from removing books \u201cbecause the district disagrees with the views expressed therein or merely to further their preferred political or religious orthodoxy.\u201d", "link": "https://www.denverpost.com/2025/03/19/elizabeth-school-district-book-ban-aclu-lawsuit-preliminary-injunction/amp/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Getting Master's Degree in Archaeology from Geophysical Engineering?", "summary": "I\u2019m a final-year Geophysical Engineering student from Indonesia, currently working on my thesis about a geoarchaeological survey using GPR and ERT at a site near my university. My research aims to create a 3D model of the site, mapping features up to 6 meters in depth using electromagnetic wave and electrical resistivity responses (non-invasive methods).\n\nA few days ago, I had the opportunity to meet researchers from EFEO (\u00c9cole Fran\u00e7aise d'Extr\u00eame-Orient) who visited our site. During our conversation, one of them\u2014a fellow Indonesian\u2014shared that he had originally majored in English Literature before pursuing a master\u2019s degree in Archaeology at SOAS University of London. This opened a jar of hope for me, as I\u2019ve been obsessed with archaeology since childhood.\n\nNow that I know such a path is possible, I\u2019m seriously considering pursuing a master\u2019s degree abroad. However, the universities I\u2019m interested in (Leiden, Lund, Heidelberg) require a background in an archaeology-related bachelor\u2019s degree (BA). This raises a few concerns:\n\n1.How difficult would it be for someone with my background (BEng) to transition into archaeology at these institutions?\n\n2. Would my thesis be enough to strengthen my application?\n\n3. To what extent does my home country\u2019s academic and political landscape influence my chances of acceptance?\n\nI\u2019d really appreciate any insights or advice on this. Thank you!", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/Archaeology/comments/1jhnbeq/getting_masters_degree_in_archaeology_from/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "'Extremists given licence': MEA on worsened India-Canada ties", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.theweek.in/news/india/2025/03/21/extremists-given-license-mea-on-worsened-india-canada-ties.html", "author": "None"}, {"title": "HELP: conda installation failed", "summary": "followed the online docutment to create conda env, then pip install unsloth. Then there were conflicts. \n \nnvcc --version Cuda compilation tools, release 11.8, V11.8.89\n\n python -m bitsandbytes 1 \u21b5\n False\n \n ===================================BUG REPORT===================================\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please run\n \n python -m bitsandbytes\n \n \n warn(msg)\n ================================================================================\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: :/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64 did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n warn(msg)\n CUDA_SETUP: WARNING! libcudart.so not found in any environmental path. Searching in backup paths...\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n DEBUG: Possible options found for libcudart.so: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so')}\n CUDA SETUP: PyTorch settings found: CUDA_VERSION=124, Highest Compute Capability: 8.6.\n CUDA SETUP: To manually override the PyTorch CUDA version please see:\n CUDA SETUP: Required library version not found: libbitsandbytes_cuda124.so. Maybe you need to compile it from source?\n CUDA SETUP: Defaulting to libbitsandbytes_cpu.so...\n \n ================================================ERROR=====================================\n CUDA SETUP: CUDA detection failed! Possible reasons:\n 1. You need to manually override the PyTorch CUDA version. Please see: \"\n 2. CUDA driver not installed\n 3. CUDA not installed\n 4. You have multiple conflicting CUDA libraries\n 5. Required library not pre-compiled for this bitsandbytes release!\n CUDA SETUP: If you compiled from source, try again with make CUDA_VERSION=DETECTED_CUDA_VERSION for example, make CUDA_VERSION=113.\n CUDA SETUP: The CUDA version for the compile might depend on your conda install. Inspect CUDA version via conda list | grep cuda.\n ================================================================================\n \n CUDA SETUP: Something unexpected happened. Please compile from source:\n git clone \n cd bitsandbytes\n CUDA_VERSION=124\n python setup.py install\n CUDA SETUP: Setup Failed!\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 189, in _run_module_as_main\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 148, in _get_module_details\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 112, in _get_module_details\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/__init__.py\", line 6, in <module>\n from . import cuda_setup, utils, research\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/__init__.py\", line 1, in <module>\n from . import nn\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/nn/__init__.py\", line 1, in <module>\n from .modules import LinearFP8Mixed, LinearFP8Global\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/nn/modules.py\", line 8, in <module>\n from bitsandbytes.optim import GlobalOptimManager\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/optim/__init__.py\", line 6, in <module>\n from bitsandbytes.cextension import COMPILED_WITH_CUDA\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cextension.py\", line 20, in <module>\n raise RuntimeError('''\n RuntimeError:\n CUDA Setup failed despite GPU being available. Please run the following command to get more information:\n \n python -m bitsandbytes\n \n Inspect the output of the command and see if you can locate CUDA libraries. You might need to add them\n to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you suspect a bug, please take the information from python -m bitsandbytes\n and open an issue at: -m bitsandbytes 1 \u21b5\n False\n \n \n ===================================BUG REPORT===================================\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please run\n \n \n python -m bitsandbytes\n \n \n \n warn(msg)\n ================================================================================\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: :/usr/local/cuda-11.8/lib64 did not contain ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] as expected! Searching further paths...\n warn(msg)\n CUDA_SETUP: WARNING! libcudart.so not found in any environmental path. Searching in backup paths...\n /home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cuda_setup/main.py:167: UserWarning: Found duplicate ['libcudart.so', 'libcudart.so.11.0', 'libcudart.so.12.0'] files: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so')}.. We select the PyTorch default libcudart.so, which is {torch.version.cuda},but this might missmatch with the CUDA version that is needed for bitsandbytes.To override this behavior set the BNB_CUDA_VERSION=<version string, e.g. 122> environmental variableFor example, if you want to use the CUDA version 122BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122 python ...OR set the environmental variable in your .bashrc: export BNB_CUDA_VERSION=122In the case of a manual override, make sure you set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, e.g.export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-11.2\n warn(msg)\n DEBUG: Possible options found for libcudart.so: {PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so.11.0'), PosixPath('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/libcudart.so')}\n CUDA SETUP: PyTorch settings found: CUDA_VERSION=124, Highest Compute Capability: 8.6.\n CUDA SETUP: To manually override the PyTorch CUDA version please see:\n CUDA SETUP: Required library version not found: libbitsandbytes_cuda124.so. Maybe you need to compile it from source?\n CUDA SETUP: Defaulting to libbitsandbytes_cpu.so...\n \n \n ================================================ERROR=====================================\n CUDA SETUP: CUDA detection failed! Possible reasons:\n 1. You need to manually override the PyTorch CUDA version. Please see: \"\n 2. CUDA driver not installed\n 3. CUDA not installed\n 4. You have multiple conflicting CUDA libraries\n 5. Required library not pre-compiled for this bitsandbytes release!\n CUDA SETUP: If you compiled from source, try again with make CUDA_VERSION=DETECTED_CUDA_VERSION for example, make CUDA_VERSION=113.\n CUDA SETUP: The CUDA version for the compile might depend on your conda install. Inspect CUDA version via conda list | grep cuda.\n ================================================================================\n \n \n CUDA SETUP: Something unexpected happened. Please compile from source:\n git clone \n cd bitsandbytes\n CUDA_VERSION=124\n python setup.py install\n CUDA SETUP: Setup Failed!\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 189, in _run_module_as_main\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 148, in _get_module_details\n File \"<frozen runpy>\", line 112, in _get_module_details\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/__init__.py\", line 6, in <module>\n from . import cuda_setup, utils, research\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/__init__.py\", line 1, in <module>\n from . import nn\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/nn/__init__.py\", line 1, in <module>\n from .modules import LinearFP8Mixed, LinearFP8Global\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/research/nn/modules.py\", line 8, in <module>\n from bitsandbytes.optim import GlobalOptimManager\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/optim/__init__.py\", line 6, in <module>\n from bitsandbytes.cextension import COMPILED_WITH_CUDA\n File \"/home/someone/miniconda3/envs/unsloth_env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/bitsandbytes/cextension.py\", line 20, in <module>\n raise RuntimeError('''\n RuntimeError:\n CUDA Setup failed despite GPU being available. Please run the following command to get more information:\n \n \n python -m bitsandbytes\n \n \n Inspect the output of the command and see if you can locate CUDA libraries. You might need to add them\n to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If you suspect a bug, please take the information from python -m bitsandbytes\n and open an issue at: ", "link": "https://www.reddit.com/r/unsloth/comments/1jh5wmc/help_conda_installation_failed/", "author": "None"}, {"title": "Russian economy in freefall as mortgage costs soar and mass layoffs hit firms", "summary": "", "link": "https://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/russian-economy-freefall-mortgage-costs-34869686", "author": "None"}]}}, "Sport": {}};