Embedded systems
Maximum Power Point Tracker
https://www.instructables.com/id/ARDUINO-SOLAR-CHARGE-CONTROLLER-Version-30/ https://microcontrolere.wordpress.com/2016/12/16/mppt-solar-charger/ https://hackaday.io/project/4613-arduino-mppt-solar-charge-controller https://web.archive.org/web/20130430163911/http://www.timnolan.com/index.php?page=arduino-ppt-solar-charger
Atmel SAMD21 https://github.com/adafruit/asf4 https://cdn-shop.adafruit.com/product-files/2772/atmel-42181-sam-d21_datasheet.pdf ATSAMD21G18A - 256K flash, 32k ram, 48pin TQFP, $3.20/ea ATSAMD21J18 - 256K flash, 32k ram, 64 pin TQFP, $3.40/ea
U2F bootloader (probably not useful): https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-metro-m4-express-featuring-atsamd51/uf2-bootloader-details
I2C is through a "SERCOM" Serial Communication Interface https://learn.adafruit.com/using-atsamd21-sercom-to-add-more-spi-i2c-serial-ports
The G and J version have 6 of these SERCOMs, the E version only has 4
1.62V – 3.63V operating voltage
Feather M0 using the SAMD21:
Schematic: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/028/801/original/adafruit_products_M0SCHEM.png
Board layout: https://cdn-learn.adafruit.com/assets/assets/000/028/802/original/adafruit_products_m0fab.png
Github with eagle files: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Feather-M0-Basic-Proto-PCB
SMD SWD header: FTSH-105-01-L-DV-007-K
THT SWD header: FTSH-105-01-L-D-007-K
pinout: https://test.embeetle.com/#hardware/probe-conn/10pin-cortex-db
Using TCC for PWM
The counter frequency is GCLK/(N * PER) where N is the prescaler division and PER is the max value to
count up to (wraps around from max value to 0)
E.g. if there is no prescaler N = 1. The value of PER will also dictate duty cycle resolution
To have at least 1000 duty cycle divisions PER must be at least 1000
With an 8MHz GCLK the counter freq will then be 8MHz/(1*1024) = 8KHz
Vice Versa, if you want a 50kHz counter freq then 50kHz = 8MHz/PER
PER then equals 160
For a 48MHz GCLK a 50kHz counter freq would result from PER of 960
Current requirement:
CPU running at more or less max at a higher temp is about 7mA absolute worst case
I2C running in standard mode requires 3mA worst case to output a low
Other peripherals (FET PWM, etc) are probably under a couple mA.
Status LEDs? probably a good idea to add two or three. 1mA each
Total: 7+3+3+3 = 16mA for the micro and LEDs
Status LEDs: about 1.8V Vf at 1mA for yellow and green 3.3V supply (3.3V-1.8V)/0.001 = 1.5k
Current/Voltage Monitor: INA233 https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ina233.pdf I2C 0-36V common mode input 2.7V to 5.5V supply (perfect!) Can read both shunt voltage (current) as well as bus voltage, so no other ADC or scaling is needed
10mOhm shunt resistor used
I2C stuff:
can run from 10kHz to 400kHz
100kHz seems like a nice middle ground
pull up resistors:
Rmin = (Vcc-Vol)/Iol = (3.3-0.4)/3mA = 1kOhm
Rmax = tr/(0.8473Cb), tr = 1us, Cb = 400pF
Rmax = 2950 Ohms
The faster we want the bus the lower the pull up resistors should be
1.5k is a pretty good value that I have
Seems like 1.5k may be a bit too strong of a pull up:
Most people go with 4.7k to 10k as a first guess
It is likely that the Cb value of 400pF is way, way too high for this situation
Current requirement:
310uA typical for each
Let's say 1mA for the two of them
solar panel https://github.com/VoltaicEngineering/Solar-Panel-Drawings/blob/master/Voltaic%20Systems%202W%206V%20112x136mm%20DRAWING%20CURRENT%202017%207%2020.pdf about 2W max Isc = 370mA Imp = 340mA Voc = 7.7V Vmp = 6.5V
Switching transistor: https://datasheet.octopart.com/BSS806NEH6327XTSA1-Infineon-datasheet-47941179.pdf BSS806NE N-Channel fet, good for low side switching, not so good for high side (which is what is needed for a buck converter) Can use a fet controller to still use this about 40mOhm with 2.5Vgs With max current of 370mA from solar panel power dissipation of .37^2 * .04 = 5.5mW dissipation
P-Channel, ~40mOhm at Vgs = -3.3V
If we drive this transistor at 50kHz and want transitions 10 times that we need Qg/(1/(50kHz*10))A of current = 21nC/(2us) = 10.5mA https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=21nC%2F%281%2F%2850khz*10%29%29
Since the solar panel is max ~7V we won't be able to turn this transistor off directly from the microcontroller
Gate drivers (maybe not necessary): https://www.digikey.com/products/en/integrated-circuits-ics/pmic-gate-drivers/730?FV=4500405%2C4500481%2C45004f7%2C450016d%2C450151d%2C450023c%2C450023d%2C4500250%2C1e300005%2C1e300007%2Cffe002da&quantity=10&ColumnSort=1000011&page=1&stock=1&pageSize=25 Definitely necessary as the samd21 output won't be high enough voltage to turn off a P-Channel FET switching 7V
Almost perfect for this application (Driver voltage is typically about 8.7V from a 3.3V supply)
A bit higher drive voltage, but $8/ea!
Look for gate drivers that are 5V powered.
There are almost no lower cost options for 3.3V.
This will require a 5V boost converter from the SMPS/battery, but this is useful for powering the curiosity dev board anyhow.
5V supply
can drive up to 3nF gate capacitance
Synchronous buck, so has two NFET drivers with auto deadtime adjustments
Bootstrap cap can provide gate voltages of up to 9V above high side FET source
Works with a 3.3V PWM input
About 2mA max supply current
Cboot > Qgs/deltaVboot
Cboot = 3nC/5V = 600pF (a lower cap value is ok, higher and we're pushing the limits of the BSS806N)
Cboot = 3nC/3V = 1nF
MPPT Algorithm Peturb and observe flowchart: https://microcontrolere.files.wordpress.com/2019/03/po-algorithm.png
Battery Charge up to 4.2V Using a 3000mAh battery, .5C charge rate is 1.5A, way too high Absolute max out from the panel is about 2.2W, 2.2W/4.2V ~ 500mA So we need to add current limiting to about 500mA If we don't do this the buck converter will enter discontinuous mode due to the inductor fully draining and having negative current. This is not great.
Battery connector will follow adafruit standards and use a JST PH-2.0 with pin 1 being +V and pin 2 being GND.
Buck converter f = 50kHz Worst case Vin/Vout values: Vin = 7.7V (Voc of 2W solar panel) Vout = 2.5V (fully discharged battery) Iload = 500mA R = Vout/Iload = 5ohms D = Vout/Vin = 0.325 Lmin = (1-D)R/(2f) = 0.675*5/100000 = 33.75uH.
Best case Vin/Vout:
Vin = 6V
Vout = 4.2
Iload = 500mA
R = Vout/Iload = 8.4ohms
D = Vout/Vin = 0.7
Lmin = (1-D)R/2f = 0.3*8.4/100000 = 25.2uH
33.75uH > 25.2uH, so use anything gretaer than 33.75uH
I have PM3316-151M-RC stocked which is 150uH and good up to 800mA, way more than enough! 540mOhm of series resistance though.
Capacitor selection:
Preferably would like to keep voltage ripple below about 20mV
deltaV/V = 0.02/4.2 = 0.0047 (0.47% ripple)
C = (1-D)/(8L*(deltaV/V)*f^2) = 0.325/(8*150*10^-6*0.0047*50000^2)
= 0.325/(0.0012*0.0047*2500000000)
= 0.325/(14100)
= 23uF
Using a smaller inductor, L = 47uH:
C = 0.325/(8*47*10^-6*0.0047*50000^2)
= 0.325/(0.000376*0.0047*2500000000)
= 0.325/4418
= 73.5uF
Ripple due to capacitor ESR:
33uH lowest inductor value
Vin = 7.7V worst case
Vout = 2.5V worst case
inductor ripple current = Vout(1-D)/(Lf)
= 2.5(1-0.325)/(33*10^-6*50000)
= 2.5*0.675/1.65
= 1A
Vout,ESR = inductor ripple current*ESR = 1*0.022 = 22mV (with a good polymer electrolytic)
Use 16SVPF270M (270uF, 16V, 0.022Ohm ESR) for bulk capacitance
Use EMK212ABJ106MG-T (10uF, 16V ceramic) to reduce ESR ripple
Cin to smooth the current drawn from the solar panel:
Page 16 of https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/43046/8/08_chapter3.pdf
Cin = Ipv*Ton/deltaVc
Ipv = about 400mA max
Ton = 1/50kHz worst case = 20us
A reasonable deltaVc (ripple voltage) is probably 100mV?
Cin = (.4A*20us)/.1V = 80uF
3.3V Rail: 16mA for micro and LEDS 1mA for the INA233s together 3mA for I2C drive current
Total around 20mA max
LT3080 drives 10uA through a resistor to generate a reference voltage for output
3.3V = R*10uA => R = 330k
2.2uF low ESR cap minimum output for LT3080
Curiosity board/PIC16F1619: Run as I2C slave mode: https://www.microchip.com/forums/m920858.aspx