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Revar Desmera edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 10 revisions

Snap-together joiners

These joiners are useful for making snap-together parts.


Creates a shape used to clear a volume to prepare to place a half_joiner() or half_joiner2()

Arg What it is
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
clearance Extra side clearance for joiner. (default 0)


difference() {
    cube(size=50, center=true);
    half_joiner_clear(h=50, w=10, clearance=2);


Creates a joiner shape that is designed to mate with a half_joiner2() shape.

Arg What it is
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
l Length extended from the back of the joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
screwsize Size of screwhole through the joiner. (default none)
guides If true (default), add guides to center mating of joiners.
slop Slight adjustment spacing to allow for vagarities of various printers.


union() {
    difference() {
        cube(size=50, center=true);
        half_joiner_clear(h=50, w=10, clearance=2);
    half_joiner(h=50, w=10, l=10, screwsize=3);


Creates a joiner shape that is designed to mate with a half_joiner() shape.

Arg What it is
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
l Length extended from the back of the joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
screwsize Size of screwhole through the joiner. (default none)
guides If true (default), add guides to center mating of joiners.
slop Slight adjustment spacing to allow for vagarities of various printers.


union() {
    difference() {
        cube(size=50, center=true);
        half_joiner_clear(h=50, w=10, clearance=2);
    half_joiner2(h=50, w=10, l=10, screwsize=3);


Creates a shape used to clear a volume to prepare to place a joiner().

Arg What it is
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
clearance Extra side clearance for joiner. (default 0)


difference() {
    cube(size=50, center=true);
    joiner_clear(h=50, w=10, clearance=2);


Creates a joiner shape that is designed to mate with another rotated joiner() shape.

Arg What it is
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
l Length extended from the back of the joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
screwsize Size of screwhole through the joiner. (default none)
guides If true (default), add guides to center mating of joiners.
slop Slight adjustment spacing to allow for vagarities of various printers.


union() {
    difference() {
        cube(size=50, center=true);
        joiner_clear(h=50, w=10, clearance=2);
    joiner(h=50, w=10, l=10, screwsize=3);


Creates shapes used to clear a volume to prepare to place a joiner_pair().

Arg What it is
spacing Spacing along X axis between the pair of joiners.
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
clearance Extra side clearance for joiner. (default 0)


difference() {
    cube(size=50, center=true);
    joiner_pair_clear(spacing=40, h=50, w=10, clearance=2);


Creates a pair of joiner shapes that are designed to mate with another joiner_pair().

Arg What it is
spacing Spacing along X axis between the pair of joiners.
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
l Length extended from the back of the joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
screwsize Size of screwhole through the joiner. (default none)
guides If true (default), add guides to center mating of joiners.
slop Slight adjustment spacing to allow for vagarities of various printers.


union() {
    difference() {
        cube(size=50, center=true);
        joiner_pair_clear(spacing=40, h=50, w=10, clearance=2);
    joiner_pair(spacing=40, h=50, w=10, l=10, screwsize=3);


Creates shapes used to clear a volume to prepare to place a joiner_quad().

Arg What it is
xspacing Spacing along X axis between pairs of joiners.
yspacing Spacing along Y axis between opposing pairs of joiners.
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
clearance Extra side clearance for joiner. (default 0)


difference() {
    cube(size=50, center=true);
    joiner_quad_clear(xspacing=40, yspacing=50, h=50, w=10, clearance=2);

joiner_quad(xspacing=100, yspacing=50, h=40, w=10, l=10, a=30, screwsize=undef, guides=true)

Creates two pairs of opposing joiner shapes that are designed to mate with other joiner_pair()s.

Arg What it is
xspacing Spacing along X axis between pairs of joiners.
yspacing Spacing along Y axis between opposing pairs of joiners.
h Height of joiner.
w Width of joiner.
l Length extended from the back of the joiner.
a Overhang angle of joiner in degrees. (default 30)
screwsize Size of screwhole through the joiner. (default none)
guides If true (default), add guides to center mating of joiners.
slop Slight adjustment spacing to allow for vagarities of various printers.


union() {
    difference() {
        cube(size=50, center=true);
        joiner_quad_clear(xspacing=40, yspacing=50, h=50, w=10, clearance=2);
    joiner_quad(xspacing=40, yspacing=50, h=50, w=10, l=10, screwsize=3);
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