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Revar Desmera edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 10 revisions

Rendering for wiring bundles


hex_offset_ring(wirediam, lev=0)

Returns an array of 1 or 6 2D points that form a ring, based on wirediam and ring lev. Level 0 returns a single point at 0,0. All greater levels return 6 points.

hex_offsets(wires, wirediam)

Returns an array of 2D centerpoints for each of a bundle of wires of given diameter.



Returns a 3D object representing a bundle of wires that follow a given path, with the corners filleted to a given radius. There are 17 base wire colors. If you have more than 17 wires, colors will get re-used.

Arg What it is
path The 3D polyline path that the wire bundle should follow.
wires The number of wires in the wiring bundle.
wirediam The diameter of each wire in the bundle.
fillet The radius that the path corners will be filleted to.
wirenum The first wire's offset into the color table.
bezsteps The corner fillets in the path will be converted into this number of segments.


wiring([[50,0,-50], [50,50,-50], [0,50,-50], [0,0,-50], [0,0,0]], fillet=10, wires=13);
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