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Revar Desmera edited this page Sep 15, 2015 · 77 revisions

Bill Of Materials

Required Tools

You will need the following tools to assemble this printer.

Qty Description
1 Multimeter for checking wiring.
1 Soldering iron.
1 Small rubber mallet to help convince some parts to join.
1 Mineral oil for lubrication.
1 Fine grit sandpaper to clean up the rails.
1 Optional cyanoacrylate glue. (super-glue)


You'll need controller electronics to drive the Snappy. Here's what I recommend. Prices given are based on what I found on Amazon with a cursory search. All parts found had free shipping options. All costs are in US Dollars.

Qty Description Total Cost
1 Power Supply, 120W. (300W w/ Heated Bed) ~$20
1 Controller electronics. (RAMPS1.4+2560+Pololus) ~$45
3 Mechanical microswitch end-stops and wiring. ~$ 5
5 NEMA17 Stepper Motors, 40mm length, 1m cable ~$65
1 J-Head Extruder hot end w/heater, thermistor. ~$32
2 40mm 12v 2-pin cooling fan. ~$ 4
1m Wire, dual conductor, 22 gauge, stranded ~$ 1
1 Heated Build Platform. (optional) ~$ 9


You'll need the following Hardware to build the cartesian frame:

Qty Description Total Cost
2.4Kg Plastic Filament. (@ $35/Kg) ~$85
1 | Extruder Drive Gear                            |       ~$ 4
1 | 686 bearing.                                   |       ~$ 1
1 | Borosilicate glass build platform. (213x200mm) |       ~$22
4 | Mini binder clips.                             |       ~$ 3

Total Cost

Not counting shipping costs, time, and labor.

  • ~$287 without Heated Bed.
  • ~$305 with Heated Bed.

Printed Parts

Recommended slicer settings:

  • 3 perimeters layers
  • 3 top and bottom layers
  • 0.3 or smaller layer height
  • 20% or better infill
  • No support necessary
  • No Raft or brim necessary

You will need to print out the following parts:

Qty Name Image Typical Print Time
1 Slop Calibrator (download) 1:10
2 Rail Motor Segment (download) 4:01
1 Drive Gears (download) 0:47
1 Motor Mount Plates (download) 3:45
10 Rail Segment (download) 5:04
8 Slider Sled (download) 3:32
2 X-Y Joiner (download) 2:12
4 Sled Endcap (download) 1:33
1 Platform Supports (download) 1:56
3 Rail Endcap (download) 2:12
2 Y-Z Bottom Joiner (download) 5:20
4 Support Legs (download) 1:35
2 Z Joiner (download) 3:40
1 J-Head Extruder Platform (download) 4:49
1 Extruder Motor Clip (download) 1:22
1 Extruder Idler & Latch (download) 0:32
1 Extruder Fan Shroud (download) 0:52
1 Extruder Fan Clip (download) 0:27
1 Cooling Fan Shroud (download) 0:44
1 Spool Holder (download) 3:39
2 Cable Chain Links (download) 3:56
1 Cable-Chain Mounts (download) 1:29

And one of the following motherboard mounts, depending on which electronics you use:

Qty Name Image Typical Print Time
1 RAMPS MotherBoard Mount (download) 3:47
1 RAMBo MotherBoard Mount (download) 3:39
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