- Achieved research grant of 5,000€ for Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Award 2023.
- Co-acquired research grant of NFDI4DataScience worth 5M€.
- Co-acquired BMBF grant worth 5M€ for the German-French joint project Crypto4GraphAI project
- Achieved research grant for best paper award of worth 500€ for best paper award at IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA), Sydney, Australia, October 2020.
- Research grant worth 1,500€ for ICT Young Researcher award at RWTH Aachen University, November 2020
- Received Kyung Hee University President Scholarship of worth 6,000€ spanning over 2 years (2010 - 2012).
- Received Digital Ocean Cloud Computing Research grant worth 960€ for hosting computing infrastructure for bachelor and master thesis at RWTH Aachen University.