- Clone this Repo
- Change the toml config in the traefik-config-map.yaml
- Apply Kustomization
- For kubectl version 1.15 and above run
kubectl apply -k traefik
- Download and install Kustomize then run
kustomize build traefik | kubectl apply -f -
- For kubectl version 1.15 and above run
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout certs/tls.key -out certs/tls.crt -subj "/CN=minikube/O=minikube"
To generate a password use
htpasswd -mbc pass.txt admin <password>
after that a file named pass.txt will be generated with data like admin:$apr1$zpOqYFVD$o/XegU9IaRjVrRQkrbvKp.
Simply copy this and replace what's available in the users array of the toml file