This is Script of WhatsApp multi device, working with @whiskeysockets/baileys
- [✓] Easy to maintenance
- [✓] Support Multi-Device Connection
- [✓] Simple Base
- [✓] Connect with Pairing-Code
- [✓] Ai Features
npm install
npm start
use pairing code
node system/index.js --pairing
export default {
name: "", // plugins name, tampilkan menu, support array
command: [""],
tags: [""], // tags, tags plugins untuk menu// commad unutuk plugins
use: "", // Ini Buat Example,
run: async (m, { conn, usedPrefix, command }) => { // panggil saja apa yang kamu butuhkan
// code kamu di sini
owner: false, // ubah true Jika khusus owner,
group: false, // ubah true jika Khusus group,
private: false, // ubah true jika khusus private chat
admin: false, // ubah true jika khusus admin
botAdmin: false, // ubah true jika bot harus admin
bot: false, // // ubah true jika khusus bot
premium: false, // ubah true jika khusus premium
Allah SWT,
Orang Tua,
Semua yang selalu mendukung
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code, but you must include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the project or substantial portion of it.
Special thanks to the contributors and libraries used in building this WhatsApp bot.
Happy coding! 🚀