- criticalKernelsThinning3D: new option to keep the resulting image domain equal to the input image (instead using the resulting bouding box set). (Bertrand Kerautret #431)
- heightfield2shading: new option to add a matcap rendering (from normal direction interpreted as HSV vector) (Bertrand Kerautret #399)
- New cmake option (DGTAL_RANDOMIZED_BUILD_THRESHOLD) to set the (approximated) % of tools build (Bertrand Kerautret #416)
- Fix itk2vol and fix ITK cmake configuaration that was making issues with the ITK image read. (Bertrand Kerautret #393)
- Travis: Fix old default osx_image with xcode12.2 and remove non used boost cmake references. (Bertrand Kerautret #394)
- Uniform input/output option with previous use of CLI11 (issue #405). (Bertrand Kerautret #406)
- Comply with cmake Policy CMP0115 "Source file extensions must be explicit". (Bertrand Kerautret and David Coeurjolly, #407)
- 3dVolViewer: improvement of the possibility to read input image of type double (with ITK).
New possibility to select the voxel in order to display image intensity.
(Bertrand Kerautret #402) - 3dVolBoundaryViewer: fix compilation issue (related to CLI11 change) when ITK is activated. (Bertrand Kerautret #395)
- 3dVolViewer: improvement of the possibility to read input image of type double (with ITK).
New possibility to select the voxel in order to display image intensity.
- volReSample: it can now export image including ITK image spacing. (Bertrand Kerautret #404)
- New way to handle command line options of DGtalTools by using CLI11 instead boost program option. (Bertrand Kerautret and Phuc Ngo #373)
- Fix issue of link with boost program option. (Bertrand Kerautret #356)
- set cmake based CPP11 check instead the manual DGtal check. (Bertrand Kerautret #364)
- Travis: Fix broken Eigen url. Update Eigen in travis to 3.3.7. (Pablo Hernandez and Bertrand Kerautret #373)
- Add a variant of Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional for image restoration and inpainting, using Laplacian of discontinuity function instead of gradient and based on discrete calculus. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud #363)
- fix ld boost program options macos warnings. (Bertrand Kerautret #366)
- curvatureScaleSpaceBCC: better use of exportFile with template specialisation. (Bertrand Kerautret, #375)
- Passing argument by const reference in (min|max|mean)Val of volSubSample. (Roland Denis, #359)
- Using SourceForge to download doxygen sources during Travis CI jobs. (Roland Denis #360)
- volMask: new tool to extract a new image from the a masked image. (Jonas Lamy and Bertrand Kerautret 374)
- volAddBorder: Add an option that sets zero value to domain boundary voxels without changing the domain extent (Bertrand Kertautret #371)
- Fix a wrong error message that appears when using the tool (wrong IO error) (Bertrand Kerautret #368)
- 3dParametricCurveDigitizer - a tool for digitization of 3D parametric curves (Kacper Pluta, #341)
- Continuous integration AppVeyor fix. (Bertrand Kerautret, #337).
- Fix PointVector implicit conversion (in link to DGtal PR #1345) (Bertrand Kerautret and David Coeurjolly #347)
- Fix Documentation nightly update on github website. (Bertrand Kerautret #348)
- CMake exposes boost static option. (Bertrand Kerautret #351)
- Fix compilation and execution with Visual Studio for volSurfaceRegularization. (Raphael Lenain #353)
- New tool to fill the interior of a voxel set (volFillInterior). (David Coeurjolly,#343).
- Update Critical Kernels thinning using VoxelComplex, following recent changes in DGtal. (Pablo Hernandez, #345)
- New option for 3dCurveTangentEstimator which allows to detect the principal curve direction (Kacper Pluta, #342)
- mesh2vol: add option to add margin in the generated volume
(to better extract the surfel boudary near domain limits).
(Bertrand Kerautret, #322) - vol2vox/vox2vol: tools to convert vol file to a MagicaVoxel VOX file and conversly. (David Coeurjolly, #314)
- volAddNoise moved to
. (David Coeurjolly, #300) - segfault fix in volBoundary2obj (David Coeurjolly, #317)
- Fix the bad surfel display of volBoundary2obj (issue #320) (Bertrand Kerautret, #321)
- mesh2vol: add option to add margin in the generated volume
(to better extract the surfel boudary near domain limits).
- new option to volAddNoise to extract the largest 6-connected component. (David Coeurjolly, #300)
- new option to 3dVolMarchingCubes to add some Kanungo noise to the input vol file. (David Coeurjolly, #300)
- Add thinning based of Critical Kernels using VoxelComplex. Based on DGtal PR 1147 (Pablo Hernandez, #311)
New tool for mesh voxelization from a mesh in input (.off) to a volumetric output (vol, pgm3d) (Monir Hadji, #279
2dCompImage : Computes and displays image comparisons (squared and absolute differences) (Bertrand Kerautret, #313)
Improve visualisation tools (vol2heightfield, vol2obj, vol2raw, vol2sdp, vol2slice,volBoundary2obj,3dImageViewer, 3dVolViewer, sliceViewer, Viewer3DImage) allowing to read longvol including rescaling. (Bertrand Kerautret, #296)
Add an option to filter vector displayed in 3dSDPViewer. (Bertrand Kerautret, #297)
meshViewer: add an option to set the ambient light source. (Bertrand Kerautret, #303)
3dSDPViewer: new option to display vector field as unit vectors. (Bertrand Kerautret, #301)
- sdp2vol: add the automatic set of the domain according to the bouding box of the set of points. (Bertrand Kerautret, #305)
- Creates imageProcessing directory. Add tools for doing image restoration and inpainting with Ambrosio-Tortorelli functional and discrete calculus. (Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Marion Foare #280)
- Add SnapShot option for meshViewer and 3dVolViewer (useful to get visualisation without interaction like for scripting and/or online demonstration). It also contains a new option to display a mesh in 3DvolViewer. (Bertrand Kerautret, #282)
- Add an option to display vector fields in displayContours (Bertrand Kerautret, #290)
- 2dlocalEstimators: add an option to export the generated contour. (Bertrand Kerautret, #285)
- tangentBC: add an option to read sdp points as input. (Bertrand Kerautret, #285)
- volSurfaceRegularization: a tool to compute a regularized quadrangulation from from a digital surface. (Pierre Gueth, David Coeurjolly, #306)
- fix wrong Khalimsky space initialization in Freeman2Img. (Roland Denis, #271)
- doxygen documentation added for all tools. (David Coeurjolly, Bertrand Kerautret, #258)
- fix uses of temporaries when ConstAlias is needed. (Roland Denis, #253)
- renaming of the shapeGenerator folder to generators (David Coeurjolly, #268))
meshViewer: add a key to display mesh information about number of vertex/faces. (Bertrand Kerautret, #273)
3dSDPViewer: fix the mesh display which was not given with their original colors. (Bertrand Kerautret, #272)
3dSDPViewer: add the possibility to display a set of point by using different sphere sizes (specified in the input sdp file). (Bertrand Kerautret, #252)
sliceViewer: fix bug when imported image domain doesn't contain (0,0,0) point. (Roland Denis, #256)
3dSDPViewer: add an option to display on screen the selected voxel. (Bertrand Kerautret, #257)
- fix reading options bug in volCComponentCounter and sdp2vol. (Bertrand Kerautret, #254)
- img2freeman: new option to sort the resulting contours by increasing size (B. Kerautret).
meshViewer: new possibility to display a vector field from a simple sdp file (B. Kerautret).
3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorByThickening: a tool to visualize 3d polynomial implicit surface defined as some f(x,y,z)=0. Its principle is to thickened the set {f=0} as {|f|<=e}, to extract an associated cubical complex, then to collapse it to capture the correct topology of {f=0}. Afterwards, the complex is projected onto f=0 with Newton's method. (J.-O. Lachaud)
3dImplicitSurfaceExtractorBy4DExtension: a tool to visualize 3d polynomial implicit surface defined as some f(x,y,z)=0. Its principle is to extend f as a 4D function F(x,y,z,t)=0 (for instance F=f-|nabla f|t). This 4d hypersurface is easier to detect. It is transformed into 4D cubical complex, that is then collapsed to capture the correct topology of {f=0}. Afterwards, the complex is projected in 3D onto f=0 with Newton's method. (J.-O. Lachaud)
- homotopicThinning3D: the fixed points can be set from a file. (B. Kerautret)
- Qt prog can now handle Qt5
- meshViewer: fix to display mesh with colored faces (.off with colors).
- 3dCurvatureViewer/Noise: can now be used without QGLViewer if exporting data.
- 3dCurvatureViewer/Noise:
- can now be used without QGLViewer if exporting data (Jérémy Levallois).
- can now export II based normal vector field (Jérémy Levallois, David Coeurjolly).
- 3dImageViewer: now display the current moving axis which was selected and display the slice numbers (can be disabled by key M).
- sliceViewer: fix the bug when displaying vol with non 0 origin point.
- itk2vol: convert any image of itk format (mhd, mha, ...) to vol (available with the itk option in DGtal).
- sliceViewer: can now display 3d image with predefined color map (hue, gradient).
- volIntensityScale: a simple tool to apply a linear scale of the intensity given in a volumetric file.
- vol2heightfield: a new tool to transform volumetric file into 2D heightmap.
- heightfield2vol: a new tool to transform 2D heightmap into volumetric file.
- imgAddNoise: a new tool to add noise (Kanungo's) to a binary 2D object
- volAddNoise: a new tool to add noise (Kanungo's) to a binary 3D object
- heightfield2shading: a new tool to render a 2D heightfield image into a shading one.
- mesh2heightfield: new tool to convert a mesh file into a 2D heightmap (from a normal direction N and from a starting point P).
- freeman2img: (extended from previous freeman2pgm) fix options issues.
- 3dCurveTangentEstimator: a simple tool to estimate and visualize the tangent to a set of points approaching a 3D curve. Two estimators are implemented, one based on digital Voronoi Covariance Measure, the other based on 3D lambda-MST.
- 3dCompSurfelData: a tool to compare generic surfel data informations given from two data files.
- 3dCurvatureViewer: can now display curvature on multiple connected components and can apply image re sampling for anisotropic grid.
- 3dDisplaySurfelData: display surfel data from SDP file with color attributes given as scalar interpreted as color.
- 3dHeightMapViewer: display a 2D image as heightmap by using QGLviewer.
- 3dSDPViewer: basic display of a sequence of 3d points (as voxel or sphere) and vectors by using QGLviewer.
- 3dVolBoundaryViewer: a simple viewer of the boundary of an object defined by thresholding a vol file.
- sliceViewer: a new 2D and 3D slice viewer from 3D volumic files ( pgm3d, vol, longvol, and DICOM with ITK).
- freeman2pgm: transform one or several freeman chains into a pgm file by filling their interior areas and renamed into freeman2img.
- pgm2freeman: renamed to pgm2img.
- vol2off: tool removed, see 3dVolMarchingCubes for the same tool.
- volBoundary2obj: a simple tool to export the boundary of a an object in a volumetric file to OBJ
- curvatureScaleSpaceBCC: a tool to display the curvature scale space of a given contour with the Binomial Convolver Curvature Estimator.
- eulerCharacteristic: bruteforce tool to extract (volumetric) Euler characteristic from volumetric binary object.
- generic3dNormalEstimators: Computes a normal vector field over a digitized 3D implicit surface for several estimators (II|VCM|Trivial|True).
- 3dVolMarchingCubes: speed-up by factor 10 simply by replacing the set predicate used in computations.
- volCrop: crop an 3D vol image from to points.
- volReSample: apply a basic re sampling of a 3D volumetric image (.vol, .longvol, .pgm3d) with a given grid size.
- volSegment: Segment volumetric file from a simple threshold which can be set automatically from the Otsu's variance based estimation.
- volTrValues: a basic tool to transform the voxel values from an input/output set.
- convertVol: a simple generic volume image converters (can process actually pgm3d, vol, longvol, raw (for writing)).
- vol2sdp: a simple tools to extract digital points from 3d vol files.
- vol2off: extract dual surface of a digital object (equiv. Marching Cubes)
- vol2obj: convert a volume file into OBJ format (all voxels belonging to threshold interval)
- vol2slice: tool to extract all slices from 3d volumic images.
- slice2vol: tool to merge slices into one 3d volumic file.
- sdp2vol: a simple tool to create a 3d vol image from 3d digital points.
- longvol2vol: convert longvol to vol file using different conversion policies.
- dicom2vol: convert dicom images into 3d volumic file (need itk option in DGtal).
- pgm2freeman: add new possibility to set automatically a threshold from the otsu algorithm.
- HDF52vol: convert HDF5 to vol file format.
- raw2HDF5: convert raw image to HDF5.
- homotopicThinning3D exploits now the GenericReader class and is no more limited to vol format.
- volFlip: tool to flip all volume slice images according a given dimension.
- volImageMetrics: apply basic measures from two volumetric images: RMSE and PSNR.
- volShapeMetrics: Apply shape measures for comparing two volumetric images A and B (shape defined from thresholds):
- Measures from voxel partition (true/false+-, precision recall, f-measure)
- Measures bases on euclidean distance between the two Shape A and B.
- 2dLocalEstimators: Improvement of 2dLocalEstimators + possibility to compare with noised data.
- 3dLocalEstimators: Adding possibility to compare curvature (mean, gaussian and principal curvatures) with Integral Invariant and Monge via Jet Fitting + possibility to compare with noised data.
- volTools directory moved into volumetric.
- 3dCurveViewer: A tool for visualizing the tangential cover of 3d curves.
- 3dVolViewer: new option to limit the number of displayed voxels (can open dicom format if WITH_ITK is set to true).
- 3dImageViewer: new tool to display slice image with interactive translatations or rotations (can open dicom format if WITH_ITK is set to true).
- patternTriangulation: a new tool that draws with Board2D the convex hull, the closest-point Delaunay triangulation or the farthest-point Delaunay triangulation of a pattern.
- 3dCurvatureViewer: Now allow to draw principal curvature directions on objets.
- 3dCurvatureViewerNoise: Same as 3dCurvatureViewer, but allow to add some noise to objects.
- LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform: Compute the 2D translated neighborhood-sequence distance transform of a binary image.
- CumulativeSequenceTest and RationalBeattySequenceTest: tests from LUTBasedNSDistanceTransform.
- 2dLocalEstimators: program to compare local curvature/tangent estimators on implicit shapes:
- Maximal DSS based estimators
- Maximal DCA based estimators
- Binomial convolver based estimators
- Integral Invariants based estimators -3dLocalEstimators: program to compare 3D local curvature (mean or gaussian) estimators on 3D implicit shapes.
- 2dLocalEstimators: program to compare local curvature/tangent estimators on implicit shapes:
- 3dCurvatureViewer: computes and displays mean or gaussian curvature of vol binary shapes.
- Various updates for 0.6 DGtal compatibility.
converters: utilities to convert various simple file formats:
- freeman2sdp: convert freeman chain towards a Sequence of Discrete Points.
- pgm2freeman: to extract a freeman chain contour from a grayscale image.
- raw2vol and vol2raw: transform 3D volumes files from (resp. to) raw to vol.
- ofs2off: convert OFS mesh format towards a OFF variant.
- lengthEstimator: program to generate multigrid analysis of length estimators.
- tangentBC: tangent estimator using the Binomial convolver.
- curvatureBC: curvature estimator using the Binomial convolver.
- curvatureMCMS: curvature estimator using the maximal segments cover (to be updated for current DGtal version).
- estimatorComparator: program to perform comparison of local quantity estimators (to be updated for current DGtal version).
- vol2normalField: compute the normal vector field of a given vol file .
- shapeGenerator: generate multigrid shape
- contourGenerator: generate multigrid shape contours
- 3dVolViewer: volume file (.vol and .pgm3d) viewer with QGLViewer.
- displayContours: display discrete contours from various format (.fc (freemanchain), .sdp).
- meshViewer: display 3D mesh from OFS or OFF format.
- 3dVolMarchingCubes: marching cubes form a Vol file
- homotopicThinning3D: ultimate skeleton from vol file
- volAddBorder: add a 1 voxel boundary with value 0 to a vol file.
- volCComponentCounter: a simple program to count the number of connected components in a 3D image.
- volSubSample: sub sample a vol file (division by 2 in each direction).