- Organize code, use export *, sort generated interfaces #9 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Add helper for exposeProps api reuse isMatchIncludingAncestors #8 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- allow for additional supplied transforms (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- exposeProps should provide for overwriting as well as fallback for optional props #7 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- expose Matcher fn type (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- some renames/docs for clarity (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- fix issue where ts interface nodes has duplicate names after gltfTransform (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Make flatten optional as it can destroy named hierarchies that the user may want (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- better docs for gltfTransform (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- api allows client controlled logger for transform (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- looser options for easier external use (@rosskevin)
- ncu (@rosskevin)
- doc (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- switch to named export for easier verification of naming for external use (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Add back the transform cli flag (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- simpler simplify options resolution, reorg transform to folder (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- doc and expose Simplifier options with better API access (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- setConstants shouldn’t manipulate the modelLoadPath and add a leading / (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- fix npm pack size (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- point npmjs at the fork (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- ncu bump (@rosskevin)
- Force public due to org prefix - it appears (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- push public repo for deps (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- check condition for debug enablement (@rosskevin)
- ncu, don’t lint the readme (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- make some options optional/align defaults (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- docs - add
examples to readme #5 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
- Check auto info for release #4 (@rosskevin)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
🎉 This release contains work from new contributors! 🎉
Thanks for all your work!
❤️ Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)
❤️ Hichem Fantar (@hichemfantar)
The basis for this repository was submitted as pmndrs/gltfjsx#286. This repository is publishing an artifact until that is accepted, otherwise this will continue to evolve.
- Update readme with temporary fork notice, badges etc #1 (@rosskevin)
- typescript conversion and API+CLI (@rosskevin)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'hichemfantar/customize-prune-options' into alpha-typescript (@rosskevin)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'hichemfantar/small-improvements' into alpha-typescript (@rosskevin)
- Merge branch 'master' into customize-prune-options (@hichemfantar)
- Hichem Fantar (@hichemfantar)
- Kevin Ross (@rosskevin)