👍🎉 First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! 🎉👍
This document gives you guidelines and pointers at how you should approach contributing.
Links to eg. create issues point to rsocket/rsocket-java
repository. Amend this depending on the actual project you're targetting (eg. rsocket-js
, rsocket-java
, rsocket-cpp
Start here:
- Do you have a question?
- Did you find a bug?
- Did you write a patch that fixes a bug?
- Do you intend to add a new feature or change an existing one?
- PR and commit style
be sure to at least look at the Commit Message Convention
- More details
- Learning more about the tools we use
The RSocket team appreciates your contributing effort! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Search Stack Overflow first; discuss if necessary
If you're unsure why something isn't working or wondering if there is a better way of doing it please check on Stack Overflow first and if necessary start a discussion. Use relevant tags among the ones we monitor for that purpose:
for generic rsocket questionsrsocket-xxx
for specific rsocket implementation in particular language questions (wherexxx
stands for a short name of the language such asjs
, etc.)
If you prefer real-time discussion, we also have a few Gitter channels:
specification questions and disscussionsrsocket-community
all community questionsrsocket-java
rsocket-java related questions
Refer to each project's README for potential other sources of information.
- Do not open a GitHub issue if the bug is a security vulnerability in RSocket (see SECURITY.md)
- Ensure the bug was not already reported: Do a bit of searching the relevant project's Issues (eg. rsocket-java Issues) to see if you can find something similar
- If you don't find something similar, open a new issue (eg. rsocket-java new issue). Be sure to follow the template and to include a title and clear description. Add as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring
- Unless the fix is trivial (typo, cosmetic changes that don't modify the behavior, ...), there should be an issue associated with it.See Did you find a bug?.
- Wait for issue triage before you start coding. This will determine from which branch to start. See Starting from the right branch section for more details
- Try to create a branch with a meaningful name (see hints here)
- Work on your change. Be sure to include JUnit test cases, this will greatly help maintainers while reviewing your change
- Formate your code prior to submission: (eg. for RSocket-Java it can be
./gradlew goJF
) - Run all tests locally prior to submission: (eg. for RSocket-Java it can be
./gradlew check
) - Finally, you're ready to submit your Pull-Request 👍
- Again, search for similar suggestions in existing issues (including closed ones)
- If nothing like that has been suggested before, discuss it in a new issue first
- If you gather positive feedback, work on the change following the guideline above
- Commit early and commit often. Try to still have descriptive commit messages though. This helps during the review process, to see through which steps and train of thought you went
- Once submitted, the review and discussion starts. If necessary, make adjustments in further commits
- Use your real name in commits (see configuration hints)
- Once the PR is approved ✅ , clean up and prepare for merge (see From PR to master)
For each PR, there will generally be a single commit that goes into master
. We will try to use the squash-and-merge
strategy on GitHub to that effect, but if you do that yourself once the PR is approved, it's even better ❤️
Another case where your help is needed in preparing for merge is if your PR has a few logical changes, and you'd like to have as many commits.
(Note that if you have more than, say, 3 of these, it's probably that you actually need to do several PRs).
If you want us to rebase-and-merge, you'll need to let us know and to perform a manual git rebase -i BASE_BRANCH
in order to prepare the commits.
You'll probably need to at least squash intermediate commits from the "commit early and often" side of things, and to ensure that the final commits all follow the message convention.
TL;DR: as a maintainer, use git merge --no-ff --no-commit 1.0.x
and Merge #xxxx into 1.1
(where 1.0.x
is the maintenance branch and 1.1
is the current generation). Once done, add 👍 or 🚀 on the bot's message.
We tend to put the oldest maintenance branch as the milestone of the issue and the newest milestone in which it was forward merged as the milestone of the pr (when there is both an issue and PR).
If there is only a PR, use the oldest milestone in which it will be released.
We use the following convention for commit message title and body:
Longer description of the content of the commit and/or context of the
changed, hard-wrapped at 72 characters
is either a[TAG]
or a more conventionalfix #ISSUE
is for smaller commits that don't have an issue. We notably use[test]
for test amendments,[doc]
for small docs changes like typos,[build]
for fixes to the CI configuration.- most of the time, there should be an issue referenced instead. We prefix with the keyword
so that GitHub will close the issue once the PR is merged. If the PR is a preparation or a follow-up, usesee #ISSUE
instead (eg.fix #1226
vssee #1226
should be a short but meaningful description of the fix, preferably under 50 chars (the whole title line should NOT go over 72 chars)
Issues are useful before opening a pull-request because they allow the RSocket team to do some triage, answer questions and help with designing a fix.
Additionally, during the triage process the team will evaluate the criticality of the reported issue and decide wether or not it should also be fixed in current maintenance branche(s).
If this is the case, the fix should be implemented against the earliest relevant maintenance branch, which will be indicated in the issue as the milestone.
For instance, if an issue should be fixed in both 1.0 and 1.1, the later being
developed on master, the fix PR should be opened against 1.0.x
(and the issue
will be triaged into 1.0.x Maintenance Backlog
If on the other hand the issue should only be fixed in the next feature release,
it will be affected to the Backlog
triage milestone and should be developed
against master
Branches used when submitting pull requests should preferably be named
according to the xxx-shortDescription
is the github issue number- use a
separator, at least after issue number shortDescription
should be a few representative words about the issue
For example: 1226-lastOnEmptyCallable
Here is a more detailed example of the commit message convention:
fix #ISSUE Prefer short (50 chars) summary of changes
More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72
characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the
subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body. The blank
line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit
the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the
two together.
Further paragraphs come after blank lines.
- Bullet points are okay, too
- Typically a hyphen or asterisk is used for the bullet, preceded by a
single space, with blank lines in between, but conventions vary here
Related Issues: #1234, gh-1235
- Use imperative statements in the subject line, e.g. "Fix broken Javadoc link".
- Begin the DESCRIPTION with a capitalized verb, e.g. "Add, Prune, Fix, Introduce, Avoid, etc."
- Prefix the subject line with "fix #XXX " if the commit is fixing issue XXX (or replace "fix" with "see" if it is only related to an issue without closing it)
- Do not end the subject line with a period.
- Restrict the subject line to 72 characters or less.
- Wrap lines in the body at 72 characters or less.
- In the body of the commit message, explain how things worked before this commit, what has changed, and how things work now.
Please configure git to use your real first and last name for any commits you intend to submit as pull requests. For example, this is not acceptable:
Author: Nickname <[email protected]>
Rather, please include your first and last name, properly capitalized, as submitted against the Spring Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA):
Author: First Last <[email protected]>
This helps ensure traceability against the ICLA and also goes a long way to
ensuring useful output from tools like git shortlog
and others.
You can configure this via the account admin area in GitHub (useful for fork-and-edit cases); globally on your machine with
git config --global user.name "First Last"
git config --global user.email [email protected]
or locally for the specific branch. E.g. for rsocket-java
repository only you may do that by omitting the
'--global' flag:
cd rsocket-java
git config user.name "First Last"
git config user.email [email protected]
* Copyright 2015-Present the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package ...;
Always check the date range in the license header. For example, if you've modified a file in 2019 whose header still reads:
* Copyright 2015-2017 the original author or authors.
Then be sure to update it to:
* Copyright 2015-Present the original author or authors.
Not sure what a pull request is, or how to submit one? Take a look at GitHub's excellent help documentation first.
Follow the same conventions for pull request subject lines as mentioned above for commit message subject lines.
In the body:
- Explain your use case. What led you to submit this change? Why were existing mechanisms in the framework insufficient? Make a case that this is a general-purpose problem and that yours is a general-purpose solution, etc.
- Add any additional information and ask questions; start a conversation or continue one from the original GitHub issue.
- Mention the Github issue ID if there is one.
Note that for pull requests containing a single commit, GitHub will default the subject line and body of the pull request to match the subject line and body of the commit message. This is fine, but please also include the items above in the body of the request.
To learn more about these techniques, like git rebase --interactive --autosquash
git add --patch
, and other tools to "squash" multiple commits into a single
atomic commit, in addition to the man pages for git.
The Rewriting History section of Pro Git
provides a good overview about these tools.