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File metadata and controls

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A Rsbuild plugin that provides seamless integration with React Router, supporting both client-side routing and server-side rendering (SSR).


  • 🚀 Zero-config setup with sensible defaults
  • 🔄 Automatic route generation from file system
  • 🖥️ Server-Side Rendering (SSR) support
  • 📱 Client-side navigation
  • 🛠️ TypeScript support out of the box
  • 🔧 Customizable configuration
  • 🎯 Support for route-level code splitting


npm install rsbuild-plugin-react-router
# or
yarn add rsbuild-plugin-react-router
# or
pnpm add rsbuild-plugin-react-router


Add the plugin to your rsbuild.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
import { pluginReactRouter } from 'rsbuild-plugin-react-router';
import { pluginReact } from '@rsbuild/plugin-react';

export default defineConfig(() => {
  return {
    plugins: [
        // Optional: Enable custom server mode
        customServer: false,
        // Optional: Specify server output format
        serverOutput: "commonjs",
        //Optional: enable experimental support for module federation
        federation: false


The plugin uses a two-part configuration system:

  1. Plugin Options (in rsbuild.config.ts):
   * Whether to disable automatic middleware setup for custom server implementation.
   * Enable this when you want to handle server setup manually.
   * @default false
  customServer?: boolean,

   * Specify the output format for server-side code.
   * Options: "commonjs" | "module"
   * @default "module"
  serverOutput?: "commonjs" | "module"
   * Enable experimental support for module federation
   * @default false
  federation?: boolean
  1. React Router Configuration (in react-router.config.ts):
import type { Config } from '@react-router/dev/config';

export default {
   * Whether to enable Server-Side Rendering (SSR) support.
   * @default true
  ssr: true,

   * Build directory for output files
   * @default 'build'
  buildDirectory: 'dist',

   * Application source directory
   * @default 'app'
  appDirectory: 'app',

   * Base URL path
   * @default '/'
  basename: '/my-app',
} satisfies Config;

All configuration options are optional and will use sensible defaults if not specified.

Default Configuration Values

If no configuration is provided, the following defaults will be used:

// Plugin defaults (rsbuild.config.ts)
  customServer: false

// Router defaults (react-router.config.ts)
  ssr: true,
  buildDirectory: 'build',
  appDirectory: 'app',
  basename: '/'

Route Configuration

Routes can be defined in app/routes.ts using the helper functions from @react-router/dev/routes:

import {
  type RouteConfig,
} from '@react-router/dev/routes';

export default [
  // Index route for the home page

  // Regular route
  route('about', 'routes/about.tsx'),

  // Nested routes with a layout
  layout('routes/docs/layout.tsx', [
    route('getting-started', 'routes/docs/getting-started.tsx'),
    route('advanced', 'routes/docs/advanced.tsx'),

  // Routes with dynamic segments
  ...prefix('projects', [
    layout('routes/projects/layout.tsx', [
      route(':projectId', 'routes/projects/project.tsx'),
      route(':projectId/edit', 'routes/projects/edit.tsx'),
] satisfies RouteConfig;

The plugin provides several helper functions for defining routes:

  • index() - Creates an index route
  • route() - Creates a regular route with a path
  • layout() - Creates a layout route with nested children
  • prefix() - Adds a URL prefix to a group of routes

Route Components

Route components support the following exports:

Client-side Exports

  • default - The route component
  • ErrorBoundary - Error boundary component
  • HydrateFallback - Loading component during hydration
  • Layout - Layout component
  • clientLoader - Client-side data loading
  • clientAction - Client-side form actions
  • handle - Route handle
  • links - Prefetch links
  • meta - Route meta data
  • shouldRevalidate - Revalidation control

Server-side Exports

  • loader - Server-side data loading
  • action - Server-side form actions
  • headers - HTTP headers

Custom Server Setup

The plugin supports two ways to handle server-side rendering:

  1. Default Server Setup: By default, the plugin automatically sets up the necessary middleware for SSR.

  2. Custom Server Setup: For more control, you can disable the automatic middleware setup by enabling custom server mode:

// rsbuild.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
import { pluginReactRouter } from 'rsbuild-plugin-react-router';
import { pluginReact } from '@rsbuild/plugin-react';

export default defineConfig(() => {
  return {
    plugins: [
        customServer: true

When using a custom server, you'll need to:

  1. Create a server handler (server/index.ts):
import { createRequestHandler } from '@react-router/express';

export const app = createRequestHandler({
  build: () => import('virtual/react-router/server-build'),
  getLoadContext() {
    // Add custom context available to your loaders/actions
    return {
      // ... your custom context
  1. Set up your server entry point (server.js):
import { createRsbuild, loadConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
import express from 'express';
import path from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);

const app = express();
const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';

async function startServer() {
  if (isDev) {
    const config = await loadConfig();
    const rsbuild = await createRsbuild({
      rsbuildConfig: config.content,
    const devServer = await rsbuild.createDevServer();

    app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
      try {
        const bundle = await devServer.environments.node.loadBundle('app');
        await, res, next);
      } catch (e) {

    const port = Number.parseInt(process.env.PORT || '3000', 10);
    const server = app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Development server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);
    devServer.connectWebSocket({ server });
  } else {
    // Production mode
    app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'build/client'), {
      index: false

    // Load the server bundle
    const serverBundle = await import('./build/server/static/js/app.js');
    // Mount the server app after static file handling
    app.use(async (req, res, next) => {
      try {
        await, res, next);
      } catch (e) {

    const port = Number.parseInt(process.env.PORT || '3000', 10);
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Production server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);

  1. Update your package.json scripts:
  "scripts": {
    "dev": "node server.js",
    "build": "rsbuild build",
    "start": "NODE_ENV=production node server.js"

The custom server setup allows you to:

  • Add custom middleware
  • Handle API routes
  • Integrate with databases
  • Implement custom authentication
  • Add server-side caching
  • And more!

Cloudflare Workers Deployment

To deploy your React Router app to Cloudflare Workers:

  1. Configure Rsbuild (rsbuild.config.ts):
import { defineConfig } from '@rsbuild/core';
import { pluginReact } from '@rsbuild/plugin-react';
import { pluginReactRouter } from 'rsbuild-plugin-react-router';

export default defineConfig({
  environments: {
    node: {
      performance: {
        chunkSplit: { strategy: 'all-in-one' },
      tools: {
        rspack: {
          experiments: { outputModule: true },
          externalsType: 'module',
          output: {
            chunkFormat: 'module',
            chunkLoading: 'import',
            workerChunkLoading: 'import',
            wasmLoading: 'fetch',
            library: { type: 'module' },
            module: true,
          resolve: {
            conditionNames: ['workerd', 'worker', 'browser', 'import', 'require'],
  plugins: [pluginReactRouter({customServer: true}), pluginReact()],
  1. Configure Wrangler (wrangler.toml):
workers_dev = true
name = "my-react-router-worker"
compatibility_date = "2024-11-18"
main = "./build/server/static/js/app.js"
assets = { directory = "./build/client/" }

VALUE_FROM_CLOUDFLARE = "Hello from Cloudflare"

# Optional build configuration
# [build]
# command = "npm run build"
# watch_dir = "app"
  1. Create Worker Entry (server/index.ts):
import { createRequestHandler } from 'react-router';

declare global {
  interface CloudflareEnvironment extends Env {}
  interface ImportMeta {
    env: {
      MODE: string;

declare module 'react-router' {
  export interface AppLoadContext {
    cloudflare: {
      env: CloudflareEnvironment;
      ctx: ExecutionContext;

// @ts-expect-error - virtual module provided by React Router at build time
import * as serverBuild from 'virtual/react-router/server-build';

const requestHandler = createRequestHandler(serverBuild, import.meta.env.MODE);

export default {
  fetch(request, env, ctx) {
    return requestHandler(request, {
      cloudflare: { env, ctx },
} satisfies ExportedHandler<CloudflareEnvironment>;
  1. Update Package Dependencies:
  "dependencies": {
    "@react-router/node": "^7.1.3",
    "@react-router/serve": "^7.1.3",
    "react-router": "^7.1.3"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@cloudflare/workers-types": "^4.20241112.0",
    "@react-router/cloudflare": "^7.1.3",
    "@react-router/dev": "^7.1.3",
    "wrangler": "^3.106.0"
  1. Setup Deployment Scripts (package.json):
  "scripts": {
    "build": "rsbuild build",
    "deploy": "npm run build && wrangler deploy",
    "dev": "rsbuild dev",
    "start": "wrangler dev"

Key Configuration Notes:

  • The workers_dev = true setting enables deployment to subdomain
  • main points to your Worker's entry point in the build output
  • assets directory specifies where your static client files are located
  • Environment variables can be set in the [vars] section
  • The compatibility_date should be kept up to date
  • TypeScript types are provided via @cloudflare/workers-types
  • Development can be done locally using wrangler dev
  • Deployment is handled through wrangler deploy

Development Workflow:

  1. Local Development:

    # Start local development server
    npm run dev
    # or
    npm start
  2. Production Deployment:

    # Build and deploy
    npm run deploy


The plugin automatically:

  • Runs type generation during development and build
  • Sets up development server with live reload
  • Handles route-based code splitting
  • Manages client and server builds
