AI Usage Guide for EzDbCodeGen Template Generation
Quick Start for AI Systems
// When provided with a folder path, first analyze its structure
var folderPath = "/path/to/source" ;
var analysis = new {
FileTypes = new [ ] { ".cs" , ".json" , ".xml" , ".md" } ,
Patterns = new [ ] {
"namespace *.{name}" ,
"public class {name}" ,
"<Project Sdk=\" {sdk}\" >" ,
} ,
SpecialFiles = new [ ] {
".gitignore" ,
"" ,
} ;
Step 2: Template Creation Strategy
Create base structure template
Create file-type specific templates
Create special file templates
Create dynamic content templates
Validate and test templates
Step 3: Implementation Example
{{!-- root_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with RootDirectory }}
{{> directory_structure }}
{{> special_files }}
{{> documentation }}
{{ /with }}
{{!-- Implement each partial with specific logic --}}
This document provides instructions for AI systems to generate Handlebars templates that can recreate specific folder structures and their contents. The templates will maintain file hierarchy, content, and metadata while supporting dynamic replacements.
Detailed Template Generation Process
1. Advanced Folder Analysis
1.1 Directory Structure Analysis
public class DirectoryAnalysis {
public Dictionary < string , int > FileTypeCount { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string [ ] > CommonPatterns { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , object > Metadata { get ; set ; }
public List < string > IgnoredPaths { get ; set ; }
public class PatternRecognition {
// File naming patterns
public static readonly string [ ] CommonPrefixes = { "I" , "Abstract" , "Base" , "Custom" } ;
public static readonly string [ ] CommonSuffixes = { "Controller" , "Service" , "Repository" , "Factory" } ;
// Content patterns
public static readonly Dictionary < string , string [ ] > FileTypePatterns = new ( ) {
[ ".cs" ] = new [ ] {
"namespace" ,
"using" ,
"public class" ,
"private readonly"
} ,
[ ".xml" ] = new [ ] {
"<?xml" ,
"<Project" ,
"<PropertyGroup" ,
} ;
1.3 Metadata Extraction
public class FileMetadata {
public string Encoding { get ; set ; }
public string LineEndings { get ; set ; }
public string IndentationType { get ; set ; }
public int IndentationSize { get ; set ; }
public Dictionary < string , string > CustomProperties { get ; set ; }
When provided with a folder path, analyze:
Directory structure
File types and extensions
File content patterns
Naming conventions
Special files (e.g., .gitignore,
2. Comprehensive Template Structure
{{!-- base_template.hbs --}}
"version": "1.0.0",
"generator": "EzDbCodeGen",
"timestamp": "{{ timestamp }} ",
"structure": {
"root": "{{ RootDirectory.Path }} ",
"directories": [
{{ #each Directories }}
{{> directory_entry }}
{{ /each }}
"files": [
{{ #each Files }}
{{> file_entry }}
{{ /each }}
2.2 Directory Template System
{{!-- directory_entry.hbs --}}
"name": "{{ Name }} ",
"path": "{{ RelativePath }} ",
"type": "directory",
"metadata": {
"created": "{{ Created }} ",
"modified": "{{ Modified }} ",
"attributes": [{{ #each Attributes }} "{{ this }} "{{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}{{ /each }} ]
"contents": [
{{ #each Files }}
{{> file_entry }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Subdirectories }}
{{> directory_entry }}
{{ /each }}
{{!-- file_entry.hbs --}}
"name": "{{ Name }} ",
"path": "{{ RelativePath }} ",
"type": "file",
"extension": "{{ Extension }} ",
"metadata": {
"created": "{{ Created }} ",
"modified": "{{ Modified }} ",
"encoding": "{{ Encoding }} ",
"size": {{ Size }} ,
"attributes": [{{ #each Attributes }} "{{ this }} "{{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}{{ /each }} ]
"content": {
"template": "{{> (lookup_template Extension )}} ",
"variables": {
{{ #each Variables }}
"{{ @key }} ": "{{ this }} "{{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
2.4 Content Templates by File Type
{{!-- csharp_template.hbs --}}
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
{{ #each Usings }}
using {{ this }} ;
{{ /each }}
namespace {{ Namespace }}
{{ #each Attributes }}
[{{ this }} ]
{{ /each }}
public class {{ ClassName }}
{{ #each Properties }}
public {{ Type }} {{ Name }} { get; set; }
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Methods }}
public {{ ReturnType }} {{ Name }} ({{ Parameters }} )
{{ Body }}
{{ /each }}
{{!-- xml_template.hbs --}}
<?xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" {{ Encoding }} " ?>
<{{RootElement}} {{ #each RootAttributes }} {{ Name }} =" {{ Value }} " {{ /each }} >
{{ #each Children }}
<{{Name}} {{ #each Attributes }} {{ Name }} =" {{ Value }} " {{ /each }} >
{{ Content }}
</{{Name}} >
{{ /each }}
</{{RootElement}} >
{{!-- json_template.hbs --}}
{{ #each Properties }}
"{{ @key }} ": {{ #if (isObject this )}} {{> json_object this }} {{ else }} "{{ this }} "{{ /if }} {{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Directories }}
{{ #if IsRoot }}
{{> directory_structure }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /each }}
{{!-- directory_structure.hbs --}}
{{ #each Files }}
{{> file_content Name =Name Path =Path }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Subdirectories }}
{{> directory_structure }}
{{ /each }}
3. Comprehensive Helper System
3.1 Advanced Path Helpers
{{!-- Path manipulation helpers --}}
{{ PathCombine path1 path2 }} {{!-- Combines path segments --}}
{{ NormalizePath path }} {{!-- Normalizes path separators --}}
{{ GetRelativePath base path }} {{!-- Gets relative path --}}
{{ GetDirectoryName path }} {{!-- Gets directory name --}}
{{ GetFileName path }} {{!-- Gets file name --}}
{{ GetFileNameWithoutExtension path }} {{!-- Gets file name without extension --}}
{{ GetExtension path }} {{!-- Gets file extension --}}
{{ IsAbsolutePath path }} {{!-- Checks if path is absolute --}}
{{ MakeRelativePath basePath targetPath }} {{!-- Creates relative path --}}
{{!-- Advanced path operations --}}
{{ #PathExists path }}
{{!-- Path exists logic --}}
{{ /PathExists }}
{{ #IsDirectory path }}
{{!-- Directory specific logic --}}
{{ /IsDirectory }}
{{ #IsFile path }}
{{!-- File specific logic --}}
{{ /IsFile }}
3.2 Enhanced Content Helpers
{{!-- Content manipulation helpers --}}
{{ FormatCode content language }} {{!-- Formats code with proper indentation --}}
{{ MinifyCode content language }} {{!-- Minifies code --}}
{{ EscapeString content }} {{!-- Escapes special characters --}}
{{ Base64Encode content }} {{!-- Encodes content to base64 --}}
{{ Base64Decode content }} {{!-- Decodes base64 content --}}
{{ StripComments content language }} {{!-- Removes comments --}}
{{ NormalizeLineEndings content }} {{!-- Normalizes line endings --}}
{{!-- Content analysis helpers --}}
{{ #DetectLanguage content }}
{{!-- Language specific handling --}}
{{ /DetectLanguage }}
{{ #HasPattern content pattern}}
{{!-- Pattern matching logic --}}
{{ /HasPattern }}
{{ #ContainsUsing content namespace}}
{{!-- Namespace usage detection --}}
{{ /ContainsUsing }}
3.3 Advanced Naming Helpers
{{!-- Case conversion helpers --}}
{{ PascalCase name }} {{!-- Converts to PascalCase --}}
{{ CamelCase name }} {{!-- Converts to camelCase --}}
{{ SnakeCase name }} {{!-- Converts to snake_case --}}
{{ KebabCase name }} {{!-- Converts to kebab-case --}}
{{ ConstantCase name }} {{!-- Converts to CONSTANT_CASE --}}
{{!-- Name manipulation helpers --}}
{{ Pluralize name }} {{!-- Pluralizes a name --}}
{{ Singularize name }} {{!-- Singularizes a name --}}
{{ Humanize name }} {{!-- Makes name human-readable --}}
{{ Titleize name }} {{!-- Converts to Title Case --}}
{{ Underscore name }} {{!-- Adds underscores --}}
{{ Dasherize name }} {{!-- Adds dashes --}}
{{ Camelize name }} {{!-- Camelizes a name --}}
{{ Classify name }} {{!-- Creates a class name --}}
{{ Demodulize name }} {{!-- Removes module names --}}
{{ Tableize name }} {{!-- Creates table name --}}
{{!-- Advanced naming helpers --}}
{{ #IsValidIdentifier name }}
{{!-- Identifier validation logic --}}
{{ /IsValidIdentifier }}
{{ #SuggestName type name}}
{{!-- Name suggestion logic --}}
{{ /SuggestName }}
{{!-- Type checking helpers --}}
{{ #IsNumeric value }}
{{!-- Numeric type logic --}}
{{ /IsNumeric }}
{{ #IsString value }}
{{!-- String type logic --}}
{{ /IsString }}
{{ #IsArray value }}
{{!-- Array type logic --}}
{{ /IsArray }}
{{ #IsObject value }}
{{!-- Object type logic --}}
{{ /IsObject }}
{{!-- Type conversion helpers --}}
{{ ToInt value }} {{!-- Converts to integer --}}
{{ ToFloat value }} {{!-- Converts to float --}}
{{ ToString value }} {{!-- Converts to string --}}
{{ ToBoolean value }} {{!-- Converts to boolean --}}
{{ ToArray value }} {{!-- Converts to array --}}
{{ ToObject value }} {{!-- Converts to object --}}
{{!-- Type manipulation helpers --}}
{{ GetType value }} {{!-- Gets type information --}}
{{ Cast value type }} {{!-- Casts to specified type --}}
{{ Convert value fromType toType }} {{!-- Converts between types --}}
{{ PathCombine path1 path2 }} {{!-- Combines path segments --}}
{{ NormalizePath path }} {{!-- Normalizes path separators --}}
{{ GetRelativePath base path }} {{!-- Gets relative path --}}
{{ #Switch FileExtension }}
{{ #Case " .cs" }}
{{> csharp_template }}
{{ /Case }}
{{ #Case " .json" }}
{{> json_template }}
{{ /Case }}
{{ /Switch }}
{{ PascalCase name }}
{{ CamelCase name }}
{{ SnakeCase name }}
4. Comprehensive Template Context System
4.1 Root Context Structure
interface TemplateContext {
// Basic information
RootDirectory : DirectoryInfo ;
Metadata : MetadataInfo ;
Configuration : ConfigurationInfo ;
// Advanced features
Variables : VariableCollection ;
Helpers : HelperCollection ;
Partials : PartialCollection ;
Cache : CacheManager ;
Logger : LogManager ;
// Detailed directory information
interface DirectoryInfo {
Path : string ;
Name : string ;
Files : FileInfo [ ] ;
Directories : DirectoryInfo [ ] ;
Metadata : {
Created : Date ;
Modified : Date ;
Attributes : string [ ] ;
Owner : string ;
Permissions : string ;
} ;
Statistics : {
TotalFiles : number ;
TotalDirectories : number ;
TotalSize : number ;
AverageFileSize : number ;
LargestFile : string ;
MostCommonExtension : string ;
} ;
// Comprehensive file information
interface FileInfo {
Name : string ;
Path : string ;
RelativePath : string ;
Extension : string ;
Content : string ;
IsTemplate : boolean ;
Metadata : {
Created : Date ;
Modified : Date ;
Attributes : string [ ] ;
Owner : string ;
Permissions : string ;
Encoding : string ;
LineEndings : string ;
HasBOM : boolean ;
} ;
Analysis : {
Language : string ;
Complexity : number ;
LineCount : number ;
CharacterCount : number ;
Imports : string [ ] ;
Dependencies : string [ ] ;
Patterns : Pattern [ ] ;
} ;
// Configuration management
interface ConfigurationInfo {
IgnorePatterns : string [ ] ;
FileExtensionHandlers : Record < string , string > ;
Placeholders : Record < string , string > ;
Settings : {
IndentStyle : 'space' | 'tab' ;
IndentSize : number ;
LineEnding : 'lf' | 'crlf' ;
Encoding : string ;
MaxFileSize : number ;
CompressionEnabled : boolean ;
ValidationRules : ValidationRule [ ] ;
} ;
// Variable management
interface VariableCollection {
Global : Record < string , any > ;
Local : Record < string , any > ;
Environment : Record < string , string > ;
Computed : Record < string , ( ) => any > ;
Watchers : Record < string , ( newValue : any , oldValue : any ) => void > ;
// Helper management
interface HelperCollection {
Path : PathHelpers ;
String : StringHelpers ;
Type : TypeHelpers ;
Format : FormatHelpers ;
Validation : ValidationHelpers ;
Custom : Record < string , ( ...args : any [ ] ) => any > ;
// Partial template management
interface PartialCollection {
Registered : Record < string , string > ;
Dynamic : Record < string , ( context : any ) => string > ;
Cached : Record < string , string > ;
Dependencies : Record < string , string [ ] > ;
// Cache management
interface CacheManager {
Templates : Map < string , CompiledTemplate > ;
Partials : Map < string , CompiledPartial > ;
Content : Map < string , string > ;
Metadata : Map < string , object > ;
Clear ( ) : void ;
Invalidate ( key : string ) : void ;
Statistics : CacheStatistics ;
// Logging system
interface LogManager {
Info ( message : string , ...args : any [ ] ) : void ;
Warn ( message : string , ...args : any [ ] ) : void ;
Error ( message : string , ...args : any [ ] ) : void ;
Debug ( message : string , ...args : any [ ] ) : void ;
Metrics : {
TemplateCompilations : number ;
CacheHits : number ;
CacheMisses : number ;
RenderTime : number ;
} ;
The following context structure is expected:
interface TemplateContext {
RootDirectory : {
Path : string ;
Name : string ;
Files : FileInfo [ ] ;
Directories : DirectoryInfo [ ] ;
} ;
Metadata : {
CreatedDate : string ;
LastModified : string ;
Author : string ;
Version : string ;
} ;
Configuration : {
IgnorePatterns : string [ ] ;
FileExtensionHandlers : Record < string , string > ;
Placeholders : Record < string , string > ;
} ;
interface FileInfo {
Name : string ;
Path : string ;
RelativePath : string ;
Extension : string ;
Content : string ;
IsTemplate : boolean ;
Metadata : Record < string , string > ;
interface DirectoryInfo {
Name : string ;
Path : string ;
RelativePath : string ;
Files : FileInfo [ ] ;
Directories : DirectoryInfo [ ] ;
IsRoot : boolean ;
Comprehensive Usage Examples
1. Complete Project Structure Generation
{{!-- solution_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with Solution }}
{{> solution_file }}
{{ #each Projects }}
{{> project_structure }}
{{ /each }}
{{ /with }}
{{!-- solution_file.hbs --}}
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
{{ #each Projects }}
Project("{{{ Guid }}} ") = "{{{ Name }}} ", "{{{ RelativePath }}} ", "{{{ ProjectGuid }}} "
{{ /each }}
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
{{!-- project_structure.hbs --}}
<Project Sdk =" {{ Sdk }} " >
<PropertyGroup >
<TargetFramework >{{ TargetFramework }} </TargetFramework >
<RootNamespace >{{ Namespace }} </RootNamespace >
{{ #each ProjectProperties }}
<{{Key}} >{{ Value }} </{{Key}} >
{{ /each }}
</PropertyGroup >
<ItemGroup >
{{ #each Dependencies }}
<PackageReference Include =" {{ Name }} " Version =" {{ Version }} " />
{{ /each }}
</ItemGroup >
{{ #each ItemGroups }}
<ItemGroup >
{{ #each Items }}
<{{Type}} Include =" {{ Path }} " />
{{ /each }}
</ItemGroup >
{{ /each }}
</Project >
{{!-- class_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with Class }}
using System;
{{ #each Usings }}
using {{ this }} ;
{{ /each }}
namespace {{ Namespace }}
{{ #each Attributes }}
[{{ Name }} {{ #if Parameters }} ({{ Parameters }} ){{ /if }} ]
{{ /each }}
{{ Accessibility }} {{ #if IsStatic }} static {{ /if }} {{ #if IsAbstract }} abstract {{ /if }} class {{ Name }} {{ #if BaseClass }} : {{ BaseClass }} {{ /if }} {{ #if Interfaces }} : {{ #each Interfaces }} {{ this }} {{ #unless @last }} , {{ /unless }}{{ /each }}{{ /if }}
{{ #each Fields }}
{{> field_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Properties }}
{{> property_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Constructors }}
{{> constructor_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Methods }}
{{> method_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ /with }}
{{!-- interface_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with Interface }}
using System;
{{ #each Usings }}
using {{ this }} ;
{{ /each }}
namespace {{ Namespace }}
{{ #each Attributes }}
[{{ Name }} {{ #if Parameters }} ({{ Parameters }} ){{ /if }} ]
{{ /each }}
{{ Accessibility }} interface {{ Name }} {{ #if BaseInterfaces }} : {{ #each BaseInterfaces }} {{ this }} {{ #unless @last }} , {{ /unless }}{{ /each }}{{ /if }}
{{ #each Properties }}
{{> interface_property_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Methods }}
{{> interface_method_template }}
{{ /each }}
{{ /with }}
3. Database Schema Generation
{{!-- table_template.hbs --}}
CREATE TABLE [{{ Schema }} ].[{{ TableName }} ]
{{ #each Columns }}
[{{ Name }} ] {{ SqlType }} {{ #if Length }} ({{ Length }} ){{ /if }} {{ #if IsNullable }} NULL{{ else }} NOT NULL{{ /if }} {{ #if IsIdentity }} IDENTITY(1,1){{ /if }} {{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #if PrimaryKey }}
{{ #each PrimaryKey.Columns }}
[{{ this }} ]{{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
{{ /if }}
3.2 Stored Procedure Generation
{{!-- stored_procedure_template.hbs --}}
CREATE PROCEDURE [{{ Schema }} ].[{{ Name }} ]
{{ #each Parameters }}
@{{ Name }} {{ SqlType }} {{ #if Length }} ({{ Length }} ){{ /if }} {{ #if DefaultValue }} = {{ DefaultValue }} {{ /if }} {{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
{{ #each Statements }}
{{ this }}
{{ /each }}
4. Configuration File Generation
{{!-- config_template.hbs --}}
"version": "{{ Version }} ",
"environment": "{{ Environment }} ",
"logging": {
"level": "{{ Logging.Level }} ",
"providers": [
{{ #each Logging.Providers }}
"name": "{{ Name }} ",
"configuration": {{> provider_config }}
}{{ #unless @last }} ,{{ /unless }}
{{ /each }}
"database": {
"connectionString": "{{ Database.ConnectionString }} ",
"provider": "{{ Database.Provider }} ",
"migrations": {
"enabled": {{ Database.Migrations.Enabled }} ,
"autoRun": {{ Database.Migrations.AutoRun }}
{{!-- config_template.hbs --}}
<?xml version =" 1.0" encoding =" utf-8" ?>
<configuration >
<appSettings >
{{ #each AppSettings }}
<add key =" {{ Key }} " value =" {{ Value }} " />
{{ /each }}
</appSettings >
<connectionStrings >
{{ #each ConnectionStrings }}
<add name =" {{ Name }} " connectionString =" {{ Value }} " providerName =" {{ Provider }} " />
{{ /each }}
</connectionStrings >
<system .web>
<authentication mode =" {{ Authentication.Mode }} " >
{{ #if Authentication.Forms }}
<forms loginUrl =" {{ Authentication.Forms.LoginUrl }} " timeout =" {{ Authentication.Forms.Timeout }} " />
{{ /if }}
</authentication >
</system .web>
</configuration >
1. Generate Project Structure
{{!-- project_structure.hbs --}}
{{ #with RootDirectory }}
# {{ Name }}
## Directory Structure
{{ #each Directories }}
- {{ Name }} /
{{ #each Files }}
- {{ RelativePath }}
{{ /each }}
{{ /each }}
## Files
{{ #each Files }}
### {{ Name }}
```{{ Extension }}
{{{ Content }}}
{{ /each }}
{{ /with }}
{{!-- file_content.hbs --}}
{{ #Switch Extension }}
{{ #Case " .cs" }}
namespace {{ Namespace }}
public class {{ ClassName }}
{{{ Content }}}
{{ /Case }}
{{ #Default }}
{{{ Content }}}
{{ /Default }}
{{ /Switch }}
Template Generation Rules
Path Handling
Always use forward slashes (/) for paths
Use relative paths from root directory
Handle spaces in paths
Content Processing
Preserve indentation
Maintain line endings
Escape special characters
Handle binary files (base64 encoding)
Naming Conventions
Preserve original casing
Support multiple casing styles
Handle special characters
Preserve file permissions
Maintain timestamps
Keep file attributes
When asked to generate a template for a folder:
Analyze Structure
{{ #AnalyzeDirectory path }}
{{> structure_template }}
{{ /AnalyzeDirectory }}
Generate Base Template
{{ #with RootDirectory }}
{{> base_template }}
{{ /with }}
Add Content Templates
{{ #each FileTypes }}
{{> (lookup . ' template' )}}
{{ /each }}
Include Helpers
{{ #RegisterHelper ' PathCombine' }}
{{ #RegisterHelper ' ContentFormat' }}
{{ #RegisterHelper ' NameFormat' }}
To generate a template for a specific folder:
Get the folder path
Analyze structure and patterns
Generate appropriate templates
Include necessary helpers
Validate generated templates
Template Organization
Separate templates by file type
Use partials for reusable components
Maintain clear hierarchy
Error Handling
Validate paths
Handle missing files
Provide clear error messages
Use lazy loading for large directories
Cache template results
Optimize helper functions
Document template structure
Version templates
Include update instructions
Advanced Patterns and Best Practices
1. Smart Template Generation
1.1 Pattern Detection and Template Selection
interface PatternDetector {
detectFileType ( path : string , content : string ) : string ;
detectLanguage ( content : string ) : string ;
detectFramework ( files : FileInfo [ ] ) : string ;
detectArchitecture ( structure : DirectoryInfo ) : string ;
interface TemplateSelector {
selectTemplate ( patterns : PatternDetection ) : string ;
customizeTemplate ( template : string , context : any ) : string ;
validateTemplate ( template : string ) : boolean ;
interface ContentAnalyzer {
// Code structure analysis
findDependencies ( content : string ) : string [ ] ;
findImports ( content : string ) : string [ ] ;
findClasses ( content : string ) : ClassInfo [ ] ;
findMethods ( content : string ) : MethodInfo [ ] ;
// Pattern analysis
findCommonPatterns ( contents : string [ ] ) : Pattern [ ] ;
findNamingConventions ( names : string [ ] ) : NamingPattern [ ] ;
findCodeStyle ( content : string ) : StyleGuide ;
// Architecture analysis
detectLayering ( structure : DirectoryInfo ) : ArchitecturePattern ;
detectDesignPatterns ( codebase : CodebaseInfo ) : DesignPattern [ ] ;
2. Intelligent Template Customization
2.1 Dynamic Template Adaptation
{{!-- dynamic_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with TemplateContext }}
{{ #if DetectedFramework }}
{{> (concat DetectedFramework ' _template' )}}
{{ else }}
{{ #switch ProjectType }}
{{ #case ' web' }}
{{> web_template }}
{{ #case ' library' }}
{{> library_template }}
{{ #case ' console' }}
{{> console_template }}
{{ #default }}
{{> generic_template }}
{{ /switch }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /with }}
2.2 Context-Aware Template Generation
{{!-- context_aware_template.hbs --}}
{{ #with ProjectContext }}
{{ #if IsTestProject }}
{{> test_project_template }}
{{ else if IsMicroservice}}
{{> microservice_template }}
{{ else if IsWebApi}}
{{> webapi_template }}
{{ else }}
{{> standard_template }}
{{ /if }}
{{ #if RequiresAuthentication }}
{{> auth_template }}
{{ /if }}
{{ #if UsesDependencyInjection }}
{{> di_container_template }}
{{ /if }}
{{ /with }}
3. Advanced Template Patterns
{{!-- composite_template.hbs --}}
{{ #compose ' ProjectStructure' }}
{{ #layer ' Infrastructure' }}
{{> database_context }}
{{> repositories }}
{{> logging }}
{{ /layer }}
{{ #layer ' Domain' }}
{{> entities }}
{{> value_objects }}
{{> domain_services }}
{{ /layer }}
{{ #layer ' Application' }}
{{> commands }}
{{> queries }}
{{> handlers }}
{{ /layer }}
{{ #layer ' Presentation' }}
{{> controllers }}
{{> views }}
{{> view_models }}
{{ /layer }}
{{ /compose }}
3.2 Aspect-Oriented Templates
{{!-- aspect_template.hbs --}}
{{ #aspect ' Logging' }}
{{ #pointcut ' Method' }}
{{ #before }}
_logger.LogInformation("Entering {MethodName}", nameof({{ MethodName }} ));
{{ /before }}
{{ #after }}
_logger.LogInformation("Exiting {MethodName}", nameof({{ MethodName }} ));
{{ /after }}
{{ #around }}
{{ proceed }}
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.LogError(ex, "Error in {MethodName}", nameof({{ MethodName }} ));
{{ /around }}
{{ /pointcut }}
{{ /aspect }}
4. Best Practices for AI Template Generation
4.1 Template Organization
Hierarchical Structure
├── base/
│ ├── project.hbs
│ ├── class.hbs
│ └── interface.hbs
├── patterns/
│ ├── repository.hbs
│ ├── service.hbs
│ └── factory.hbs
├── infrastructure/
│ ├── database.hbs
│ ├── logging.hbs
│ └── caching.hbs
└── specialized/
├── webapi.hbs
├── mvc.hbs
└── console.hbs
Template Naming Conventions
Use descriptive, lowercase names
Include purpose in name (e.g., user_service_template.hbs
Group related templates with prefixes
Use suffixes for variations (e.g., repository_async_template.hbs
4.2 Code Generation Guidelines
Maintain consistent naming conventions
Use consistent code formatting
Follow language-specific best practices
Use parameterized templates
Support multiple coding styles
Allow for customization
Document template purpose and usage
Keep templates modular
Use clear, descriptive variable names
Optimize template parsing
Use caching where appropriate
Minimize template complexity
interface TemplateValidator {
validateSyntax ( template : string ) : ValidationResult ;
validateContext ( template : string , context : any ) : ValidationResult ;
validateOutput ( generated : string ) : ValidationResult ;
validateConsistency ( templates : Template [ ] ) : ValidationResult ;
interface ValidationResult {
isValid : boolean ;
errors : ValidationError [ ] ;
warnings : ValidationWarning [ ] ;
suggestions : Suggestion [ ] ;
5. Implementation Patterns
5.1 Project Structure Replication
{{!-- project_replication.hbs --}}
{{ #with ProjectAnalysis }}
// Generate directory structure
{{ #each Directories }}
{{> directory_creation }}
{{ /each }}
// Generate files with appropriate templates
{{ #each Files }}
{{ #with (analyzeFile this )}}
{{> (getTemplateForFile this )}}
{{ /with }}
{{ /each }}
// Generate special files
{{ #if HasSolution }}
{{> solution_template }}
{{ /if }}
{{ #if HasTests }}
{{> test_project_template }}
{{ /if }}
// Generate documentation
{{> readme_template }}
{{> documentation_templates }}
{{ /with }}
5.2 Intelligent File Analysis
interface FileAnalyzer {
analyze ( file : FileInfo ) : FileAnalysis ;
interface FileAnalysis {
type : FileType ;
language : ProgrammingLanguage ;
dependencies : Dependency [ ] ;
structure : CodeStructure ;
patterns : DetectedPattern [ ] ;
metrics : CodeMetrics ;
interface TemplateGenerator {
generateTemplate ( analysis : FileAnalysis ) : string ;
customizeTemplate ( template : string , context : any ) : string ;
5.3 Smart Template Selection
class TemplateSelector {
selectTemplate ( file : FileInfo ) : Template {
const analysis = analyzer . analyze ( file ) ;
const baseTemplate = this . getBaseTemplate ( analysis . type ) ;
const customizations = this . getCustomizations ( analysis ) ;
return this . mergeTemplates ( baseTemplate , customizations ) ;
private getBaseTemplate ( type : FileType ) : Template {
switch ( type ) {
case FileType . CSharpClass :
return templates . get ( 'class.hbs' ) ;
case FileType . Interface :
return templates . get ( 'interface.hbs' ) ;
case FileType . Configuration :
return templates . get ( 'config.hbs' ) ;
default :
return templates . get ( 'generic.hbs' ) ;
private getCustomizations ( analysis : FileAnalysis ) : Customization [ ] {
return [
...this . getLanguageCustomizations ( analysis . language ) ,
...this . getPatternCustomizations ( analysis . patterns ) ,
...this . getMetricsCustomizations ( analysis . metrics )
] ;
6.1 Common Template Patterns
{{!-- File generation --}}
{{ #each Files }}
{{> (lookup . ' template' )}}
{{ /each }}
{{!-- Conditional content --}}
{{ #if Condition }}
{{> template_a }}
{{ else }}
{{> template_b }}
{{ /if }}
{{!-- Pattern matching --}}
{{ #switch FileType }}
{{ #case ' cs' }} C# File{{ /case }}
{{ #case ' ts' }} TypeScript File{{ /case }}
{{ #default }} Unknown File{{ /default }}
{{ /switch }}
// Path helpers
PathCombine ( path1 , path2 )
GetRelativePath ( basePath , targetPath )
NormalizePath ( path )
// Content helpers
FormatCode ( content , language )
DetectLanguage ( content )
AnalyzeImports ( content )
// Name helpers
PascalCase ( name )
CamelCase ( name )
GetNamespace ( path )
Note: This document serves as a comprehensive reference for AI systems to understand and generate appropriate Handlebars templates for folder structure replication. The templates, patterns, and helpers mentioned are part of the EzDbCodeGen framework. When implementing template generation, always follow the best practices and patterns outlined in this document to ensure consistent, maintainable, and efficient code generation.