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Releases: rydmike/flex_color_picker

Version 3.2.1

16 Apr 13:15
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Apr 16, 2023

  • Changed to using flex_seed_scheme: ^1.2.4 that depends on material_color_utilities with version constraint set to >=0.2.0 <0.4.0 from ^0.2.0.
    • This change enables the package to be used on current Flutter stable 3.7 versions, as well as the latest 3.10.x versions on channels beta and master. It will also work with the next stable Flutter release after 3.7.
  • Updated default example to use Material 3.

Version 3.2.0

02 Apr 16:51
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Version 3.2.0

Apr 2, 2023


  • Based on user request, exposed widget ColorCodeField as a part of the package's public API. It can now be used externally as well. The ColorCodeField is the color code entry and display field used by the ColorPicker.

Version 3.1.0

01 Feb 03:59
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Feb 1, 2023


  • Requires minimum Flutter 3.7.0 and Dart 2.19.0 that is used by Flutter 3.17. Version 3.7.0 of Flutter broke the nullable Overlay.of API. The new API is Overlay.maybeOf. This forced a new release of FlexColorPicker that requires minimum Flutter 3.7 that breaks compatibility with older versions of Flutter.


  • Dart format and analyzer updates for Flutter 3.7.0.
  • Add example screenshots to pubspec.yaml.

Version 3.0.2

13 Jan 02:04
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Jan 13, 2023


  • Fixed the color picker item size Slider in the Web demo app. No changes to the package.

Version 3.0.1

12 Jan 20:20
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Jan 12, 2023


  • The onColorChanged was called twice if just clicking on the wheel color picker's wheel or square to set a new color value via a single click. This fixes it, and such clicks now only generate one onColorChanged call-back. Dragging on the wheel and square still generate onColorChanged call-backs during the entire drag process. To get callbacks just at start or end of drags, use onColorChangeStart and onColorChangeEnd as before.

Version 3.0.0

23 Nov 19:49
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Nov 23, 2022


  • The color picker dialog actionsPadding now default to null. This results in that if it is undefined, its value is determined by the ambient AlertDialogTheme, or if it is not defined either, the default for AlertDialog. Which have different defaults depending on if Material 2 or Material 3 is used. Default value in previous versions of FlexColorPicker was: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16)

  • The color picker dialog buttonPadding now default to null. This results in that if it is undefined, its value is determined by the ambient AlertDialogTheme, or if it is not defined either, the default for AlertDialog. Which have different defaults depending on if Material 2 or Material 3 is used. Default value in previous versions of FlexColorPicker was: EdgeInsets.all(16)

  • The API usage of the above properties is unchanged. It is only the default behavior that has been updated to be less opinionated and to enable using theme-dependent settings.


  • Removed in version 2.1.0 no longer used and already deprecated parameter useRootNavigator in ColorPicker method showPickerDialog.
  • Removed in version 2.1.0 no longer used and already deprecated parameter useRootNavigator in function showColorPickerDialog.


  • To ColorPicker method showPickerDialog and to function showColorPickerDialog, added parameters barrierLabel and anchorPoint as pass along values to Flutter SDK showDialog and showGeneralDialog.

  • To ColorPicker method showPickerDialog and to function showColorPickerDialog added parameters transitionBuilder and transitionDuration. If transitionBuilder is not null, the showPickerDialog and showColorPickerDialog will use the showGeneralDialog Flutter SDK function instead of showDialog. The showGeneralDialog function will be used with the provided transitionBuilder and transitionDuration. The transitionDuration only has any impact when the transitionBuilder is used. If transitionBuilder is null, then the showPickerDialog and showColorPickerDialog use the Flutter SDK showDialog implementation as before, thus using the default Material platform dependent showDialog transition and duration.


  • Default example: Added an example of how to use the transitionBuilder.
  • Web example: Modernized its theme by using Material 3 and a seed generated ColorScheme.

Version 2.6.1

09 Sep 16:56
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Sep 9, 2022

  • Add secondaryOffset to OpacitySliderTrack paint method override to fix new requirement for master channel compatibility, works with stable channel too. Thanks Dan Reynolds for the PR.

Version 2-6-0

30 Aug 22:16
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Aug 30, 2022

  • Contains all updates from 2.6.0-dev, dev2 and dev3.
  • Updated minimum dependencies to Dart >=2.18.0 and Flutter >= 3.3.0.


August 28, 2022


  • This is a dev release that works with Flutter beta 3.3.0-0.5.pre and master channel.
    It has more relaxed constraints than 2.6.0-dev.2.

  • This version no longer depends directly on package material_color_utilities it uses
    flex_seed_scheme instead, with a transitive dependency on material_color_utilities.

  • Changed all used TextTheme style names to M3 versions, including docs.


August 21, 2022


  • This is a dev release for those that need to work with both master channel where Flutter master
    SDK depends on material_color_utilities 0.2.0 and 3.3.0 beta, pre for upcoming Flutter 3.3.0
    stable, use material_color_utilities 0.1.5. It uses a controversial package constraint of:
    material_color_utilities: '>=0.1.5 <=0.2.0'. Using older version 0.1.3 and 0.1.4 in theory
    also works, but they contain some breaking color values in the used algorithm for calculation of
    tonal palettes. The color changes are very minor and typically not visible to the eye.

  • This dev release also disabled two trivial tests that contained incompatible results between
    Flutter 3.0.5 stable, 3.3.0-0.4.pre beta and 3.1.0-x master.


August 5, 2022


  • This is a dev release for those that need to work with master channel where Flutter SDK depends on
    material_color_utilities ^0.2.0.

  • Updated material_color_utilities to ^0.2.0. This version constraint does not
    work with Flutter 3.0.x stable or beta 3.3.x, and their earlier versions.
    This dev release is required to use Flutter SDK master 3.1.0-0.0.pre.2111 or later,
    that uses material_color_utilities 0.2.0.

  • For other (older) version of Flutter SDK you can use package version 2.5.0 that has a
    material_color_utilities version constraint of ^0.1.3.

  • This release also updates Dart SDK constraint to '>=2.17.0 <3.0.0' and has Flutter listed as


  • Harmonized the changelog style and its past history. The new style and how it looks will be tested
    with a dev release to ensure it works well on pub.

Version 2.6.0-dev.3

28 Aug 02:00
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Version 2.6.0-dev.3 Pre-release


August 28, 2022


  • This is a dev release that works with Flutter beta 3.3.0-0.5.pre and master channel. It has more relaxed constraints than 2.6.0-dev.2.

  • This version no longer depends directly on package material_color_utilities it uses flex_seed_scheme instead, with a transitive dependency on material_color_utilities.

  • Changed all used TextTheme style names to M3 versions, including docs.

Version 2.6.0-dev.2

21 Aug 16:38
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Version 2.6.0-dev.2 Pre-release


August 21, 2022

This is a dev release for those that need to work with both master channel where Flutter master SDK depends on material_color_utilities 0.2.0 and 3.3.0 beta, pre for upcoming Flutter 3.3.0 stable, use material_color_utilities 0.1.5. It uses a controversial package constraint of:
material_color_utilities: '>=0.1.5 <=0.2.0'. Using older version 0.1.3 and 0.1.4 in theory also works, but they contain some breaking color values in the used algorithm for calculation of tonal palettes. The color changes are very minor and typically not visible to the eye.

This dev release also disabled two trivial tests that contained incompatible results between Flutter 3.0.5 stable, 3.3.0-0.4.pre beta and 3.1.0-x master.