Enables creation of tab-delimited file with ICS Credit Cards transactions.
At least in The Netherlands, ICS Cards managers a large portion of credit cards. If you get your card from ABN AMRO bank, de Bijenkorf or possibly others - these cards will be from ICS Cards.
While access on actual cards' transactions via ICS website and phone apps is OK, it actually lacks possibility to download transactions in a form, which can be imported into a spread sheet.
How it works
Set of files in this repository helps to download your transactions. The process of downloading transactions is:
- Login to your ICS credit card issuer website
- Open Actual (Actueel) tab
- Select a page, which contains transactions you have not downloaded yet
- Save the page as "Webpage, HTML Only" and replace ics.html file
- Execute "ant" in the directory with these files
- If you still use Windows, instead of running ant from command line, you can double click on ant.cmd
- Insure it finishes with BUILD SUCCESSFUL
- If there are more Actual pages with transactions to download, repeat the process from step #3
All downloaded transactions will be in tab-delimited ics.txt file
The only requirement for your machine is having ANT installed. If you are software developer, most probably you already have it. If not,
- download the latest *.zip file from https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi
- unpack it somewhere on you machine
- insure the bin folder of the unpacked directory is added to PATH
- test installation by running ant in an empty directory. You should see something like this:
viksmac:empty viktor$ ant
Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!
Build failed