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1270 lines (827 loc) · 62.8 KB

File metadata and controls

1270 lines (827 loc) · 62.8 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on these versioning and changelog guidelines.

3.2.1 - 2018-12-04

Bug fixes

  • Fixed ToastProps type not being exported (#722)
  • Fixed Shopify App Bridge import issues in AppProvider and enzyme test utilities (#720)

3.2.0 - 2018-12-04


  • Updated TextField to no longer use componentWillReceiveProps(#628)
  • Updated EventListener to no longer use componentWillUpdate (#628)
  • Allowed Icon to accept a React Node as a source (#635) (thanks to @mbriggs for the original issue)
  • Added alignContentFlush prop to ContextualSaveBar (#654)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Pagination from calling onNext and onPrevious while hasNext and hasPrevious are false for key press events (#643)
  • Removed min-width from FormLayout Items and applying it only to Items used inside a FormLayout.Group (#650)
  • Removed added space in ChoiceList when choice has children on selection but is not selected (#665)
  • Fixed errorOverlayText on Dropzone (#671)
  • Updated the InlineError text color, the error border-color on form fields and the error Icon color to be the same red. (#676)
  • Fixed AppProvider server side rendering support (#696) (thanks @sbstnmsch for the original issue)
  • Fixed TextField autocomplete disabling by setting autocomplete="nope" when autoComplete prop is false (#708)


  • Updated documentation links to match the new style guide link structure (#478)

Development workflow

  • yarn run tophat has been removed and its functionality has been moved into the yarn run dev server. Example editing now supports hot-reloading so you don’t need restart the server anymore.

Dependency upgrades

  • Bumped @shopify/polaris-tokens to v2.0.0. This is a breaking change for consumers of color design tokens in languages such as JavaScript and Sass (full release notes)

3.1.1 - 2018-11-19

Bug fixes

  • Fixed selector import in DataTable and Cell (#638)

3.1.0 - 2018-11-16


  • Added onScrolledToBottom prop to Scrollable (#568)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Action's selector in Page's Header component (#523)
  • Fixed Card spacing in small devices (#608)
  • Fixed ResourceList BulkActions that were remaining in fixed position outside the boundingElement (#627)
  • Improved readability of Badge with size small and status new for navigation (#633)

3.0.1 - 2018-11-14

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Datepicker ranges when start and end dates are similar but have different references (#601)
  • Fixed DataTable column visibility calculation in production environments by using a data-polaris-header-cell attribute instead of class-based targeting (#615)
  • Fixed Navigation.Item not calling onClick on small screens when onNavigationDismiss is undefined (#603)
  • Fixed Autocomplete empty state example Markdown not parsing correctly (#592)
  • Fixed TopBar’s UserMenu alignment to be right-aligned when TopBar isn’t passed a searchField prop (#597)
  • Removed erroneous SCSS file import that rendered Polaris unable to be used in typescript projects without scss support (#609)
  • Fixed Popover inconsistent border-radius values (#605)
  • TextStyle strong variant now uses a span tag instead of b (#606)
  • Fixed non-blocking context errors when using Toast or Loading in an embedded app (#613)

3.0.0 - 2018-11-09

Breaking changes

  • Added padding top and bottom on Card.Section when set to full width
  • Fixed Portal rendering by using componentDidMount lifecycle hook as opposed to componentWillMount
  • Fixed an issue where clicking a Link without a url in a form would implicitly submit the form. Link can no longer submit forms. Use <Button submit> instead.
  • Renamed the Keys enum to align with Shopify naming standards. It is now singular and the properties are in PascalCase. Replace import {Keys} from '@shopify/polaris' with import {Key} from '@shopify/polaris' and change the casing of the properties, e.g. replace Keys.DOWN_ARROW with Key.DownArrow.
  • Added !important to display: none in @print-hidden mixin

Embedded apps

  • Use the Shopify App Bridge in favor of the EASDK. The EASDK has been removed.
  • Added Shopify App Bridge support to new components Toast and Loading
  • Added target prop to all actions which get passed to the Shopify App Bridge
  • Added new size and message props to Modal which aligns with the Shopify App Bridge API
  • Added new resourceType, initialQuery, and showVariants props to ResourcePicker which aligns with the Shopify App Bridge API
  • Moved embedded ResourcePicker, Modal, and Page to the main bundle and removed the embedded bundle. Imports from '@shopify/polaris/embedded' will no longer work, use '@shopify/polaris' instead.
  • Made the shopOrigin prop on AppProvider optional. It’s now provided by default. If you do provide a shopOrigin it now needs to be given without the 'https://' per the Shopify App Bridge API.
  • Updated onSelection prop on ResourcePicker. The shape of the selectPayload data has changed and the product id is now a gid. For example, /9019381572 is now gid://shopify/Product/9019381572. We offer @shopify/admin-graphql-api-utilities to help compose and parse gid from Shopify admin.
  • Updated default values for ResourcePicker props to align with the Shopify App Bridge. Set the props showHidden, allowMultiple={false}, and showVariants={false} to get the previous default behavior.
  • Updated target prop type related to embedded apps, use 'APP', 'ADMIN_PATH', or 'REMOTE'
  • Removed icon prop from Page. Upload your app’s icon in the Shopify Partners dashboard “App setup” section instead.
  • Removed title prop from ResourcePicker as setting a title is no longer supported by the Shopify App Bridge
  • Removed products prop from ResourcePicker, use resourceType="Product" instead
  • Removed collections prop from ResourcePicker, use resourceType="Collection" instead
  • Removed width and height props from Modal, use size instead
  • Removed debug prop from AppProvider, use Redux DevTools instead. Redux DevTools also has browser extensions.
  • Removed the Alert component, use Modal with message prop instead
  • Replaced easdk on React context with appBridge. Access it via this.context.polaris.appBridge.
  • Removed this.context.easdk.startLoading() and this.context.easdk.stopLoading(), use the Loading component instead
  • Removed this.context.easdk.showFlashNotice(), use the Toast component instead
  • Removed this.context.easdk.pushState(), use the Shopify App Bridge History action instead. The History action requires passing the appBridge instance which is accessible via this.context.polaris.appBridge.
  • Removed this.context.easdk.redirect(), use the Shopify App Bridge Redirect action instead. The Redirect action requires passing the appBridge instance which is accessible via this.context.polaris.appBridge.


  • Updated the license from MIT to a custom license based on MIT. The new license restricts Polaris usage to applications that integrate or interoperate with Shopify software or services, with additional restrictions for external, stand-alone applications.

New components

We’ve released a suite of new components that, when combined, form the application frame of a stand-alone (or non-embedded) Polaris app.

The frame component, while not visible in the user interface itself, provides the structure for any non-embedded application. It wraps the main elements and houses the following components:

The navigation component is used to display the primary navigation in the sidebar of the frame of any non-embedded application. Navigation includes a list of links that merchants use to move between sections of the application.

The top bar component is always visible at the top of a non-embedded application. Its logo and color can be customized using the app provider component to reflect an application’s brand. Merchants can use it to search an application, access menus, and navigate by clicking on the logo.

The toast component is a non-disruptive message that appears at the bottom of the interface to provide quick, at-a-glance feedback on the outcome of an action.

The loading component is used to indicate to merchants that a page is loading or an upload is processing.

The contextual save bar tells merchants their options once they have made changes to a form on the page. This component is also shown while creating a new object like a product or customer. Merchants can use this component to save or discard their work.

The autocomplete component is an input field that provides selectable suggestions as a merchant types into it. It allows merchants to quickly search through and select from large collections of options.


  • Changed Form to default the method to post in order to prevent accidental leaking of form details
  • Added support for boolean type on Choice error prop
  • Changed the esnext folder to contain individual, minimally transpiled JavaScript component files, as well as raw style and image assets
  • Added onPortalCreated prop to Portal
  • Improved consistency of Badge styling
  • Explicitly specifying list-style on List

Bug fixes

  • Fixed console error and used new ref syntax in DataTable (thanks to @duythien0912 for the original issue)
  • Fixed the ability to upload multiple files even when allowedMultiple prop is false
  • Fixed Datatable so it resizes with new content (thanks @andrewpye for the original issue)
  • Fixed RangeSlider linear-gradient so it doesn’t break the css build (thanks @Ankitjasoliya and @nerfologist for the original issue)
  • Fixed issue in Page, where styling wasn’t being applied correctly to Page Actions
  • Removed unnecessary bindings on the Modal’s onClose prop
  • Rearranged primaryFooterAction and secondaryFooterAction in Card (thanks @sivakumar-kailasam for the original issue)


  • Updated banner guidelines to make it clearer when success banners should be used vs success toasts.
  • Added examples for iOS and Android section header
  • Added examples for iOS and Android thumbnail
  • Added examples for iOS and Android empty state
  • Added examples for iOS and Android text field
  • Added examples for iOS and Android select
  • Added examples for iOS and Android keyboard accessories
  • Added examples for iOS and Android collapsible
  • Added examples for iOS and Android list
  • Clarified placement and usage of Banner
  • Added an explanation to Modal about why it can’t be closed by clicking outside the modal and should only be closed by clicking X or Cancel

Development workflow

  • Moved sub-sub-components within ResourceList into components folders
  • Removed empty state from ResourceList if there are no items and loading is true
  • Move to use sewing-kit for test running, updating to Jest 23 in the process. This gives us working sourcemaps for code coverage
  • Improved accessibility testing checklist
  • Updated development node environment to 10.13.0
  • Added shopify/jest plugin to eslint config

Open development

2.12.1 - 2018-10-11

Bug fixes

  • Fixes type imports in the build

2.12.0 - 2018-10-11


  • Removed tip from Popover
  • Increased speed of Popover transition from 500ms to 100ms
  • Improved text contrast in Badge.
  • Added named medium size to Button that renders the same as omiting the size attribute

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in Collapsible example
  • Fixed padding and margins on SkeletonPage to match Page
  • Fixed spacing between Page title and metadata


  • Made ActionList, OptionList and Popover examples active by default so previews are visible without interacting
  • Improved the manual accessibility checklist

Development workflow

  • Batched Percy snapshots per component

2.11.0 - 2018-10-03


  • Tab.Item with a url prop now renders an UnstyledLink instead of a Button when displayed in Popover and you can now keyboard navigate the disclosure in Tabs
  • Refs can be placed on DropZone.FileUpload
  • Use the new context API in ResourceList
  • Use the new context API in DropZone
  • Update example description in ExceptionList documentation
  • Move Modal CloseButton into its own subcomponent, instead of being part of the Header subcomponent. This is an internal implementation detail if you are using the React component. If you are using (s)css and are defining class names manually you will need to update references to Polaris-Modal-Header__CloseButton and Polaris-Modal-Header--withoutTitle to Polaris-Modal-CloseButton and Polaris-Modal-CloseButton--withoutTitle respectively.

Development workflow

  • Added d.ts files to test coverage ignore
  • Page is no longer self-closing in the playground

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Button alignment issue caused by unnecessary icon markup rendering ([#2339](Fixing button alignment #2339)) (thanks to (@mbaumbach) for the (original issue))
  • Fixed console error and used new ref syntax in DataTable (thanks to @duythien0912 for the original issue)
  • Fixed margin of InlineError text to align with the ChoiceList labels
  • Replaced hardcoded rem values with globally scalable ones on DataTable’s collapsed shadow, and TextStyle code blocks
  • Fixed spacing of numbered List for double digits (#121)
  • Fixed ProgressBar not showing up in Windows high contrast mode (#1708)
  • Top aligned all cells in DataTable
  • Fixed stacking order of loading overlay in ResourceList
  • Fixed form inputs in Popover that were disappearing instead of top aligning thanks to @mbaumbach for the original issue
  • Removed a redundant class on OptionList list items


  • Made Modal examples show the modal dialog by default
  • Changed fitted Tabs to have equal width when enough space is present (#2314)

New components


Use withContext to pass consumer context to a component.


Use withRef with compose to forwardRefs to a component.

2.10.0 - 2018-09-18


  • Updated Button to accept a React.ReactNode for its icon prop


  • Refined accessibility checklist

Bug Fixes

  • Added truncation to Tag

2.9.0 - 2018-09-10


  • Updated date filter labels in resource list
  • Changed placeholder prop in Select to be the default selection
  • Added a loading prop to ResourceList that places a spinner overtop items and disables bulk actions


  • Clarified when and how to use icons in the banner component
  • Updated footer help component guidelines to include content instructions for app developers

Bug fixes

  • Fixed resource list component to correctly handle inclusive filter keys
  • Fixed date field in DateSelector to not render an error when date is added by the date picker and field is blurred
  • Fixed pagination from firing keypress events while focus is inside inputs or contenteditables
  • Fixed EmptyState horizontally scrolling when fully condensed
  • Fixed the bottom margin of elements inside Page being ignored in some browsers
  • Added required url prop to breadcrumbs in Page component examples
  • Fixed ActionList wrapping text within a Popover
  • Fixed Banner spacing when inside of a section
  • Fixed Stack so it doesn’t add extra spacing between items in Safari

2.8.0 - 2018-08-30

Bug fixes

  • Reverted a change that caused the built embedded.js bundle to be way larger than it should be due to broad imports


  • Added support for boolean type on Choice error prop


  • Updated banner guidelines to make it clearer when success banners should be used vs success toasts.
  • Updated display text documentation to have a separate example for medium and large display

2.7.2 - 2018-08-27

Bug fixes

  • Reverted a change that caused items in a Popover component not to be clickable

2.7.1 - 2018-08-27


  • Fixed paths to images in the “Attention badge” example

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the Page component’s primaryAction to support LoadableActions and DisableableActions

2.7.0 - 2018-08-27


  • Adjusted spacing for ChoiceChildren in ChoiceList for readability
  • Made Card.Header a separate publicly accessible component
  • Added support for complex operators in ResourceList component
  • Updated the Page component’s primaryAction to support Button props.
  • Added validation for non-numeric input in a type="number" TextField
  • Added circle information icon


  • Updated Banner guidelines to make it clearer when success banners should be used vs success toasts

2.6.1 - 2018-08-21

Development workflow

  • Moved pa11y and object-hash from dependencies to devDependencies

Bug fixes

  • Fixed inconsistent DropZone error styling

2.6.0 - 2018-08-21

Development workflow

  • Added a test:coverage script to gather and display test coverage results
  • Added Codecov test coverage checks to pull requests
  • Added automated a11y testing to CI


  • Added support for titleMetadata in Page component
  • Added support for FilterType.DateSelector in ResourceList component
  • Added code as an accepted variation of the TextStyle component to provide support for accessible markup and styling of inline code snippets and code-like text
  • Added new border-width SCSS function
  • Added support for fullWidth and connectedTop props on ButtonGroup
  • Added label prop to DropZone for better accessibility
  • Added support for RadioButton to accept a block as a label
  • Added a singleColumn prop to the SkeletonPage component
  • Updated the transition on large Modal to match the default transition
  • Added nextKeys, previousKeys, nextTooltip, and previousTooltip props to the Pagination component to support keypress handling and Tooltip in pagination buttons.
  • Added examples to the Layout component documentation for two and three column grid layouts
  • Added an export for the Progress type to support downstream typechecking of the Badge component progress prop
  • Added an iFrameName prop to the Modal component to support named iframe children
  • Added a ScrollTo subcomponent to the Scrollable component to support scrolling to a child node programmatically
  • Added support for the Button component to accept an array of strings as children
  • Changed the primary focus target of an activated Popover from the first focusable child to the Popover itself
  • Added an improved error message when the child of an embedded Alert component is not a string (thanks @superwhykz for the original issue)
  • Added a minimum width to tab items to improve touch target sizing and account for smaller tab titles
  • Added support for additional accessibility attributes to the TextField and OptionList components
  • Added support for OptionList with Avatar, Icon, and Thumbnail when options descriptors have a media property
  • Added support for destructive ActionList items
  • Added support for OptionList options descriptors to accept a block for the label property
  • Added $page-max-width variable to capture page calculated max-width value and page-when-not-max-width mixin to trigger when page is resized horizontally
  • Added support for select error messages to be optional
  • Updated the Breadcrumbs component to support the CallbackAction type as a prop (thanks @dylan for the current issue and everyone who identified this.)
  • Added support for TextField error messages to be optional
  • Added a disabled prop to the Choice component. Checkbox and RadioButton labels are now styled to reflect their disabled state
  • Added support for Windows High Contrast mode in the Select, Checkbox and RadioButton components

Bug fixes

  • Fixed TextField resizer rendering when multiline was false
  • Fixed Modal header condensing
  • Fixed Tooltip so active prop activates on initial render
  • Fixed Popover border radius and left and right alignment
  • Fixed visibility of the hidden implicit submit button in Form (thanks @cgenevier for the original issue)
  • Fixed alignment of wrapped empty state actions
  • Swapped the import and export icons
  • Fixed incorrect DataTable column count and content skipping in assistive technologies
  • Fixed unintended form submittal by action list items enclosed in a form (thanks @andrewpye for the original issue)
  • Fixed text alignment of multiline OptionList option text
  • Fixed an issue where the Stack component would render incorrectly nested items
  • Fixed spacing above annotated sections on smaller screens
  • Fixed an issue that caused problems for some build tools
  • Fixed the word-break of long text in Label and Banner on small screens


  • Added examples for iOS and Android RadioButton
  • Added examples for iOS and Android Banner
  • Added Toast component
  • Added examples for iOS and Android Button
  • Added examples for iOS and Android ButtonGroup
  • Added examples for iOS and Android Badge
  • Added examples for iOS and Android Avatar
  • Added Stepper component

New components

Use inline errors to describe custom form inputs or form groups when invalid.

2.5.0 - 2018-07-20


  • Updated sub component structure
  • Added weekStartsOn prop to DatePicker

Bug fixes

  • Remove stickyManager from AppProviderProps interface
  • Fixed a bug where Layout.AnnotatedSection would output a wrapper div for a description even when its contents were empty
  • Remove extra padding from annotated section


  • Added iOS and Android examples to the Card component
  • Added iOS and Android examples to the ChoiceList component

Development workflow

  • Renamed yarn start:vrt to yarn tophat and updated the folder name to match
  • Improved yarn tophat’s design, and added a /all-components route


  • Added weekStartsOn prop to DatePicker

2.4.0 - 2018-07-12


  • Changed Form to submit a form by default when the enter key is pressed, and added the prop implicitSubmit to disable this default

Bug fixes

  • Fixed TextField padding when a prefix or suffix is included

2.3.1 - 2018-07-05


  • Removed the min-width of 320px from ResourceList

Bug fixes

  • Resolve issue with RangeSlider component not accepting 0 as a max value
  • Slightly reduced spacing for prefix and suffix on the RangeSlider component
  • Fixed spacing for prefix and suffix on the TextField component
  • Fixed height of cells in DataTable that are rendered after initial page load (for example: in a Tab or a Popover) (thanks @flewid for the original issue)
  • Fixed DatePicker month styling for previous years

2.3.0 - 2018-07-03

New components

Use OptionList to present a group of selectable items outside of the context of a Form.


  • Fixed Form examples


  • Added prefix and suffix props to RangeSlider for better layout control
  • Added testing documentation and examples in AppProvider
  • Performance: optimized avatar SVG files
  • Updated yarn run optimize to add new line at the end of SVG files
  • Added a more compact variant of Select, with the form label appearing inside the control)

Bug fixes

  • Adjusted padding on TextField to work with Chrome’s autofill
  • Fixed a regression where the version of Polaris wasn’t globally available anymore
  • Updated the interaction state visuals for ActionList
  • Fixed z-index on ResourceList header with sorting options (thanks @janklimo for the original issue)
  • Fixed an issue where RadioButton was not focusable in Safari
  • Fixed spacing for annotated section descriptions
  • Fixed a bug in EASDK action transforms that prevented external urls in embedded apps from opening (thanks @dansundy for the original issue)

Dependency updates

2.2.0 - 2018-06-12

New components

Use RangeSlider to select a number value between a min and max range.


  • Added a fixed prop to Popover allowing for a fixed position
  • Added badge prop to the ItemDescriptor type and action group
  • Added text-breakword mixin for easier word breaking when dealing with long unspaced strings

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unexpected form submission when switching tabs in a Tabs component wrapped in a Form
  • Added missing 'Shopify.API.setWindowLocation' message handler to the EASDK

2.1.2 - 2018-06-06


  • Added support for Card to accept a block for a title
  • Added an intermediate prop typing for Link to allow redefinition of prop definitions

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ResourceList filters lost padding (thanks @BarryCarlyon for the original issue)
  • Fixed unexpected focus jumps when DatePicker props are updated
  • Fixed the spacing and text wrapping of ExceptionList title and description

2.1.1 - 2018-05-30

Bug fixes

  • Fixed DropZone to prevent it from kicking into small size too soon


  • Various content and markdown fixes

2.1.0 - 2018-05-03

New components

Use Exception lists to draw the merchant’s attention to important information that adds extra context to a task.


  • Added an ellipsis prop to ActionList.Item allowing for an ellipsis suffix after the content
  • Added a preferredAlignment prop to Popover allowing it to be aligned to the left, center, or right of its activator
  • Updated styling for Banner that appear in a Card or a Modal
  • Added new size to DropZone component
  • Exposed Group interface from the Select component
  • Renamed plain-list mixin to unstyled-list
  • Removed padding from DropZone and applied it to FileUpload instead

Bug fixes

  • Fixed unexpected window scroll on rendering DataTable (thanks @mfurniss for the original issue)
  • Fixed focused inner interaction state on ResourceList.Item for reverse tabbing
  • Fixed border radius on Card to match the padding on Page
  • Added target to the breadcrumb prop on Page (thanks @sdn90 for the original issue)
  • Fixed visual representation of disabled bulk action buttons in ResourceList
  • Fixed margins of a fullWidth Popover that appears above its activator
  • Fixed rendering of Popover when activator rerenders (thanks @nerfologist for the original issue)
  • Fixed z-index calculation for PositionOverlay and Dialog
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a date in DatePicker would submit its enclosing form
  • Fixed ResourceList reverse tabbing focus interaction on action buttons
  • Fixed padding in the case where a ResourceList had no filters

2.0.0 - 2018-05-07

Summary: this is the first major version of Polaris React since launch. Included in this release are:

  • Several new components, including DataTable, DropZone, AppProvider, and Modal
  • Improvements to existing components, such as ResourceList, ChoiceList, and Card
  • A few breaking API changes

Breaking changes

React 16+

We’re removing support for React 15 in order to make full use of some of the new features in React 16, such as fragments, error boundaries, and improved server-side rendering.

Upgrade instructions

Upgrade your app to the latest version of React.

The AppProvider component is now required in your app for Polaris components to function properly.

Upgrade instructions

Wrap your app in the AppProvider component.

Collapsible component requires an id prop

For accessibility reasons, the id prop is now required on the Collapsible component.

Upgrade instructions

Pass a unique value as an id to all Collapsible components. For example, <Collapsible id="my-unique-id">.

EmbeddedApp component has been removed

The EmbeddedApp component has been removed. The AppProvider component now accepts the configuration needed to initialize an embedded app.

Upgrade instructions

Use the AppProvider component with the apiKey and shopOrigin props.

Shopify is organized around objects that represent a merchant’s business, such as customers, products, and orders. Each individual order, for example, is given a dedicated page that can be linked to. In Shopify, we call these types of objects resources.

The resource list component functions as:

  • A content format, presenting a set of individual resources in a compact form
  • A system for taking action on one or more individual resources
  • A way to navigate to the details page of an individual resource

Our current resource list component gave you some nice defaults out of the box, but didn’t take you much further than that. We recognized that each of these lists is unique and contains different information that is important to the merchant.

Our new resource list allow you to build custom items in the list, with their own layout, content, and styling. This gives you a powerful way to build these sorts of lists going forward.

We’ve also included in depth documentation and a tutorial on how to build your own custom resource list items.

Tabs no longer accept title prop

To be more consistent with our other component APIs, the Tabs component now uses content instead of title.

Upgrade instructions

Change all instances of title to be content instead.

TextField onChange is required

Because we require you to manage state for your inputs, we decided to make onChange required for TextField to avoid confusion.

Upgrade instructions

Add an onChange callback to each use of TextField that is not disabled or readonly.

Removed default white color from Icon CSS

The CSS for Icon will no longer apply a color to icons by default. You must use the color prop on the Icon component to specify the color.

Upgrade instructions

Use color prop on all instances of Icon component.

Anchor tags are no longer styled by Polaris components

To avoid conflicts with other styling or frameworks, we’re removing the styling we globally applied to all a elements.

Upgrade instructions

Use the Link component instead.

Changed Alert onCancel prop to onClose

This change only impacts users of the Sass version of Polaris, more specifically the color() function. The color($hue, $value: base, $for-background: null) function in Sass now accepts strings for $hue and $value as advertised in the color function documentation.

Upgrade instructions

If you’re using VS Code, here are the exact search / replace instructions to follow (toggle “Use Regular Expression”):

  • replace \bcolor\(([a-z-]+)\) with color('$1')
  • replace \bcolor\(([a-z-]+), ([a-z-]+)\) with color('$1', '$2')
  • replace \bcolor\(([a-z-]+), ([a-z-]+), (.*)\) with color('$1', '$2', $3)

New components

Since launching Polaris components, we’ve had many people ask why we didn’t include tables. While we have been moving away from using tables for comparisons that aren’t tabular data (resource lists, for example), we recognize that there are still cases to use them.

The data table component is our answer to those cases. While data visualizations represents part of a data set, data tables are used to organize and display all the information from a data set, allowing merchants view details from the entire set. This helps merchants compare and analyze all the data in a unified way.

Currently we have several different interfaces for uploading files across Shopify, which leads to a lack of consistency and some missing features and capabilities. To solve this problem, we’re releasing a new drop zone component.

This new component allows merchants to upload files by dragging and dropping them into an area on a page. The component handles file type validation, dropping onto the window, and more, meaning more ease of use for merchants.

In the original Polaris React, the modal component was only available to embedded apps. No longer. Our new modal component is universal in that it can be used in either stand-alone or embedded apps, and will handle the correct behavior for you.

The app provider is a required component that enables sharing global app config with the components in Polaris. This is used for the internationalization of strings in Polaris components, as well as set other configuration such as a custom link component that all the Polaris components will use. This unlocks new ways for us to share configuration at an app level and have the components react to that configuration.


  • Added error prop to ChoiceList
  • TextField, Select, and Checkbox now accept the types string or ReactElement for the error prop
  • Added optional id props to more components, and restructured the prop definitions to allow projects to make id props mandatory
  • Added fullWidth prop to Card.Section
  • Added fullHeight prop to Popover to override max-height
  • Added allowRange as a property for DatePicker
  • Added the external option to the secondaryAction.action prop on the Banner component. Thank you to (Andrew Cargill) for the issue (#236)

Bug fixes

  • Enforced subdued description TextStyle in AnnotatedSection
  • Fixed overflow of TextField that caused the border to be cut off
  • Allowed specific props in the TextField component to pass through properties to the input child
  • Fixed ActionList component to provide section dividers when a title was not provided
  • Fixed an issue in the Select component where placeholder didn’t properly appear on Firefox and appeared disabled on all browsers

1.14.2 - 2018-05-02

This will be the last v1.x release outside of critical security fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Add margin-left spacing to disclosure icon within Button component
  • Remove margins on segmented ButtonGroup
  • Fixed text alignment of Link so that it inherits from its parent node

1.14.1 - 2018-04-10

Bug fixes

  • Fixing an error with the release process

1.14.0 - 2018-04-10


  • Changed term in DescriptionList component to accept React.ReactNode to allow for more than just string type

1.13.1 - 2018-03-29

  • Added missing publishConfig.access setting in package.json, in accordance with the new Shipit requirements for public npm packages

1.13.0 - 2018-03-29


  • Added an id prop to Collapsible to be referenced by the aria-controls attribute of the component triggering the collapse

Bug fixes

  • Fixed external prop not working within ActionList component
  • Fixed a syntax error in one of the Card component examples (thanks @meecrobe for the original issue)

1.12.4 - 2018-03-19

  • Enhanced Avatar to work better when provided non-square images
  • Move documentation file so it’s picked up by the style guide

1.12.3 - 2018-03-16

Bug fixes

  • Fixed disclosure centering on the Tabs component
  • Fixed an issue where a style void would appear between breakpoints at high text zoom levels


  • Removed purpose section from component READMEs
  • Added EmbeddedPage under the Embedded section
  • Added “Using embedded components” section
  • Added screenshots to the embedded components
  • Clarified usage of Card header and FooterActions

1.12.2 - 2018-03-08


  • Moving property descriptions out of READMEs and into source files

1.12.1 - 2018-03-06

Bug fixes

  • Fixed server-side environments


  • Updated component examples that use state to use an es6 class

1.12.0 - 2018-02-28

Bug fixes

  • Fixed TextField overflow issues when inside Scrollable
  • Fixed Select focus state bug occuring in Firefox
  • Fixed vertical alignment of text within full width variant of the button component


  • Changed Checkbox label to allow string or React.ReactNode
  • Update TextField type with currency
  • Added ariaControls, ariaExpanded prop to Button
  • Updated the base red color to improve contrast
  • Added a notification icon to the bundled icons available to use in the icon component’s source prop
  • Exposed Status from the Banner component
  • Added titleHidden prop to Page


  • Clarified intended usage for EmptyState


  • Added version number to source

1.11.0 - 2018-02-13

  • Changed Action to Disableable Action in Card


  • Added renderChildren prop to ChoiceList component

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with FooterHelp links not expanding to full-width on mobile devices (#759)
  • Added breadcrumbs to SkeletonPage
  • Added max-width and auto margin to EmptyState
  • Fixed outline Button disabled state styles
  • Fixed Tag so the onRemove function is not improperly called (thanks @chaddjohnson for the original issue)
  • Fixed border on inputs disabled state
  • Fixed an issue in TextInput, when you increment or decrement with a float value, and the digits after the decimal point where wrong (thanks @cgidzinski for the original issue)
  • Added top alignment to FormLayout.Group


  • Fixed capitalization of prop names in Pagination component’s documentation (thanks @donnguyen for the original issue)
  • Exposed Option from the Select component

1.10.2 - 2018-01-22

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the public repository’s build (which was missing the new CircleCI configuration files)

1.10.1 - 2018-01-19

Bug fixes

1.10.0 - 2018-01-17

  • Restored the correct latest version to the CDN

  • Fixed rgbToHsb function when red is the largest number and added tests (thanks @emcmanus for the original issue)

  • Fixed an issue where a hard-coded path would cause the build to fail on Windows (thanks @Invader444 for the original issue and pull request)

  • Added onClick to UnstyledLink

  • Added tests to Link

  • Added tests for ColorPicker color utilities

1.9.1 - 2017-12-21


  • Ammending changelog

1.9.0 - 2017-12-21


  • Added onActionAnyItem prop to action list and used to close Page actionGroups on click or keypress of any item
  • Added content prop to Tabs and deprecated use of title
  • Added TextContainer component
  • Added idForItem prop to resource list
  • Added fullWidth prop to layout section
  • Added indeterminate as option for checkbox checked prop value
  • Added singleColumn prop to page
  • Added focused prop to TextField

Bug fixes

  • Fixed positioned overlay not responding to Scrollable container events
  • Fixed first focusable item focus in Popover
  • Fixed typos in the select component documentation (thanks @mattchidley for the original issue)

1.8.3 - 2017-10-26

Bug fixes

  • Moved react-transition-group from a dev dependency to a dependency

1.8.2 - 2017-10-24

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Stack not returning children

1.8.1 - 2017-10-24

Bug fixes

  • Added missing yarn config file which was causing the build to fail

1.8.0 - 2017-10-23


  • Updated README to consistently use contractions (thanks @stefanmiodrag for the original pull request)
  • Improved example description for Layout component
  • Updated Spinner documentation
  • Improved component purpose documentation across components
  • Improved documentation for TextStyle component


  • Added support for React 16
  • Added an option to show or hide unpublished products from the ResourcePicker
  • Changed Popover component to use react-transition-group instead of our deprecated custom version in @shopify/react-utilities
  • Added new ProgressBar component
  • Changed today’s date to be tabbable and clearly indicated in DatePicker
  • Added support for disabled choices in ChoiceList component
  • Added support for disabled secondary Page actions
  • Changed TextField and Select to now focus on clicking only within the area from the input to the end of its label text

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Layout component example description
  • Fixed SkeletonPage header appearing in embedded apps (thanks @rkbhochalya for the original issue))
  • Fixed border-radius on ActionList component in Chrome

1.7.0 - 2017-10-06


  • Added SkeletonPage, SkeletonBodyText and SkeletonDisplayText components
  • Added Spinner component
  • Added hint prop to Scrollable and use in Popover
  • Updated Button component to use new Spinner component
  • Added external link support for Page secondaryActions
  • Enabled the primaryAction of PageActions to be loading
  • Stack now supports non-wrapping layouts on small screens
  • Updated TextField min and max documentation
  • Breadcrumbs now accept a callback through onAction (thanks @arypbatista for the original issue)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with embedded app breadcrumb linking to Shopify settings page (thanks @cargix1 for the original issue)
  • Fixed Avatar to display image and initials simultaneously
  • Fixed various links to embedded components
  • Fixed left and right ends of TextField not responding to clicks
  • RadioButton & Checkbox now focus on clicking only within the area from the input to the end of its label text
  • Fixed plain and fullWidth Button alignment
  • Add a minor delay to Tooltip display

1.6.0 - 2017-09-25


Bug fixes

  • Fixed failed dependency installation for unauthenticated GitHub users (thanks @mikeyhew for the original issue)
  • Fixed Page header spacing
  • Fixed TextField focus ring transition
  • Fixed Popover not resizing on content updates

1.5.2 - 2017-09-18

Bug fixes

  • Fixes alignment of PageAction links

1.5.1 - 2017-08-30

Bug fixes

  • Fixed disabled Button when using local class names
  • Fixed Scrollable resize listener not autobinding

1.5.0 - 2017-08-30


  • Updated Scrollable component to remember scroll position on re-render
  • Added checkmark icon to the Icon component
  • Added an example for a disabled TextField

Bug fixes

  • Fixed typo in Icon code example

1.4.1 - 2017-08-24

Various documentation fixes.

1.4.0 - 2017-08-22


  • Updated import, export, and view icons
  • Improved documentation of various components
  • Improved how ActionList handles images and groups
  • Exposed PopoverCloseSource from Popover component

Bug fixes

  • Fixed PageActions spacing in IE11
  • Fixed ID inconsistency on TextField
  • Fixed spacing on Page component with no header (thanks @bakura10 for the original issue)
  • Fixed disabled state on primary and destructive Button


  • Upgraded javascript-utilities to the latest version

1.3.1 - 2017-08-10

Bug fixes

  • Fixed classnames in built *.scss files
  • Fixed broken link in description list README

1.3.0 - 2017-08-09


  • Added an esnext build (allows production builds to perform class/method tree shaking)
  • Changed KeyboardKey component to use kbd tag
  • Added publishing docs folder to npm package
  • Added fullWidth option to Popover component

Bug fixes

  • Updated Static HTML page examples to correct markup (thanks @bartcoppens for the original issue)
  • Hide increment and decrement buttons on number input when disabled (thanks @kguller for the original issue)
  • Fixed link to product content documentation
  • Fixed documented type for error prop on Checkbox component
  • Fixed Popover reopening when clicking around during transition
  • Fixed Popover resizing on content updates
  • Fixed vertical alignment of Button content

Sketch UIKit

  • Added Sketch color palette file

1.2.1 (July 27, 2017)


  • Fixed a repo issue that caused the public repo release not to happen

1.2.0 (July 27, 2017)


  • Added helpText to ChoiceList choices (thanks @cgenevier for the original issue)
  • Added save icon
  • Added accessibilityLabel to Tabs
  • Updated icons for Banner
  • Improved Page component by fixing up spacing, addin a prop to show a separator below the page title, and changing the secondary actions to roll up into a dropdown menu on small screens
  • Improved default stacking behavior for Tooltip and Popover (thanks @Taphood for the original issue)
  • Added extraTight spacing option to Stack
  • Use default subheading type styles for ActionList
  • Improved large Button styles
  • Updated font-weight for text emphasis (thanks @bakura10 for the original issue)

Bug fixes

Sketch UIKit

  • Added color palette page to “Getting started”
  • Button typography updated. More changes to come soon.
  • Changed typeface from San Francisco UI to San Francisco Pro. You will need to download the updated typeface here.
  • Updated to Sketch version 45.2
  • Updated layer styles and fonts styles to take advantage of Sketch’s new organizational features.


Dependency updates

  • Updated React TypeScript definitions


  • Updated EASDK metadata structure for generic interfaces
  • Removed postinstall hook

1.1.1 - 2017-06-19


  • Fixed a repo issue that caused the public repo release not to happen

1.1.0 - 2017-06-19


  • Added automatic inference of the target property of EASDK buttons in Page primaryAction and secondaryAction based on their URL (thanks @jimmyn for the original issue)
  • Added automatic inference of the target property of EASDK breadcrumbs in Page breadcrumbs prop based on the URL
  • Select option descriptors now accept a disabled attribute to disable the generated option (thanks @sogko for the original issue)
  • easdk.showFlashNotice now accepts an optional options object as its second parameter. Passing {error: true} will cause the flash to appear as an error, matching the behaviour of ShopifyApp.flashError
  • Checkbox, RadioButton, ChoiceList, Select, and TextField now pass the ID of the changed input as the second argument to their onChange callback (thanks @milep for the original issue)
  • Popover now respects the z-index of the activator if it exists
  • When putting content as children of Tabs, the default panel that is generated now respects the panelID of the selected tab, and uses a sensible default based on the tab’s id if no panelID exists
  • When selecting a tab in Tabs, the matching panel is now focused by default
  • easdk methods are bound to the object so they can be freely passed as callbacks


  • Avatar now renders as a span instead of a div

Bug fixes

  • Fixed contents in Layout.AnnotatedSection breaking out of their container (thanks @cargix1 for the original issue)
  • Fixed spacing above a primaryAction in CalloutCard when there is no secondaryAction
  • Aria attributes are now on the actionable elements of Tabs instead of in the list items
  • Exposed Panel as Tabs.Panel instead of Tabs.panel
  • Fixed the alignment of prefix and suffix content of TextField (thanks @bdillon3 for the original issue)
  • Fixed the disabled text color in TextField
  • Checkbox and RadioButton no longer generate invalid HTML in their labels (thanks @ernestogutierrez for the original issue)
  • Tabs no longer steal focus from contained elements (thanks @alexdover for the original issue)

Design updates

  • Reduced horizontal padding on Breadcrumbs
  • Updated icon and internal padding of FooterHelp
  • Updated the EmptyState layout and typographic styles


  • Fixed the code examples on the EmbeddedApp documentation
  • Added a simple EmbeddedApp example
  • Renamed the “Tables and lists” category to “Lists”
  • A variety of other documentation updates (thanks @sebnun, @asacarter, and @resistorsoftware for raising issues)

Dependency updates

  • Updated all dependencies


  • Added a script to automatically match the published version number to the one referenced in the README
  • Added the correct viewport tag to the Playground
  • Hid deprecation errors during tests

1.0.3 - 2017-05-11

Big fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the embedded components would not reload the page within the Shopify admin (thanks @buggy for the original issue)
  • Fixed the spacing="none" variation on Stack not working correctly, and added the missing extraLarge enum value for spacing
  • Fixed Banner’s onDismiss callback not being called when the dismiss button was clicked (76ce13f) (thanks @tlwirtz for the original issue)

Design updates

  • Updated Badge text colors
  • Updated line height for the small DisplayText variation
  • Updated the default icon for error Banner (thanks @heyneff for the original issue)

Sketch UIKit

  • Added app examples (thanks @lukepxu for the original issue)
  • Removed references to the Graphik typeface (thanks @adamnel for the original issue)
  • Left-aligned button text for better resizing
  • Added Messenger link to navigation to better communicate that the channel nav collapses after 3 items
  • Fixed alignment of table headers
  • Minor updates to Dataviz and Reports examples
  • Added indicators to Home notifications


  • Synchronized component documentation with the style guide (1e89559)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the public CHANGELOG from being generated correctly
  • Added a hot-reloading Playground to easily try out different components
  • Removed the references to Babel presets from package.json (thanks @macs91 for digging into this with us)
  • Removed the @import statements at the top of source Sass files
  • Updated TSLint and related linting dependencies

1.0.2 - 2017-04-25

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where subcomponents with variations would use a single - instead of -- (thanks @johnsonab for the original issue)
  • Fixed a missing typing dependency and a missing embedded types entry point that were causing issues using this package with TypeScript (thanks @buggy for the original issues)
  • Fixed an issue where the anchor tag for ResourceList.Item would not span the full width of the item (0c11498) (thanks @sdn90 for the original issue)

Dependency updates

  • Started using the prop-types package instead of getting PropTypes from react, as the latter is deprecated as of React 15.5.0


  • Corrected the name of documentation/Embeddded to documentation/Embedded (thanks @chrispappas for the original issue)
  • Fixed the ColorPicker documentation to show valid values for saturation, brightness, and alpha (thanks @allanarmstrong for the original issue)


  • Added a description to package.json
  • Added license to package.json and to the root of the repo (thanks @d2s for the original issue)
  • Fixed an issue where the Webpack example would complain about a missing dependency (thanks @rafaedez for the original issue)

1.0.1 - 2017-04-20


  • Switch repo to public access

1.0.0 - 2017-04-20

  • Initial release