Before you start building or start playing with the server you need to take care of a few things.
Head on to Google Developer console, select an existing project or create a new project. Note: Creating a project in Developer Console creates a new GCP project.
In the dashboard click on
Enable Apis and Services
. Search for Google Drive API, and Google People API and enable both of them in order to use them in the app.
Note: To do this you must complete billing and verification first.
Goto credentials in the dashboard and create new credentials, select OAuth client ID. After that download the credentials as JSON.
Or just copyCLIENT_ID
and paste it in.env
During creation of credentials & consent screen you might come across something like below.
Authorized Javascript Origins are in short the URL of the
website that is supposed to use OAuth.
If you are hosting it in local machine this can be http://localhost:3000
or whatever port that you've configured in the .env
Otherwise it can be
or something.
Authorized redirect URIs are the public available URLs that
Google redirects to after user login with required token.
In our case the end point is /auth/callback
If you are hosting the app locally the host part could be
.So it will be