instruction how to do monthly update of sbs study tools:
- generate latest dps-full using dpd-db/dps/scripts/
- generate latest ru and sbs dict using exporter/
- generate anki-csvs using dpd-db/dps/scripts/
- make patimokkha and grammar using utilities/
- in Anki update all decks from importing csvs (dpd-db/dps/csvs/anki-csvs/)
- push patimokkha_dict to github, updating html version of word-by-word.
- in share all decks
sutta interlude
- checking words in Anki deck related to MN107
- checking analysis of SBS PER
- checking words in Anki deck of SBS PER
- adding words from Reading the Buddha’s Discourses in Pāli by Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi which analyzing by Ñāna (6 chapters-saṃyuttas) using dpd-db/dps/scripts/ and in GUI in "Words To Add" tab section "from id-list" field: "sbs_category" do not have value - and all words one by one add relevant sutta by "edit word in DPS" button. Then using dpd-db/dps/scripts/ extract csv for anki deck. Add words to Anki deck using generated csv.
- check words from anki deck related to each saṃyutta
- add commentary examples from file, distribute them in the classes accordingly.
- check key
- check words in Anki deck related to classes
- add full information from "The New Pali Course Part III by A.P. Buddhadatta.pdf" into class doc
patimokkha word by word
- slowly in the class making translation of sentences in [xlsx](Pātimokkha Word by Word - Google Sheets)
- gradually make updates in html version of word-by-word. by using patimokkha_dict/
- make additional vibhanga Anki deck by adding words from vibhanga using in GUI tab Words To Add section "from source" by adding source (like VIN 1.1.1) and adding words in GUI in "Edit DPS" tab
- then checking words which do not have source in sbs_source, using button "no source" in GUIin tab Words To Add.