- AUT - Austria
- CAN - Canada
- CZE - Czech Republic
- FRA - France
- DEU - Germany
- IRL - Ireland
- SCO - Scotland
- ESP - Spain
- GBR - United Kingdom
- USA - United States of America
- BZÖ - Bündnis Zukunft Österreich (Alliance for the Future of Austria)
- CSP - Christlichsoziale Partei (Christian Social Party)
- FPÖ - Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs (Freedom Party of Austria)
- GdP - Großdeutsche Volkspartei (Greater German People's Party)
- GRÜNE - Die Grüne Alternative (The Greens – The Green Alternative)
- HB - Heimatblock
- KPÖ - Kommunistische Partei Österreichs (Communist Party of Austria)
- LBd - Landbund für Österreich
- LIF - Liberales Forum (Liberal Forum)
- NEOS - Das Neue Österreich und Liberales Forum (The New Austria and Liberal Forum)
- none - Independent
- NWB - Nationaler Wirtschaftsblock (National Economic Block and Landbund)
- ÖVP - Österreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party)
- PILZ - Liste Peter Pilz
- SdP - Sozialdemokratische Partei (Social Democratic Party)
- SPÖ - Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs (Social Democratic Party of Austria)
- STRONACH - Team Stronach für Österreich
- VO - Wahlgemeinschaft Österreichische Volksopposition (Electoral Community of the Austrian People's Opposition)
- WdU - Wahlpartei der Unabhängigen (Federation of Independents)
- ANO - Akce nespokojených obcanu (Action of Dissatisfied Citizens)
- CSS - Ceská strana národne sociální (Czech National Social Party)
- CSSD - Ceská strana sociálne demokratická (Czech Social Democratic Party)
- DSP - Demokratická strana práce (Democratic Labour Party)
- HSD–SMS - Hnutí za samosprávnou demokracii–Spolecnost pro Moravu a Slezsko (Movement for Autonomous Democracy–Party for Moravia and Silesia)
- KDS - Krestanskodemokratická strana (Christian Democratic Party)
- KDU–CSL - Krestanská a demokratická unie – Ceskoslovenská strana lidová (Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party)
- KSCM - Komunistická strana Cech a Moravy (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia)
- LSU - Liberálne sociální unie (Liberal-Social Union)
- MNS - Moravská národní strana (Moravian National Party)
- ODA - Obcanská demokratická aliance (Civic Democratic Alliance)
- ODS - Obcanská demokratická strana (Civic Democratic Party)
- Piráti - Ceská pirátská strana (Czech Pirate Party)
- SPD - Svoboda a prímá demokracie - Tomio Okamura (Freedom and Direct Democracy – Tomio Okamura)
- SPR-RSC - Sdružení pro republiku - Republikánská strana Ceskoslovenska (Rally for the Republic – Republican Party of Czechoslovakia)
- STAN - Starostové a nezávislí (Mayors and Independents)
- SZ - Strana zelených (Green Party)
- TOP_09 - Tradice Odpovednost Prosperita (Tradition Responsibility Prosperity)
- US-DEU - Unie Svobody–Demokratická unie (Freedom Union–Democratic Union)
- Úsvit - Úsvit – Národní koalice (Dawn – National Coalition)
- VV - Veci verejné (Public Affairs)
- AC - Alliance centriste (Centrist Alliance)
- Agir - Agir, la droite constructive (Act, the Constructive Right)
- CD - Centre démocratique (Democratic Center)
- CE - Calédonie ensemble (Caledonia Together)
- DL - Démocratie libérale (Liberal Democracy)
- DLF - Debout la France (France Arise)
- DVD - Divers droite (Miscellaneous right)
- DVG - Divers gauche (Miscellaneous left)
- E! - Ensemble!
- EAS - Regroupement national pour l'unité de la République (National Grouping for the Unity of the Republic)
- ED - Entente démocratique (Democratic agreement)
- FD - Front démocrate (Democratic Front)
- FGDS - Fédération de la gauche démocrate et socialiste (Federation of the Democratic and Socialist Left)
- FN - Front national (National Rally)
- GDR - Gauche démocrate et républicaine (Democratic and Republican Left)
- GÉ - Génération écologie (Ecology Generation)
- IPAS - Centre national des indépendants et paysans (National Centre of Independents and Peasants)
- La France insoumise - (Unsubmissive France)
- LC - Les Centristes (The Centrists)
- LP - Les Patriotes (The Patriots)
- LR - Les Républicains (The Republicans)
- LS - Ligue du Sud (Southern League)
- MdP - Mouvement des progressistes (Movement of Progressives)
- MIM - Mouvement indépendantiste martiniquais (Martinican Independence Movement)
- MoDem - Mouvement démocrate et apparentés (Democratic Movement and affiliated group)
- MPR - Pour La Réunion (For Reunion)
- MRC - Mouvement républicain et citoyen (Citizen and Republican Movement)
- MRSL - Mouvement radical, social et libéral (Radical Movement)
- NC - Groupe Nouveau Centre (Group New Center)
- PaC - Pè a Corsica
- PCF - Parti communiste français (French Communist Party)
- PDM - Progrès et démocratie moderne (Progress and Modern Democracy)
- PÉ - Parti écologiste (Ecologist Party)
- PG - Parti de gauche (Left Party)
- PP - Place publique (Public place)
- PPM - Parti progressiste martiniquais (Martinican Progressive Party)
- PS - Parti socialiste (Socialist Party)
- PSG - Parti socialiste guyanais (Guianese Socialist Party)
- PSRG - Parti socialiste et Radicaux de gauche (Socialist Party and Radical Left)
- RCV - Groupe radical, citoyen et vert (Radical group, citizen and green)
- RD - Rassemblement démocratique (Democratic Rally)
- RDM - Rassemblement démocratique pour la Martinique (Martinican Democratic Rally)
- RDS - Réformateurs démocrates sociaux (Social Democratic Reformers)
- RE974 - Rézistans Égalité 974
- REM - La République en marche (The Republic on the move)
- RI - Fédération nationale des républicains indépendants (Independent Republicans)
- RPCD - Républicains populaires et du Centre démocratique (Popular Republicans and Democratic Center)
- RPR - Rassemblement pour la République (Rally for the Republic)
- RRDP - Groupe radical, républicain, démocrate et progressiste (Radical, Republican, Democratic and Progressive)
- SER - Groupe socialiste, écologiste et républicain (Socialist, Ecologist and Republican Group)
- SFIO - Section française de l'Internationale ouvrière (French Section of the Workers' International)
- SRC - Socialiste, radical, citoyen et divers gauche (Socialist, radical, citizen and various left)
- TH - Tavini huiraatira
- UC - Union centriste (Centrist Union)
- UDC - Union du centre (Union of the Center)
- UDF - Union pour la démocratie française (Union for French Democracy)
- UDI - Union des démocrates et indépendants (Union of Democrats and Independent)
- UDR - Union des démocrates pour la République (Union of Democrats for the Republic)
- UMP - Union pour un mouvement populaire (Union for a Popular Movement)
- UNR-UDT - Union pour la nouvelle République-Union démocratique du travail (Union for the New Democratic-Union of Labor)
- UNR - Union pour la nouvelle République (Union for the New Republic)
- AfD - Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany)
- AL - Alternative Liste für Demokratie und Umweltschutz (Alternative List for Democracy and Environmental Protection)
- BP - Bayernpartei (Bavaria Party)
- BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN - (Alliance 90/The Greens)
- CDU - Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (Christian Democratic Union of Germany)
- CSU - Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern (Christian Social Union in Bavaria)
- CVP - Christliche Volkspartei des Saarlandes (Christian People's Party of the Saarland)
- DIE LINKE - Die Linke (The Left)
- DKP-DRP - Deutsche Konservative Partei – Deutsche Rechtspartei (German Right Party)
- DP - Deutsche Partei (German Party)
- DPS - Demokratische Partei Saar (Democratic Party Saar)
- DSU - Deutsche Soziale Union (German Social Union)
- FDP - Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party)
- FDV - Freie Deutsche Volkspartei (Free Germany People's Party)
- GB/BHE - Gesamtdeutscher Block/Bund der Heimatvertriebenen und Entrechteten (All-German Bloc/League of Expellees and Deprived of Rights)
- KPD - Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Communist Party of Germany)
- PDS - Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (Party of Democratic Socialism)
- SPD - Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party of Germany)
- WAV - Wirtschaftliche Aufbau-Vereinigung (Economic Reconstruction Union)
- ZENTRUM - Deutsche Zentrumspartei (Centre Party)
- Clann na Poblachta (Family/Children of the Republic)
- Clann na Talmhan (Family/Children of the land)
- Cumann na nGaedheal (Society of the Gaels)
- Fianna Fáil (Soldiers of Destiny)
- Fine Gael (Tribe of the Irish)
- Sinn Féin (We Ourselves)
- Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales)
- Sinn Féin (We Ourselves)
- A - Native American Party
- AAP - Anti-Administration Party (DR)
- AJ - National Republican Party
- AL - American Labor Party
- ALD - Lecompton Constitution
- AM - Anti-Masonic Party
- AMon - Anti-Monopoly Party
- C - COnservative Party
- CU - Constitutional Union Party
- D - Democratic Party
- D/PPD - Popular Democratic Party (Puerto Rico)
- DFL - Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party
- DL - Liberal Party of New York
- DNPL - North Dakota Democratic–Nonpartisan League Party
- DR - Democratic-Republican Party
- F - Federalist Party (Pro-Administration Party)
- Fed - Federalist Party
- FL - Farmer–Labor Party
- FS - Free Soil Party
- Home Rule - Hawaiian Independent Party
- J - Jacksonian Democracy
- L - Socialist Labor Party of America
- Lib - Liberal Party of New York
- LO - Law and Order Party of Rhode Island
- LR - Liberal Republican Party
- N - Nullifier Party
- NaC - Nacionalista Party
- NG - Greenback Party
- NU - National Union Party
- O - Opposition Party
- PAP - Pro-Administration Party (PAP)
- PNP/D - New Progressive Party (Puerto Rico)/Democratic
- PNP/R - New Progressive Party (Puerto Rico)/Republican
- Pop - People's Party
- Prog - Progressive Party
- Proh - Prohibition Party
- R - Republican Party
- RA - Readjuster Party
- S = Silver Party
- Soc - Socialist Party of America
- Socialist - Socialist Party (Puerto Rico)
- SR = Silver Republican Party
- SRi - States' Rights Party
- U - Unionist Party, later Unconditional Unionist Party
- Unionist - Unionist Party (Puerto Rico)
- UPR - Union of Puerto Rico
- W - Whig Party
- L - Liberty Party
- IMN - Independence Party of Minnesota
- LR - Liberal Republican Party