This script searches and deletes all of your messages in the discord server you are currently in.
- This scripts deletes all messages in all channels in the server you have selected at the moment you start the script.
- This script cannot delete direct messages, only messages that were posted in public channels.
- Its not possible to specify a specific channel to delete messages for.
- By default its doing 1 delete request per second. You can tweak the timeBetweenDeletions variable to make it go faster though this might make discords rate limiter kick in sooner.
- If the rate limiter kicks in you have to wait a few minutes or hours and re-run the script.
- I only tested this script in chrome version 79.
- Login to the web version of discord.
- Select the server of which you want to remove all your messages.
- Open up the javascript console of the browser tab in which you have discord open.
- Copy the script, paste it in the javascript console and press enter.
- You can see if the script is succesfully deleting messages by looking at the javascript console.
- Make sure while messages are being deleted you do not close the page, go offline or logout.
- Done!