Releases: scipopt/SCIP.jl
Releases · scipopt/SCIP.jl
SCIP v0.10.2
Closed issues:
- conshdlr.jl examples and ERROR: invalid SCIP stage <2>, SCIP_INVALIDCALL::SCIP_Retcode = -8 errors and their explanation? (#219)
Merged pull requests:
- MINLP test re-integration (#213) (@matbesancon)
- first draft for adding github actions (#217) (@etadewal)
- bump moi (#220) (@matbesancon)
SCIP v0.10.1
Closed issues:
- SCIP still recommends installing binaries on MacOS (#214)
Merged pull requests:
- common delete (#215) (@matbesancon)
- Allow stage PRESOLVING in assert_solved (#218) (@rschwarz)
SCIP v0.10.0
Closed issues:
- Automate the wrapper generation, upgrade CEnum dep. (#77)
- Need help to build SCIP (#178)
- Remove the managed SCIP layer (#184)
- Expose constraint duals (#188)
- SCIP and AmplNLWriter (#192)
- Not building on a fresh Windows 10 installation (#194)
- Constraint handler failing on SCIP 7.0.3 (#196)
- Primal starting value on 7.0.3 (#198)
- ListOfConstraintIndices not exposed? (#199)
- Start looking at MOI 0.10 / 1.0 (#200)
- Get variable and constraint names (#204)
Merged pull requests:
- Upgrade wrapper generator script and regenerate bindings (#186) (@Gnimuc)
- switch data type Nothing to value (#187) (@matbesancon)
- SC changed to SCIP_CALL (#189) (@etadewal)
- Moving ManagingSCIP to SCIPData (#190) (@etadewal)
- add windows to CI (#195) (@matbesancon)
- fix jll to 7.0.2 (#197) (@matbesancon)
- upgrade to MOI 10 (#203) (@matbesancon)
- Find var name, additional tests (#205) (@matbesancon)
- more tests (#208) (@matbesancon)
- solver version, bump version (#211) (@matbesancon)
SCIP v0.9.8
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
Adding MOI Callbacks
SCIP v0.9.6
Closed issues:
- Update to [email protected] (#150)
- Can not install SCIP.jl 0.9.4 with SCIP optimizer 7.0 (Windows 10) (#154)
- SCIP installation error (#162)
- Increase CEnum versions (#168)
- ERROR: LoadError: SCIP is currently not supported on "NT" (#169)
- Error when reoptimize after adding a constraint (#170)
Merged pull requests:
- undefined variable (#167) (@matbesancon)
- Allow adding nonlinear constraints after solving (#171) (@rschwarz)
- Allow version 7.0.1 (#173) (@joaquimg)
- RFC: Replace external dependency CEnum with private submodule (#175) (@GregPlowman)
SCIP v0.9.3
Closed issues:
- Support (partial) warm-start solution. (#95)
- Getting solutions when stage is not SOLVED (#128)
- SCIP gap limit error (#139)
- Building SCIP does not locate dylib although SCIPOPTDIR is set (#142)
Merged pull requests:
- Project.toml for gen folder (#136) (@matbesancon)
- Fix indicator (#137) (@matbesancon)
- Support VariablePrimalStart (#138) (@rschwarz)
- Add CompatHelper action (#140) (@rschwarz)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#146) (@JuliaTagBot)