Metacello new
baseline: 'Teapot';
repository: 'github://zeroflag/Teapot:v2.7.0/source';
"Configure Teapot defaults"
teapot := Teapot configure: {
#port -> 9090.
#debugMode -> true.
#defaultOutput -> #html
"Add an exception handler to fail gracefully"
teapot exception: Error -> [ :ex :req | | content |
content := (Smalltalk isHeadless and: [ Smalltalk isInteractiveGraphic ])
ifTrue: [ 'Ouch: {1}' format: { ex messageText } ]
ifFalse: [ 'Internal error' ].
TeaResponse serverError body: content.
"Add a ping route"
teapot GET: '/ping' -> 'pong'.
"Create an SSTemplate"
sstEcho := STTemplate on: '<% [ | echo | echo := self allButFirst %><h1>Echoing:</h1><h2><%= self %></h2><h3><%= echo %></h3><p><%= echo %></p> <% ] value %>'.
"Add a echo route that will render the HTML the template based on the received message value."
teapot GET: '/echo/<message>' -> [ :req | sstEcho renderOn: (req at: #message) ].
"Start the HTTP server."
teapot start.
"Stop the HTTP server."
teapot stop.