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A logging tool for IMA.js framework.


npm install @ima/plugin-logger --save
// /app/build.js

var vendors = {
    common: [

import {
} from '@ima/plugin-logger';


  • configureLogger(option): It configures the plugin. The parameter options must be an object with some plugin's options as properties.
  • beSilent(): It sets silentMode option to true.
  • isSilent(): Returns silentMode option's value.
  • debug(message): Outputs a debug message.
  • error(message): Outputs an error message.
  • info(message): Outputs an informational message.
  • log(message): Outputs a message.
  • warn(message): Outputs a warning message.
  • debugIf(message): Outputs a debug message if a condition is met.
  • errorIf(message): Outputs an error message if a condition is met.
  • infoIf(message): Outputs an informational message if a condition is met.
  • logIf(message): Outputs a message if a condition is met.
  • warnIf(message): Outputs a warning message if a condition is met.
  • throwIf(condition, expression): Throws a user-defined exception if a condition is met.
  • rejectIf(condition, reason): Returns a rejected promise if a condition is met.



boolean, defaults to false

If it's set to false, the plugin outputs messages. If it's set to true, the plugin doesn't output anything.