Turn your lights on and off remotely and still get your security deposit back!
This is a switchplate for adding a mechanical micro servo to decora/paddle style lightswitches. There's still enough room to operate the switch manually, so you can still use it the regular way too (but how boring!).
- printed switchplate or on Thingiverse here or duct tape I guess?
- SG90 servo
- ESP8266 / NodeMCU / WEMOS D1 / etc.
- PIR sensor ( optional for motion activation )
- MQTT with Home Assistant (or some other MQTT server setup)
- Some jumper cables and a microUSB plug
Prints best lying flat, with supports. It doesn't matter if the supports make it look scrappy because they're on the back.
The SG90 slips right in from the back, and can be secured with small screws or M2x12mm bolts (there is just enough room for the nuts to slide behind the servo, though you may need tweezers).
Note: Don't add the servo arm until you've tested the code because it needs to find its "neutral" axis without hitting the switch.
SG90 | NodeMCU | PIR Sensor |
S | D1 | |
(+) | Vin | |
(-) | Gr | |
3.3v | (+) | |
Gr | (-) | |
D5 | S |
Upload the code with Arduino, however you usually do that, install the switchplate and hide the board somewhere near the lightswitch (mine conveniently runs behind a cabinet) and power up.
Once it starts up the servo should find it's default "neutral" rotation, now you can add the two sided servo arm at an angle that is neither on nor off.
Switch for light in switches.yaml
- platform: mqtt
name: Light Switch
command_topic: "lightswitch/set"
state_topic: "lightswitch/current"
state_on: "ON"
payload_on: "P"
state_off: "OFF"
payload_off: "3"
value_template: '{{ value_json.state }}'
Note: Home assistant sends MQTT messages as strings, which unfortunatly this Servo library doesnt parse correctly, so we need to convert degrees into ascii. You may need to adjust for your switches with this handy chart. For example, my switch works with OFF at 51 degrees (ascii payload "3") and ON at 80 degrees (ascii payload "P").
Sensor for motion sensor in binary_sensor.yaml
- platform: mqtt
name: Light Switch Motion
state_topic: 'lightswitch/current'
value_template: '{{ value_json.motion }}'
payload_on: "motion detected"
payload_off: "standby"
device_class: motion
Automation for motion detect light in automations.yaml
I decided to keep the motion detection and the switch as two separate entities for more control, but if you want a basic motion triggered light add this to automations.yaml.
- alias: switch_motion_trigger_on
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.light_switch_motion
to: 'on'
service: switch.turn_on
entity_id: switch.light_switch
- alias: switch_motion_trigger_off
platform: state
entity_id: binary_sensor.light_switch_motion
to: 'off'
minutes: 10
service: switch.turn_off
entity_id: switch.light_switch