This section provides example configuration for collecting garbage collection statistics.
Edit your commands.cfg and add the following
define command { command_name check_jboss_gc command_line $USER1$/nagios-plugin-jbossas7/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -A $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -u $ARG3$ -p $ARG4$ -m $ARG5$ -W $ARG6$ -C $ARG7$ }
(add -D to the command if you want to add perfdata to the output) Then you can reference it like the following.
The option gctime allows you to monitor the average minor garbage collection time in milliseconds.
define service { use generic-service hostgroup_name JBossAS Servers service_description JBossAS Avg. Minor GC time Check check_command check_jboss_gc!gctime!9990!admin!password123!memory_pool!50!100 }
Examples of memory_pool types: PS_Scavenge, G1_Young_Generation
Sample output:
OK - GC 'PS_Scavenge' total-time=413ms count=9 avg-time=45.00ms |gctime=45.00ms;500;1000
The option gctime allows you to monitor the average major garbage collection time in milliseconds.
define service { use generic-service hostgroup_name JBossAS Servers service_description JBossAS Avg. Major GC time Check check_command check_jboss_gc!gctime!9990!admin!password123!memory_pool!500!1000 }
Examples of memory_pool types: PS_MarkSweep, G1_Old_Generation
Sample output:
OK - GC 'PS_MarkSweep' total-time=468ms count=2 avg-time=234.00ms |gctime=234.00ms;500;1000