feat: added the GitHub Actions and cleaned up some code
feat: added the GitHub Actions and cleaned up some code
chore: clean up all the stuff to make sure the initial_branch is read…
chore: clean up all the stuff to make sure the initial_branch is read…
fixed: used Maybe.None
fixed: used Maybe.None
wip: trying to implement a semantic analyzer and code fixer
wip: trying to implement a semantic analyzer and code fixer
wip: testing the pipeline
wip: testing the pipeline
wip: testing the pipeline
wip: testing the pipeline
chore: fixed the Rule ID
chore: fixed the Rule ID
chore: remove warnings
chore: remove warnings
docs: added
docs: added
fix: renamed the methods in the CodeFixProvider to match the final ve…
fix: renamed the methods in the CodeFixProvider to match the final ve…
feat: Semantic Analyzer and its Code Fix Provider
feat: Semantic Analyzer and its Code Fix Provider
test: fixed tests to respect the indentation
test: fixed tests to respect the indentation
test: fixed tests to respect the indentation
test: fixed tests to respect the indentation
chore: Initialised the repository for a hands on code session
chore: Initialised the repository for a hands on code session