vim.g.ponokai_style = "default"

vim.g.ponokai_style = "kitty"

Inspired by the classic Monokai theme and seeking a less eye-straining alternative, I transitioned to Sonokai. Despite the improvements, my quest for the perfect pastel blend led me to craft Ponokai, merging the best of Sonokai with the soothing palette of modern themes like catppuccin.
Ponokai is a direct fork of Sonokai, maintaining all its features and continuing to evolve with fresh, new pastel features; like kitty inspired by catppuccin.
- Perfect Contrast: High enough to pop, soft enough to relax.
- Vivid, Pastel Colors: A palette that's easy on the eyes.
- Customization Galore: Tailor it to your taste.
- Extensive Support: Works beautifully with common file types and plugins.
- Advanced Syntax Highlighting:
- Tree-sitter support for precise highlighting.
- Semantic highlighting to distinguish code by meaning.
- Italic support for that extra flair.
For better syntax highlighting support, consider installing one of the following plugins additionally to this colorscheme:
lazy.nvim (recommended)
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
config = function()
-- Optionally configure and load the colorscheme
-- directly inside the plugin declaration.
vim.g.sonokai_enable_italic = true
priority = 1000,
config = function()
vim.g.ponokai_transparent_background = "1"
vim.g.ponokai_enable_italic = "1"
vim.g.ponokai_style = "kitty"
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'shawilly/ponokai'
Create a new directory:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/colors/opt
Clone the repository:
git clone --depth 1 ~/.vim/pack/colors/opt/ponokai
Generate help tags:
:helptags ~/.vim/pack/colors/opt/ponokai/doc/
Add to your vimrc:
packadd! ponokai
Clone the repository:
git clone --depth 1
Copy files to your Vim directory:
sh cp /path/to/ponokai/autoload/ponokai.vim ~/.vim/autoload/ cp /path/to/ponokai/colors/ponokai.vim ~/.vim/colors/ cp /path/to/ponokai/doc/ponokai.txt ~/.vim/doc/ vim -c 'helptags ~/.vim/doc/' cp /path/to/ponokai/autoload/airline/themes/ponokai.vim ~/.vim/autoload/airline/themes/ cp /path/to/ponokai/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/ponokai.vim ~/.vim/autoload/lightline/colorscheme/ cp /path/to/ponokai/lua/lualine/themes/ponokai.lua ~/.config/nvim/lua/lualine/themes/
Add the following to your vimrc:
if has('termguicolors')
set termguicolors
let g:ponokai_style = 'kitty'
let g:ponokai_better_performance = 1
colorscheme ponokai
To apply temporarily:
:colorscheme ponokai
let g:airline_theme = 'ponokai'
Apply without reloading:
:AirlineTheme ponokai
let g:lightline = {}
let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'ponokai'
Apply without reloading:
:let g:lightline.colorscheme = 'ponokai'
:call lightline#init()
:call lightline#colorscheme()
require'lualine'.setup {
options = {
theme = 'ponokai'
Apply without reloading:
:lua require'lualine'.setup {options = {theme = 'ponokai'}}
Option | Description | Type | Values | Default |
g:ponokai_style |
Set the style of this color scheme. | String |
'default' , 'kitty' , 'vampire' |
'default' |
g:ponokai_disable_italic_comment |
Disable italic in comments. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_enable_italic |
Enable italic in this color scheme. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_cursor |
Customize the cursor color (GUI clients only). | String |
'auto' , 'red' , 'orange' , 'yellow' , 'green' , 'blue' , 'purple' |
'auto' |
g:ponokai_transparent_background |
Use a transparent background. | Number |
0 , 1 , 2 |
0 |
g:ponokai_dim_inactive_windows |
Dim inactive windows (Neovim only). | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_menu_selection_background |
Customize the background color of PmenuSel and WildMenu . |
String |
'blue' , 'green' , 'red' |
'blue' |
g:ponokai_spell_foreground |
Color the foreground of spell. | String |
'none' , 'colored' |
'none' |
g:ponokai_show_eob |
Show EndOfBuffer . |
Number |
1 , 0 |
1 |
g:ponokai_float_style |
Style for floating windows. | String |
'bright' , 'dim' |
'bright' |
g:ponokai_diagnostic_text_highlight |
Highlight background of error/warning/info/hint texts. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_diagnostic_line_highlight |
Highlight lines for error/warning/info/hint. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_diagnostic_virtual_text |
Adjust virtual text highlighting for error/warning/info/hint. | String |
'grey' , 'colored' , 'highlighted' |
'grey' |
g:ponokai_current_word |
Control behavior of the word under the current cursor. | String |
'grey background' , 'bold' , 'underline' , 'italic' |
'grey background' (non-transparent), 'bold' (transparent) |
g:ponokai_disable_terminal_colors |
Disable terminal colors provided by this color scheme. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_lightline_disable_bold |
Disable bold in the lightline color scheme. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_better_performance |
Reduce loading time by loading part of the code on demand. | Number |
0 , 1 |
0 |
g:ponokai_colors_override |
Override the color palette. | Dictionary |
- | {} |
Example: | - | - | ||
``` | ||||
let g:ponokai_colors_override = {'bg0': ['#1e222a', '235'], 'bg2': ['#282c34', '236']} | ||||
colorscheme ponokai | ||||
``` |
if has('termguicolors')
set termguicolors
let g:ponokai_style = 'andromeda'
let g:ponokai_better_performance = 1
colorscheme ponokai
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme' : 'ponokai'}
Ensure true colors are enabled:
set termguicolors
Verify terminal emulator supports true colors using this script.
If using tmux, override default true colors: How to use true colors in vim under tmux?
Ensure options are placed before colorscheme ponokai
Add packadd! ponokai
before applying the color scheme.
Install a font that supports cursive italics, e.g., Sainnhe Fonts.
Enable italic keywords:
let g:ponokai_enable_italic =
Ponokai is inspired by:
Currently, it's just me, shawilly 🥇... but collaborators are always welcome!
Ponokai is open-sourced under the MIT license.