- Dispose drawer animation when DrawerScaffold call dispose()
- make
required. - add
parameter to auto close drawer for ios - optimized code and logic
- Remove unnecessary print
- upgrade dependencies
- Make API Changes compatible with Flutter 3.22.0
- BREAKING CHANGE: Add flutter version constraint to be >=3.22.0. This will break for lower versions of Flutter.
- fix static analysis
- Upgrade flutter sdk
- remove/replace deprecated methods and attributes
- Fix MenuController
- DrawerScaffold body attribute
- Fix State
- Fix null-safety
- Fix initial value
- Make SideDrawer.count() as static method
- Uncontrol SideDrawer
- Fix function type mismatch
- new ClassName.identifier: SideDrawer.count(), SideDrawer.child() and SideDrawer.custom()
- peek menu
- hideOnItemPressed
- withSafeArea attribute
- Fix itemBuilder with animation
- Set/assign/copy missing attribute from AppBar
- Change appBar parameter type to PreferredSizeWidget
- Prefix and suffix attribute
- Change minimum version for dart
- fix pub.dev score issue
- revert pubspec
- fix pub.dev issue
- Migrate to null safety
- add backgroundColor parameter
- change mainDrawer to defaultDirection
- remove contentView parameter
- Add child option on [MenuScreen]
- Animation fixed
- GlobalKey error fixed
parameter on SideDrawer as a flag to slide menu with main container while drawer is opening or closing- Bug fixed
- Listener for onSlide, onOpened and onClosed
- Supress deprecated warning
- Supress deprecated warning
- Web support
- Duration & Curve variable on SideDrawer
- Reuse controller when scaffold config update
- Add elevation & corner radius config on SideDrawer
- Add more example
- Bug fixed
- 3D-effect
- add more Scaffold config
- Replace AppBarProps with AppBar Widget
- Multi-drawer
- Right Drawer
- Floating action button with location and animator
- Bottom navigation bar
- Extended body
- Added support for AndroidX
- Add icon parameter on MenuItem
- Support custom MenuItem widget
- Add drawer controller
- Add footer view option
- Drawer absorb gesture, if open
- Handle back button event for Android device
- Add corner radius constraint
- Add content shadow constraint