- Remix Online
- Remix Desktop
- remixd (connect to localhost daemon)
- Solidity Ext (Juan Blanco)
- Remix Ext
- Truffle Ext
- Brave
- Metamask
- Geth
- Mist
- Ganache
- First SmartContract
- Code Style
- Structure of a Solidity Source File
- SPDX License
- Pragma
- DataTypes and Variables
- Ether Units
- Global Variables
- Functions
- Control Structures
- Loop Structures
- Event
- ErrorHandling
- Custom Error
- Compile
- Gas Optimization
- Deploy on blockchain
- Solidity Versions Changelogs
- External Function Call
- Low-Level Calls
- send(), transfer()
- fallback(), receive()
- call, staticcall, delegatecall
- Visibility modifiers
- Function Overloading
- Modifier Overloading
- Inheritance
- Abstract Contract
- Interface
- Library, import
- Signature Verifying (ECDSA - ecrecover)
- Multi-Sig Wallet
- Merkle Tree
- Payment Channel
- Payment Splitter
- Batch-Distributor
- Gas Abstraction (Gas relay, Pay in tokens instead of gas, GSN)
- MetaTransactions (gasless - Delegate Gas payment)
- Factory
- TimeLock
- Access Control
- Oracles
- Data Sepration (Eternal Storage . ERC-930)
- Delegate Proxy (ERC-897)
- Universal Upgradeable Proxy Standard (UUPS . ERC-1822)
- Standard Proxy Storage Slots (ERC-1967)
- Transparent Contract Standard (ERC-1538)
- Multi-Facet Proxy (Diamonds . ERC-2535)
- Metamorphic Smart Contracts (CREATE2 . ERC-1014)
- Minimal Proxy (Clone Factory . ERC-1167)
- Truffle
- Hardhat
- Foundry
- AccessControl (Role-based, Ownable)
- Address, String, Arrays
- SafeCast, SignedMath
- Hash Utils, Base64
- BitMap, Checkpoints, DoubleEndedQueue
- EnumerableMap, EnumerableSet
- Context, Counters
- Vesting, Governance
- Pausable, ReentrencyGuard
- ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155
- ERC-165, ERC-2981
- ECDSA (SignatureChecker)
- MerkleProof
- Metatx (ERC2771)
- Multicall
- Proxy (Create2, ERC-1967, Beacon, Proxy Admin, UUPS)
- PriceFeeds
- VRF (Random Numbers)
- AnyAPI
- Automation
- Chai, Mocha
- Assert, before, after
- Fork Sandbox
- JavaScript Tests
- Solidity Tests
- OZ Test Helper
- Remix UnitTest Plugin
- Apeworx
- Exploits
- Pitfalls
- Hardening
- Slither
- Graph