All variables are optional. Vault default is the working directory. If PWD is absent, you will be prompted for it. All other defaults are as shown
VAULTPWD: SuperStrongsecretPWD!
STORE: files
VAULT: ~/PieVault
Only required variable is store. Vault default is the working directory. If PWD is absent, you will be prompted for it. All other defaults are as shown
VAULTPWD: SuperStrongsecretPWD!
STORE: sqlite
VAULT: ~/PieVault
TABLE: tblVault
CLIPPYENABLE: 'true' # optional defaults to true
HIDEINPUT: 'true' # optional defaults to true
VAULTPWD: SuperStrongsecretPWD!
STORE: redis #required
VALUECOLOR: blue # Optional defaults to red
DB: '0' # required adjust to suite your environment
HIDEINPUT: 'true' # Optional, defaults to false
HOST: localhost # required
PORT: '6379' # required
DBPWD: SecretDBPassword # Required if configured on your Redis instance, otherwise it must be left blank or not configured
CLIPPYENABLE: true # optional defaults to true
HIDEINPUT: true # optional defaults to true
VAULTPWD: SuperStrongsecretPWD!
STORE: mysql #required. For MySQL and MariaDB use mysql, for PostgreSQL use postgres and mssql for Microsoft SQL
VALUECOLOR: blue # Optional defaults to red
DB: Vault #required, use correct value for your installation
HIDEINPUT: true # Optional, defaults to false
HOST: localhost # required, use correct hostname
DBUSER: script # required, use correct value for your installation
DBPWD: SecretDBPassword # Required
TABLE: tblVault # Optional. Defaults to tblVault