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1094 lines (892 loc) · 46.3 KB


File metadata and controls

1094 lines (892 loc) · 46.3 KB

Upgrading OIOIOI

Make sure you are in the deployment folder and the virtualenv is activated. Then run:

pip install -e git://
./ migrate
./ collectstatic
./ supervisor restart all

and restart the judging machines.

Changes in the deployment directory

When new features are added, the configuration files in your custom deployment directory may need an update. An example valid configuration can always be found in the oioioi sources (oioioi/deployment directory, *.template files). One of the simplest ways to learn about the changes is:

diff -u path_to_deployment/changed_file path_to_oioioi/oioioi/deployment/changed_file.template

Once you have made sure that your deployment directory is up-to-date, change CONFIG_VERSION in your custom deployment/ so that it equals INSTALLATION_CONFIG_VERSION in oioioi/

List of changes since the CONFIG_VERSION numbering was introduced:

    • Added unpackmgr queue entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q unpackmgr -c {{ settings.UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY }}
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/unpackmgr.log
    • Added USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES and UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY options to deployment/

    • Added Notifications Server entries to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ notifications_server
      {% if not settings.NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_ENABLED %}exclude=true{% endif %}
    • Added NOTIFICATIONS_ options to deployment/

      # Notifications configuration (client)
      # This one is for JavaScript client.
      # It should contain actual URL available from remote machines.
      NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost:7887/'
      # Notifications configuration (server)
      # URL connection string to a Notifications Server instance
      NOTIFICATIONS_OIOIOI_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'
      # URL connection string for RabbitMQ instance used by Notifications Server
      NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL = 'amqp://localhost'
      # Port that the Notifications Server listens on
    • Added prizesmgr queue entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q prizesmgr -c 1
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/prizesmgr.log
    • Added ATOMIC_REQUESTS database option to deployment/

      DATABASES = {
       'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.', # Add 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
        'NAME': '',                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
        'USER': '',                      # Not used with sqlite3.
        'PASSWORD': '',                  # Not used with sqlite3.
        'HOST': '',                      # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
        'PORT': '',                      # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3.
        'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True,         # Don't touch unless you know what you're doing.
    • Added rankingsd, cleanupd, ipauthsyncd, ipauth-dnsserver entries to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ rankingsd
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/rankingsd.log
      command={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ cleanupd
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/cleanupd.log
      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ ipauthsyncd
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/ipauthsyncd.log
      {% if not 'oioioi.ipauthsync' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ ipauth-dnsserver
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/ipauth-dnsserver.log
      {% if not settings.IPAUTH_DNSSERVER_DOMAIN %}exclude=true{% endif %}
    • Added new condition to sioworkersd in deployment/supervisord.conf and corresponding entry in deployment/

      {% if settings.SIOWORKERS_BACKEND != 'oioioi.sioworkers.backends.SioworkersdBackend' or not settings.RUN_SIOWORKERSD %}exclude=true{% endif %}
    • Added evalmgr-zeus entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l debug -Q evalmgr-zeus -c 1
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr-zeus.log
      {% if not settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES %}exclude=true{% endif %}
    • Deleted zeus-fetcher entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.

    • Added ZEUS_PUSH_GRADE_CALLBACK_URL entry to deployment/

    • Added logging to file for logger oioioi.zeus in deployment/

      LOGGING['handlers']['zeus_file'] = {
          'level': 'INFO',
          'class': 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler',
          'filename': '__DIR__/logs/zeus.log',
          'maxBytes': 1024 * 1024 * 5, # 50 MB same as default in supervisord
          'backupCount': 10, # same as in supervisord
          'formatter': 'date_and_level',
      LOGGING['loggers']['oioioi.zeus'] = {
          'handlers': ['zeus_file'],
          'level': 'DEBUG',
    • Removed SAFE_EXEC_MODE entry from deployment/
    • Removed FILELOCK_BASEDIR entry from deployment/
    • Removed ENABLE_SPLITEVAL and SPLITEVAL_EVALMGR entries from deployment/
    • Removed evalmgr-lowprio entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.
    • New version of sioworkers with changed database backend. Please update sioworkers with:

      . venv/bin/activate
      pip install -r requirements.txt

      and remove old database file (deployment/sioworkersd.sqlite by default).

    • Changed database filename (--database option) in deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command=twistd -n -l- --pidfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/pidfiles/ sioworkersd --database={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/sioworkersd.db
      # (...)
    • Added commented out OIOIOI_INSTANCE_PRIORITY_BONUS and OIOIOI_INSTANCE_WEIGHT_BONUS entries to deployment/

      # Bonus to judging priority ang judging weight for each contest on this
      # OIOIOI instance.
    • Modified comment to SITE_NAME entry in deployment/

      # Site name displayed in the title and used by sioworkersd
      # to distinguish OIOIOI instances.
    • Removed CeleryBackend from sioworkers backends, SioworkersdBackend set as new default backend. Removed [program:sioworkers] entry from deployment/supervisord.conf.
    • Added PUBLIC_ROOT_URL to deployment/

      # The website address as it will be displayed to users in some places,
      # including but not limited to the mail notifications.
      # Defaults to 'http://localhost'.
      #PUBLIC_ROOT_URL = ''
    • Added mailnotifyd, a backend for handling e-mail subscription to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ mailnotifyd
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/mailnotifyd.log
    • Removed SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS from deployment/
    • If you want to use Sentry (crash reporting and aggregation platform) you need to:

      • Correctly setup RAVEN_CONFIG ( should help you):

        # Error reporting
        import raven
        RAVEN_CONFIG = {
            # Won't do anything with no dsn
            # tip: append ?timeout=5 to avoid dropouts during high reporting traffic
            'dsn': 'enter_your_dsn_here',
            # This should be a path to git repo
            'release': raven.fetch_git_sha(
                os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oioioi.__file__), os.pardir)),
      • Add new filter to the logging configuration:

        'filters': {
            'omit_sentry': {
                '()': 'oioioi.base.utils.log.OmitSentryFilter'
      • Add Sentry handler:

        'handlers': {
            'sentry': {
                'level': 'ERROR',
                'filters': ['omit_sentry'],
                'class': 'raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.handlers.SentryHandler',
      • Add Sentry handler to every logger:

        'handlers': ['console', 'sentry'],
      • Add new loggers:

        'loggers': {
            'raven': {
                'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'],
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'propagate': False,
            'sentry.errors': {
                'handlers': ['console', 'mail_admins'],
                'level': 'DEBUG',
                'propagate': False,
    • Upgrade to django 1.9 requires following changes in the config file

      • TEMPLATE_* variables got replaced with TEMPLATE array. TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS should be changed to:

        TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] += [
        #    'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.logo_processor',
        #    'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.icon_processor',
        #    'oioioi.avatar.processors.gravatar',
        #    'oioioi.notifications.processors.notification_processor',
        #    'oioioi.globalmessage.processors.global_message_processor',
    • Settings should now declare an explicit SITE_ID, you can check your site id via management console:

      $ ./ shell
      >>> Site.objects.get().id

      The returned id should be added to your config file:

      SITE_ID = 1
    • Added filetracker-cache-cleaner entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/filetracker-cache-cleaner.log
      {% if not settings.FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_ENABLED %}exclude=true{% endif %}
    • Added new options related to remote_storage_factory to deployment/

      # When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache
      # directory in which necessary files will be stored.
      #FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache'
      # When using a remote storage it's recommended to enable a cache cleaner deamon
      # which will periodically scan cache directory and remove files what aren't
      # used. For a detailed description of each option, please read a cache cleaner
      # configuration section in the sioworkersd documentation.
    • Added oioioiworker entry to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      command=twistd -n -l- --pidfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/pidfiles/ worker -c 2 localhost
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/oioioiworker.log
      {% if not settings.RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS %}exclude=true{% endif %}

      so that the flag RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS has the desirable effect.

    • Enabled oioioi.workers app by default to fix receive_from_workers crashes.
    • Made oioioi.prizes Celery configuration conditional on this app being installed. This prevents evalmgr and unpackmgr crashes caused by assuming that oioioi.prizes is always enabled.
    • Applied the following patch to deployment/

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -119,10 +119,16 @@ SEND_USER_ACTIVATION_EMAIL = False
       # the given port will be able to see all the files. It's recommended to have
       # the judging machines on a separate physical network and listen only on the
       # corresponding IP address.
      +# Uncomment and change this to run filetracker on non-default port.
       # When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache
       # directory in which a necessary files will be stored.
       #FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache'
    • Enabled use of caching template loaders when settings.DEBUG is set to False to turn on a cache of compiled templates in production environment.

    • Set APP_DIRS option to False to fix the "either remove APP_DIRS or remove the 'loaders' option" crashes:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -14,7 +14,13 @@ DEBUG = True
       if DEBUG:
      -    TEMPLATES[0]['APP_DIRS'] = False
      +    # Cache compiled templates in production environment.
      +# The APP_DIRS option is allowed only in template engines that have no custom
      +# loaders specified.
      +TEMPLATES[0]['APP_DIRS'] = False
    • Removed the FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY setting, because media_root_factory will not be compatible with filetracker 2.x. If you use it, you should move to remote_storage_factory before upgrading the filetracker, which has become the default setting.

    • Also updated the URL with changes in the deployment directory:

      diff --git a/oioioi/deployment/ b/oioioi/deployment/
      index 92b4a4e5..851beada 100755
      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import os.path
       # This should match INSTALLATION_CONFIG_VERSION in
       # "oioioi/".
       # Before you adjust it, you may consider visiting
      -# "".
      +# "".
       # Enable debugging features.
      @@ -108,17 +108,6 @@ SEND_USER_ACTIVATION_EMAIL = False
       # but this is unreliable and not intended for production.
       #BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'
      -# Filetracker server settings.
      -# Determines which filetracker database use, availible options are:
      -# - 'oioioi.filetracker.client.media_root_factory' (the default)
      -#    Stores files on local filesystem under MEDIA_ROOT, optionally
      -#    exposing them with a filetracker server (see section below).
      -# - 'oioioi.filetracker.client.remote_storage_factory'
      -#    Connects to a filetracker server at FILETRACKER_URL, uses a local
      -#    cache with recently used files under CACHE_ROOT directory.
      -#FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY = 'oioioi.filetracker.client.media_root_factory'
    • Uncommented FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT which is required by remote_storage_factory:

      diff --git a/oioioi/deployment/ b/oioioi/deployment/
      index 851beada..11ce79a8 100755
      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -124,9 +124,10 @@ SEND_USER_ACTIVATION_EMAIL = False
      # this also defines the filetracker server oioioi should connect to.
      -# When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache
      -# directory in which a necessary files will be stored.
      -#FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache'
      +# When using a remote_storage_factory (it's the default storage factory)
      +# it's necessary to specify a cache directory
      +# in which the necessary files will be stored.
      +FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '__DIR__/cache'
    • Filetracker server doesn't support default -L /dev/stderr option anymore: the argument to -L must be an actual seekable file. If you reconfigured -L to use a file, there is no need to change anything. If you used the default supervisord.conf, you should remove the -L flag: logs are now printed to stdout by default, and supervisord redirects stderr to stdout.
    • Added 'oioioi.portals.processors.portals_main_page_link_visible', to TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors']:

      --- oioioi/deployment/      (date 1524038411000)
      +++ oioioi/deployment/      (date 1528164979000)
      @@ -333,6 +333,7 @@
       #    'oioioi.notifications.processors.notification_processor',
       #    'oioioi.globalmessage.processors.global_message_processor',
       #    'oioioi.portals.processors.portal_processor',
      +#    'oioioi.portals.processors.portals_main_page_link_visible',
    • Changed error (stderr) logging for processes spawned by supervisor. Now each process has its own log file. Changes to deployment/supervisord.conf:

      For each [program:A] entry change redirect_stderr=true to redirect_stderr=false and
      add the following line (where A is the name of process):
      stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/A-err.log
      Additionally in [program:notifications-server] add the following line:
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/notifications-server.log
      stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/notifications-server-err.log
      In [program:autoreload] add the following lines:
      stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/autoreload.log
      stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/autoreload-err.log
    • Added DEFAULT_SAFE_EXECUTION_MODE to Django settings with default of "vcpu" - OITimeTool.:

      diff --git a/oioioi/deployment/ b/oioioi/deployment/
      index ea64d434..50c178b6 100755
      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -213,6 +213,12 @@ RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS = True
       USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = True
      +# Default safe execution sandbox
      +# You can change the safe execution sandbox. Current options are:
      +# - "vcpu" - OITimeTool
      +# - "sio2jail" - SIO2Jail
       # WARNING: setting this to False is experimental until we make sure that
       # checkers do work well in sandbox
    • Added PROBLEM_STATISTICS_AVAILABLE to settings (False by default).:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -321,6 +321,11 @@ PROBLEMSET_LINK_VISIBLE = True
       # Comment out to show tags on the list of problems
      +# Enables problem statistics at the cost of some per-submission performance hit.
      +# Set to True if you want to see statistics in the Problemset and problem sites.
      +# After enabling you should use ./ recalculate_statistics
       # Set to True to allow every logged in user to add problems directly to Problemset

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -400,6 +400,12 @@ ZEUS_INSTANCES = {
       # URL connection string for RabbitMQ instance used by Notifications Server
       #NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL = 'amqp://localhost'
      +# Extra arguments for pika ConnectionParameters, see
      +#    'heartbeat': 8
       # Port that the Notifications Server listens on
    • Changed middleware classes' style to the new one (Django 1.10).:

      Move all middlewares from MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES to MIDDLEWARE in
      Simply rename MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES settings variable to MIDDLEWARE.
    • Added oioioi.problemsharing module. We suggest enabling if oioioi.teachers module is used.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
       #    'oioioi.portals',
       #    'oioioi.globalmessage',
       #    'oioioi.newsfeed',
      +#    'oioioi.problemsharing',
       # Additional Celery configuration necessary for 'prizes' app.
    • Added oioioi.usergroups module.:

      Add the following line at the end of your INSTALLED_APPS variable
      in (if you want to use the new app simply uncomment this line):
      #    'oioioi.usergroups',
    • Introduced DEFAULT_COMPILERS to settings, which should be set for every language supoorted:

      --- a/oioioi/
      +++ b/oioioi/
      @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from oioioi.contests.current_contest import ContestMode
       from django.contrib.messages import constants as messages
       DEBUG = False
       INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
      @@ -302,6 +302,12 @@ USE_LOCAL_COMPILERS = False
       RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS = False
      +# This setting sets the default compilers used throughout the platform.
      +# There should be an entry for every language supported with key being the same
      +DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'gcc', 'C++': 'gcc', 'Pascal': 'fpc', 'Java': 'java',
      +                     'Python': 'gcc'}
       # WARNING: experimental, see settings template
    • Introduced AVAILABLE_COMPILERS to settings, which should be set to compilers available in sioworkers for every language supported.:

      +# This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers
      +        'C': ['gcc'],
      +        'C++': ['g++'],
      +        'Pascal': ['fpc'],
      +        'Java': ['Java'],
      +        'Python': ['Python']
    • Added option to block uploading HTML problem statements in sinol packages by untrusted users.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -251,6 +251,14 @@ USE_LOCAL_COMPILERS = True
       # execution (in a sandboxed environment, if USE_UNSAFE_EXEC is set to False).
      +# When set to True untrusted users cannot upload sinol packages containing
      +# problem statement in HTML format (they must use PDF).
      +# Trusted users are users with superuser access or teachers (if oioioi.teachers
      +# app is enabled). This option has no effect for packages uploaded
      +# by management commands or if USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES is enabled.
      +# We suggest enabling it when using oioioi.usercontests app.
       # Scorers below are used for judging submissions without contests,
       # eg. submitting to problems from problemset.
    • Added oioioi.usercontests module.:

      Add the following (commented out) line to the INSTALLED_APPS variable in
      #    'oioioi.usercontests',
      Add the following (commented out) line to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
      variable in
      #    'oioioi.usercontests.auth.UserContestAuthBackend',
    • Added the ARCHIVE_USERCONTESTS setting.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -457,3 +457,6 @@ RAVEN_CONFIG = {
       # OIOIOI instance.
      +# If set to True, usercontests will become read-only: it will be impossible to
      +# change, delete or submit to existing usercontests, as well as add new ones.
      +# This operation is fully reversible.
    • Removed oioioi.jotform module. JOTFORM_ID can be removed from There is no need to modify other variables, as the module was enabled by default.
    • Removed oioioi.prizes module. If you like you may remove prizes_* tables from database but it's not strictly necessary. Apart from the supervisord.conf should be updated:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -325,7 +325,6 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
       #    'oioioi.testspackages',
       #    '',
       #    'oioioi.notifications',
      -#    'oioioi.prizes',
       #    'oioioi.mailsubmit',
       #    'oioioi.portals',
       #    'oioioi.globalmessage',
      @@ -335,13 +334,6 @@ INSTALLED_APPS = (
       #    'oioioi.usercontests',
      -# Additional Celery configuration necessary for 'prizes' app.
      -if 'oioioi.prizes' in INSTALLED_APPS:
      -    CELERY_IMPORTS.append('oioioi.prizes.models')
      -    CELERY_ROUTES.update({
      -        'oioioi.prizes.models.prizesmgr_job': dict(queue='prizesmgr'),
      -    })
       # Set to True to show the link to the problemset with contests on navbar.
      --- a/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      @@ -65,15 +65,6 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr-zeus.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr-zeus-err.log
       {% if not settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      -command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q prizesmgr -c 1
      -stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/prizesmgr.log
      -stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/prizesmgr-err.log
      -{% if 'oioioi.prizes' not in settings.INSTALLED_APPS %}exclude=true{% endif %}
       command=filetracker-server -d {{ settings.MEDIA_ROOT }} -l {{ settings.FILETRACKER_LISTEN_ADDR }} -p {{ settings.FILETRACKER_LISTEN_PORT }} -D
    • Changed default compilers. Added the display_name property to each compiler. This property is responsible for the compiler name, that users see in the submit view of a programming problem. Deleted the USE_LOCAL_COMPILERS setting, configure the AVAILABLE_COMPILERS setting instead to use system compilers, if that's your preference.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -171,22 +171,6 @@ LOGGING['loggers']['oioioi.zeus'] = {
       # because you use instance started by another instance of OIOIOI)
       #RUN_SIOWORKERSD = True
      -# This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers.
      -# By default that means ones defined here:
      -#        'C': ['c'],
      -#        'C++': ['cpp'],
      -#        'Pascal': ['pas'],
      -#        'Java': ['java'],
      -#        'Python': ['py']
      -# This setting sets the default compilers used throughout the platform.
      -# By uncommenting the below dict you can change all or any one of them.
      -#DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'c', 'C++': 'cpp', 'Pascal': 'pas', 'Java': 'java',
      -#                     'Python': 'py'}
       # Contest mode - automatic activation of contests.
       # Available choices are:
      @@ -227,7 +211,58 @@ RUN_LOCAL_WORKERS = True
       # Before this only system compilers can be used and the safe execution
       # supervisor is not available.
       USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = True
      +    'C': {
      +        'system-gcc': {'display_name': 'system gcc'}
      +    },
      +    'C++': {
      +        'system-g++': {'display_name': 'system g++'}
      +    },
      +    'Pascal': {
      +        'system-fpc': {'display_name': 'system fpc'}
      +    },
      +    'Java': {
      +        'system-java': {'display_name': 'system java'}
      +    },
      +    'Python': {
      +        'system-python': {'display_name': 'system python'}
      +    }
      +SYSTEM_DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'system-gcc', 'C++': 'system-g++',
      +                     'Pascal': 'system-fpc', 'Java': 'system-java',
      +                     'Python': 'system-python'}
      +# This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers.
      +# By default that means the ones defined here:
      +# By uncommenting the below dict you can change all or any one of them.
      +# Each compiler must contain a display_name entry.
      +#    'C': {
      +#        'gcc4_8_2_c99': {'display_name': 'gcc:4.8.2 std=gnu99'}
      +#    },
      +#    'C++': {
      +#        'g++4_8_2_cpp11': {'display_name': 'g++:4.8.2 std=c++11'}
      +#    },
      +#    'Pascal': {
      +#        'fpc2_6_2': {'display_name': 'fpc:2.6.2'}
      +#    },
      +#    'Java': {
      +#        'java1_8': {'display_name': 'java:1.8'}
      +#    },
      +#    'Python': {
      +#        'python': {'display_name': 'python'}
      +#    }
      +# This setting sets the default compilers used throughout the platform.
      +# By uncommenting the below dict you can change all or any one of them.
      +#DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'gcc4_8_2_c99', 'C++': 'g++4_8_2_cpp11',
      +#                     'Pascal': 'fpc2_6_2', 'Java': 'java1_8',
      +#                     'Python': 'python'}
    • Added the 'USER_CONTEST_TIMEOUT' setting for limiting user contest duration.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -405,6 +405,12 @@ AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += (
       #    'oioioi.ipdnsauth.backends.IpDnsBackend',
      +# Limits the duration of user contests.
      +# Comment out if you don't want to limit the user contests duration.
      +#import pytz
      +#from datetime import datetime
      +#USER_CONTEST_TIMEOUT = datetime(2020, 2, 7, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
       # Number of concurrently evaluated submissions (default is 1).
    • Removed 'celerycam' and 'cleanupd' from the list of supervisor programs. Updated celery worker startup commands.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      @@ -19,13 +19,6 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/uwsgi.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/uwsgi-err.log
       {% if settings.UWSGI_ENABLED == False %}exclude=true{% elif settings.UWSGI_ENABLED == 'auto' and settings.DEBUG %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      -command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celerycam --pidfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/pidfiles/
      -stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/celerycam.log
      -stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/celerycam-err.log
       command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ rankingsd
      @@ -41,7 +34,7 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/mailnotifyd.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/mailnotifyd-err.log
      -command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q unpackmgr -c {{ settings.UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY }}
      +command=celery -A oioioi.celery worker -E -l info -Q unpackmgr -c {{ settings.UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY }}
      @@ -49,7 +42,7 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/unpackmgr.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/unpackmgr-err.log
      -command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q evalmgr -c {{ settings.EVALMGR_CONCURRENCY }}
      +command=celery -A oioioi.celery worker -E -l info -Q evalmgr -c {{ settings.EVALMGR_CONCURRENCY }}
      @@ -57,7 +50,7 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/evalmgr-err.log
      -command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ celeryd -E -l info -Q evalmgr-zeus -c 1
      +command=celery -A oioioi.celery worker -E -l info -Q evalmgr-zeus -c 1
      @@ -102,12 +95,6 @@ stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/sioworkersd.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/sioworkersd-err.log
       {% if settings.SIOWORKERS_BACKEND != 'oioioi.sioworkers.backends.SioworkersdBackend' or not settings.RUN_SIOWORKERSD %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      -command={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ cleanupd
      -stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/cleanupd.log
      -stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/cleanupd-err.log
       command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ ipauthsyncd
    • Changed the 'UWSGI_ENABLED' setting to a more general 'SERVER' setting. To make sure that your typical production setup (UWSGI + reverse proxy) keeps working, set this to 'uwsgi'.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -34,0 +38,6 @@
      +# The server to be run. Options are:
      +# 'django' - django's http server
      +# 'uwsgi' - uwsgi daemon
      +# 'uwsgi-http' - uwsgi deamon with built-in http server
      +# None - nothing will be run
      +SERVER = 'django'
    • Appropriate changes were also made to the supervisor configuration.:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/supervisord.conf.template
      @@ -7,17 +7,19 @@ directory={{ PROJECT_DIR }}
      -{% if settings.UWSGI_USE_GEVENT %}
      -command=uwsgi -s {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/uwsgi.sock --umask=000 --loop=gevent --async=50 --processes=10 -M --max-requests=5000 --disable-logging --need-app --enable-threads --socket-timeout=30 --wsgi-file={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/
      -{% else %}
      -command=uwsgi -s {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/uwsgi.sock --umask=000 --processes=10 -M --max-requests=5000 --disable-logging --need-app --enable-threads --socket-timeout=30 --wsgi-file={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/
      -{% endif %}
      +command=uwsgi {% if settings.SERVER == 'uwsgi-http' %}--http :8000 --static-map {{ settings.STATIC_URL }}={{ settings.STATIC_ROOT }} {% else %}-s {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/uwsgi.sock {% endif %}--umask=000 {% if settings.UWSGI_USE_GEVENT %}--loop=gevent --async=50 {% endif %}--processes=10 -M --max-requests=5000 --disable-logging --need-app --enable-threads --socket-timeout=30 --wsgi-file={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/
       stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/uwsgi.log
       stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/uwsgi-err.log
      -{% if settings.UWSGI_ENABLED == False %}exclude=true{% elif settings.UWSGI_ENABLED == 'auto' and settings.DEBUG %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      +{% if settings.SERVER|slice:":5" != 'uwsgi' %}exclude=true{% endif %}
      +command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}// runserver
      +stdout_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/runserver/out.log
      +stderr_logfile={{ PROJECT_DIR }}/logs/runserver/err.log
      +{% if settings.SERVER != 'django' %}exclude=true{% endif %}
       command={{ PYTHON }} {{ PROJECT_DIR }}/ rankingsd
    • Removed OITimeTool and changed 'DEFAULT_SAFE_EXECUTION_MODE' from 'vcpu' to 'sio2jail'. 'vcpu' is no longer a viable safe execution option. Following changes have to be made to

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -258,8 +258,7 @@ USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = True
       # Default safe execution tool
       # You can change the safe execution tool. Current options are:
      -# - "vcpu" - (default) OITimeTool
      -# - "sio2jail" - SIO2Jail
      +# - "sio2jail" - (default) SIO2Jail
       # - "cpu" - ptrace (measures real time)
       #DEFAULT_SAFE_EXECUTION_MODE = "sio2jail"
    • Added audio playback of captcha. Following changes have to be made to

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -479,3 +479,13 @@ ZEUS_INSTANCES = {
       # change, delete or submit to existing usercontests, as well as add new ones.
       # This operation is fully reversible.
      +# If set to locations of flite and sox executables, enables audio playback
      +# of captcha. Audio output generated by flite (CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH) is identical
      +# for captchas with the same text. To prevent potential security risk,
      +# CAPTCHA_SOX_PATH should be set as well, in order to inject random noise into
      +# audio files  generated by flite. If either sox or flite is installed
      +# and is in PATH variable, then corresponding settings will be set automatically.
      +# CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH = ''
      +# CAPTCHA_SOX_PATH = ''
    • Removed avatar module. Gravatar processors is now in the base module:

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_FOR_TEST = 256 * 1024
      -    'oioioi.avatar',
      #    'oioioi.teachers',
      #    'oioioi.simpleui',
      #    'oioioi.ipdnsauth',
      @@ -364,9 +363,9 @@ PROBLEMSET_LINK_VISIBLE = True
      TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] += [
      +   'oioioi.base.processors.gravatar',
      -   'oioioi.avatar.processors.gravatar',
      #    'oioioi.notifications.processors.notification_processor',
      #    'oioioi.portals.processors.portal_processor',
    • Added type key for languages and added "Output-only" language.:

      --- a/oioioi/
      +++ b/oioioi/
      @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from django.contrib.messages import constants as messages
      from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
      DEBUG = False
      INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
      @@ -318,9 +318,12 @@ SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_URL = None
      # This setting specifies which languages are available on the platform.
      -# Each language must contain a diplay_name entry. Such an entry may be useful
      +# Each language must contain type and display_name entry. Such an entry may be useful
      # if it is to contain characters, that probably shouldn't be allowed in the
      -# language identifier, such as '#'.
      +# language identifier, such as '#'. Languages of type 'main'
      +# ('main' is default type, it doesn't need to be set)
      +# are enabled on every problem by default, languages of type 'extra'
      +# can only be enabled on a problem by adding them to the problems white list.
          'C': {
              'display_name': 'C'
      @@ -336,6 +339,10 @@ SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES = {
          'Python': {
              'display_name': 'Python'
      +    },
      +    'Output-only': {
      +        'type': 'extra',
      +        'display_name': 'Output-only',
      @@ -343,7 +350,7 @@ SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES = {
      # There should be an entry for every language supported with key being the same
      SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS = {'C': ['c'], 'C++': ['cpp', 'cc'], 'Pascal': ['pas'],
      -                          'Java': ['java'], 'Python': ['py']}
      +                          'Java': ['java'], 'Python': ['py'], 'Output-only': ['txt', 'out']}
      # This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers.
      # By default that means ones defined here:
      @@ -366,6 +373,9 @@ AVAILABLE_COMPILERS = {
          'Python': {
              'python': {'display_name': 'python'}
      +    },
      +    'Output-only': {
      +        'output-only': {'display_name': 'output-only'}
      @@ -384,6 +394,9 @@ SYSTEM_COMPILERS = {
          'Python': {
              'system-python': {'display_name': 'system python'}
      +    },
      +    'Output-only': {
      +        'output-only': {'display_name': 'output-only'}
      @@ -392,11 +405,11 @@ SYSTEM_COMPILERS = {
      # as in SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES and value contained in AVAILABLE_COMPILERS.
      DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'gcc4_8_2_c99', 'C++': 'g++4_8_2_cpp11',
                          'Pascal': 'fpc2_6_2', 'Java': 'java1_8',
      -                     'Python': 'python'}
      +                     'Python': 'python', 'Output-only': 'output-only'}
      SYSTEM_DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'system-gcc', 'C++': 'system-g++',
                          'Pascal': 'system-fpc', 'Java': 'system-java',
      -                     'Python': 'system-python'}
      +                     'Python': 'system-python', 'Output-only': 'output-only'}
      USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = False
    • Sentry client update from raven to sentry-sdk:
    • Apply change in

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/     @@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ init_env('__DIR__')
      # This application object is used by any WSGI server configured to use this
      # file. This includes Django's development server, if the WSGI_APPLICATION
      # setting points here.
      -from raven.contrib.django.raven_compat.middleware.wsgi import Sentry
      from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
      -application = Sentry(get_wsgi_application())
      +application = get_wsgi_application()
    • Apply change in

      --- a/oioioi/deployment/
      +++ b/oioioi/deployment/
      @@ -454,16 +454,23 @@ ZEUS_INSTANCES = {
       # Error reporting
      -# import raven
      +# import sentry_sdk
      +# from sentry_sdk.integrations.django import DjangoIntegration
      -# RAVEN_CONFIG = {
      +# def filter_sentry(event, hint):
      +#     extra = event.get('extra', {})
      +#     if extra.get('omit_sentry', False):
      +#         return None
      +#     return event
      +# sentry_sdk.init(
       #     # Won't do anything with no dsn
       #     # tip: append ?timeout=5 to avoid dropouts during high reporting traffic
      -#     'dsn': '',
      -#     # This should be a path to git repo
      -#     'release': raven.fetch_git_sha(
      -#         os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oioioi.__file__), os.pardir)),
      -# }
      +#     dsn='',
      +#     integrations=[DjangoIntegration()],
      +#     before_send=filter_sentry,
      +# )
    • Remove all sentry and raven reminiscent from in LOGGING SECTION.