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JSON api server for blog-like platform

This repo contains my attempt to learn haskell by creating simple json api server using postgreSQL as database.

stack build
stack test
stack exec server-exe -- config.yml


This server can be configured via YAML config file, that is read as the first command line argument. The file may contain an object with such fields:

Parameter Default Type Description
database ConnectInfo Object with info about database connection
port 3000 Port Port to listen to
number_of_secrets 2 Int The pool of random secrets to generate tokens
secrets_update_interval 60 Int in minutes Interval to refresh the pool and expiration time
backdoor false Bool Bypass token verification entirely
log_level Warning Debug | Info | Warning | Error Log level
log_file Optional String Log file, stdout otherwise
db_refresh_interval 1000 Optional Int in ms Update materialized views in database
pageSizes PageSizes Page sizes


Parameter Default Type
host localhost String
port 5432 Int
user postgres String
password String
database postgres String


Parameter Default Type
users 20 Int
authors 20 Int
posts 20 Int
comments 20 Int
categories 20 Int
tags 20 Int


This server uses JWT based one level token authentication. Registration is done with register method. These credentials are used with login method to receive a token. That token contains user name, admin and author rights and is valid for secrets_update_interval minutes. Pass it as additional query parameter (/method?token=934fh93h7f) for methods that require it. For the testing purposes you should enable backdoor option to bypass authentication and appear as admin in the system.


All methods are GET requests returning JSON object

On success:

   "ok" : true,
   "response" : "response object"

On error:

   "ok" : false,
   "code" : 400,
   "error" : "Bad Request"

All methods

Method Access Parameters Returns
register public username, lastname, avatar, password null
login public username, password Token
makeAuthor admin username, description null
getAuthors admin [page] Page of all authors
editAuthor admin previous_username, [username], [description] null
deleteAuthor admin username null
getTags public [page] Page of all tags
createTag admin tag Tag id
editTag admin id, tag null
deleteTag admin id null
getCategories public id, [page] Page of subcategories of a category
createCategory admin name, [parent_id] Category id
editCategory admin id, [name], [parent_id] null
deleteCategory admin id null
getUsers public [page] Page of all users
deleteUser admin username null
getDraft author id Author's post or draft
getDrafts author [page] Page of author's posts and drafts
createPost author title, category_id, content, main_image, images (array) Post id
editPost author id, [title], [category_id], [text], [main_image], [images] null
publishPost author id null
deletePost author id null
attachTag author tag_id, post_id null
deattachTag author tag_id, post_id null
post/{id} public Published post
post/{id}/comments public [page] Page of comments
posts public [page], see others in search parameters table Page of published posts
addComment user post_id, comment Comment id
deleteComment admin id null

Search parameters

Parameter Type Description
sort ByDate | ByAuthor | ByCategory | ByNumberOfImages Sort by
sort_reversed Bool Reverse sort order
tags__in Array of Int At least one tag present
tags__all Array of Int All tags are present
tag Int Exact tag
created_at Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Creation date
created_at__gt Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Creation date lower bound
created_at__lt Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Creation date upper bound
author_name String Author name
category_id Int Category id
title String Search in title
text String Search in content
search String Search in title, content, tags, category and author

Queries to test yourself

You can test methods using shorthand curl scripts in queries/. Don't forget to enable server backdoor for methods that require token. Configuration is available via environment variables.

Environment variable Default Description
SERVER_URL http://localhost:3000 Server host url
JSON_PRETTIFIER json_pp Json pretty printer to format output (use cat for raw)

Here is the usage

./register username lastName password
./login username password


./getAuthors [page]
./makeAuthor username description
./editAuthor username description
./deleteAuthor username

./getTags [page]
./createTag tagname
./editTag tagid tagname
./deleteTag tagid

./getCategories [parent_id]
./createCategory categoryname [parent_id]
./editCategory categoryname cid
./deleteCategory cid

./getUsers [page]
./deleteUser username

./post pid
./getDraft pid
./getDrafts [page]
./createPost title cid content image images
./attachTag tid pid
./deattachTag tid pid
./editPost pid title cid content image images
./publishPost pid
./deletePost pid

./getComments pid [page]
./addComment pid text
./deleteComment cid