Please write good title when you create a pull request.
Do not use a title like update
If you are not confident about writing good title, write like this:
[${package}/${program_name}] short description
We also recommend you to attach a picture in a pull request.
You may find ci error of your pull-request.
Please check build log carefully.
jsk-ros-pkg repositories has a lot of packages in one repository.
You must write easy-to-understood commit log.
Your commit log should be easy-to-understood in git log --oneline
Your commit log must be clear about:
- Objective. Why needed.
- Which program?
If you are not confident about writing good commit log, write like this:
[${package}/${program_name}] short description
concrete description
- modified_file
We have $ git jsk-commit
command to help you to follow above style of commit message.
Please follow other codes in the same package.
For reference, most of C++ code in jsk-ros-pkg follows the style described below. It's not a rule, just a indication.
Use soft tab, do not use hard tab.
Keep 80-columns as much as possible.
Do not write
using namespace ...
in headers. -
Do not use pointer, use
Do not use c++1x for old environment. Supporting old environment is better than writing cool code.
for doxygen markdup instead of\
/** * @brief * This is an awesome class **/ class Foo { ... };
if (test) { awesome_code } else if (test2) { awesome_code } else { awesome_code }
class Foo: public class Bar { public: ... protected: bool fooBarBar(); int foo_; int foo_bar_; private: ... };
Class name should be camel-case and starting with upper case. Member variables is snake-case and should have
suffix. Method should be camel-case and starting with lower case. -
include guard
Function and method
int foo() { int bar_bar = 0; return 0; }
Local variables in a function should be snake-case.