This doc covers dev setup and guidelines for contributing.
FIXME: This doc is a stub.
- python3.7+, pip, virtualenv
Linting can be run via pre-commit. Run for all files in the repo:
pre-commit run -a
For the best development experience, set up linting and autofixing pre-commit
git hooks using the pre-commit
After installing pre-commit
, run
pre-commit install
in the repo to configure hooks.
NOTE: If necessary, you can always skip hooks with
git commit --no-verify
Any change to the codebase must either include a changelog fragment (in some
projects these are called "newsfiles") or be in a GitHub PR with the label
To create a new changelog fragment, run
scriv create --edit
and populate the fragment. It will include comments which instruct you on how to fill out the fragment.
Testing requirements for each of the two packages in this repository (globus-compute-sdk and globus-compute-endpoint) are specified as installable extras.
To install the globus-compute-sdk test requirements
cd compute_sdk
pip install '.[test]'
To install the globus-compute-endpoint test requirements
cd compute_endpoint
pip install '.[test]'