Mobile App for Recipients of a Social Income.
- Homebrew
- Flutter (Version see file .tool-versions)
- Java JDK 17
- Android Studio LadyBug or later
- Latest vsCode
- Xcode 16.x
- Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Android Studio
- Set ANDROID_HOME and deprecated ANDROID_SDK_ROOT. Add the following
lines in your USER's HOME directory in your .zshrc file:
export ANDROID_HOME="YOUR PATH TO YOUR ANDROID SDK" export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="$ANDROID_HOME" # ANDROID_SDK_ROOT is deprecated, but still in use export PATH="$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools"
- Restart your terminal so that these changes take effect
- Set ANDROID_HOME and deprecated ANDROID_SDK_ROOT. Add the following
lines in your USER's HOME directory in your .zshrc file:
- Optional: Pin Flutter's JDK version and do not use the JDK from
Android Studio by default
- Install Java 21 via Homebrew
brew install openjdk@21
- Homebrew is telling you to execute a symlink command, so that the system Java wrappers can find this JDK. Please do this.
- Additionally in your USER's HOME directory in the file '.zshrc',
add the lines to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to Java 21
and add Java to the PATH environment variable
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v21) export PATH="$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin"
- Restart your terminal so that these changes take effect
- Install Flutter
- Tell Flutter to use our Java 21 JDK and not the one bundle with
Android Studio via
flutter config --jdk-dir "$JAVA_HOME"
. Otherwise, you will get the error "Unsupported class file major version XX" when building the app for Android. - Restart your terminal and IDE so that these changes take effect
- Tell Flutter to use our Java 21 JDK and not the one bundle with
Android Studio via
- Install Java 21 via Homebrew
- Install vsCode
- Install Flutter extension
- Install Xcode
- Set is as default via
sudo xcode-select -s <path/to/>
- To agree to the Xcode license from the command line, you can use the
following command:
sudo xcodebuild -license accept
- Set is as default via
- Install CocoaPods
- Install via Homebrew
brew install cocoapods
- Install via Homebrew
Optionally: Use the version manager asdf
- Install asdf via Homebrew with
brew install asdf
- Install flutter plugin for asdf via
asdf plugin-add flutter
- Add the following lines in your .zshrc file:
export FLUTTER_ROOT="$(asdf where flutter)" ### asdf stuff ############ source $(brew --prefix asdf)/libexec/ export ASDF_NODEJS_LEGACY_FILE_DYNAMIC_STRATEGY=latest_available # This is optional. It installs tools defined in .tool-versions on terminal start asdf install ###########################
- Checkout main branch:
git clone ./social-income/
- Copy file
and rename it to./.vscode/launch.json
- Replace the value "FILL IN SENTRY URL" after "SENTRY_URL=" with the real Sentry url to be able to use Sentry. If you do not prive a Sentry Url, no issues will be reported to Sentry but you can still run the app. To get the real Sentry url see here under "DSN".
- Decide which flavor and backend environment you want to use and change it if necessary.
- Open
project folder in vsCode - Open a terminal inside of vsCode and check
flutter --version
is listing the right flutter version (See above or pubspec.yaml). - Add executable permissions to the script via
chmod +x
- Run
- Choose in vsCode the device to deploy on (iOS Simulator, Android emulator, real Android or iOS device)
- Run the launch configuration "stage_recipients_app (debug mode)" to deploy and run the app on the selected devive in debug mode
- Happy testing!!
Building flavor should work seamlessly for Android Studio and VS Code with predefined build configs.
We have three build flavors:
-> Connecting with Firebase Emulators (Firestore and Auth)stage
-> Connecting with staging online firebase projectprod
-> Connecting with production online firebase project and need real Firebase configuration json / plist file (not in the repo)
For development, use the dev
or stage
As Firebase emulators work on your local host machine the easiest way to run app is on the Android emulator. Real devices need some additional setup.
- Github for issue related discussion
- Everything else on Slack
dart run build_runner watch --delete-conflicting-outputs
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Translations are stored in lib/l10n/app_en.arb. To rebuild the translations after you changed something run:
flutter gen-l10n
To use a translated string in the code use: context.l10n.helloWorld
and import:
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
If you upgrade the flutter version, you have to change the following locations as well:
- pubspec.yaml
- Under 'environment' adjust the 'sdk' and 'flutter' versions
- .tool-versions (version file for version manager ASDF)
- If you use 'asdf' run the comman
asdf local flutter x.y.z
#Replace x.y.z with the new Flutter version. - Otherwise just update the version number in the file with the text editor
- If you use 'asdf' run the comman
- Update Flutter and dependent tool versions like Xcode, Java, etc. "env_versions" in codemagic.yaml
We use CodeMagic to build our apps. The pipeline/workflows to build and release the apps are define in the file codemagic.yaml.
CodeMagic documentation: CodeMagic Cheetsheet:
See How to test
- Run
flutter test
to run all tests incl. all golden tests. - Run
flutter test --update-goldens
to update golden files.