Missing dependencies are added to the error message.
var diFactory = require('./di.js');
var di = diFactory('app');
di(function(test, value, dep) {});
DependencyInjectionError: could not inject "test, dep" (either missing or not setPublic() if imported) (di: app)
... context ...
function (test, value, dep) {}
If you register dependencies with register('name').file('file.js')
and invoke with file('file.js')
, the error message includes the filename.
// 'my/file.js'
module.exports = function (test, value, dep) {}
var diFactory = require('./di.js');
var di = diFactory('app');
DependencyInjectionError: could not inject "test, dep" (either missing or not setPublic() if imported) (di: app)
at file (my/file.js:1:0)
... context ...
function (test, value, dep) {}
var di = diFactory('app');
DependencyInjectionError: "test" required, but not registered (di: app)