The sportdb web service starter sample let's build your own HTTP JSON API using the
, worldcup.db
, ski.db
, formulal1.db
, etc.
Step 0: Install node modules via the node package manager (npm
). Type:
npm install
Step 1: Copy an SQLite database e.g. football.db
into your folder.
Step 2: Startup the web service (HTTP JSON API). Type:
$ node ./server
That's it. Open your web browser and try some services
running on your machine on port 9292 (e.g. localhost:9292
). Example:
List all events:
List all English Premier League 2014/15 teams:
And so on. Now change the sources to fit your needs. Be bold. Enjoy.
The sportdb.db.starter
scripts are dedicated to the public domain.
Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.
Send them along to the Open Sports & Friends Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!