THIS IS DEPRECATED - use func instead
Blueprint for developing and deploying AWS Lambda functions using Go and Terraform.
Install Go 1.11+. If you are new to Go it's also recommended to take the Tour of Go and do the Go Tooling Workshop.
Then try to build, test and lint the code by running
make all
Install the aws cli, configure your credentials and test the installation
aws --version
Install Terraform 0.11.7+ (e.g. using brew install terraform
) and test the installation
cd $GOPATH/src/
make init plan
Using VSCode with Go and Terraform extensions is recommended.
to lint, test, build and statically analyze the lambda functions run
check make help
for all targets.
to initialize S3 deployment bucket (one-time operation) run
make s3-init
to initialize terraform run
make init
to release and upload new lambda versions to S3 run
make package
to build/change infrastructure using Terraform run
make deploy
to destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure run
make destroy
to remove the S3 deployment bucket and all versions run
make s3-destroy
to rollback to a previous version (uploaded to S3) provide the target version and run
make VERSION=v0.0.1 deploy