Short description of project, just enough to grasp what it is doing.
List any requirements, such as MySQL or MongoDB, how we can get all dependencies installed and if there is anything special we need to get started.
Normally you can be pretty specific on how to set this up, since it is intended to be read by developers. You don't have to cover all platforms, just the one you are using and be prepared to help other developers getting started on their respective platform in the future.
- Install Ruby 1.9.2-p290
rbenv install 1.9.2-p290
- Install the bundler gem with
gem install bundler
- MySQL 5.1 is required.
brew install mysql
- Install all required gems with
bundle install
- Start the server with
rails s
Explain how to run the tests for this application and which test framework we are using.
bundle exec rake test
In case someone needs to do a deploy to a production server in the future, explain briefly how this is done.
- Server is using MySQL in production
- The passwords are stored in our secret vault
- You need your ssh key on the server for the deploy user to deploy
bundle exec cap deploy
(requires capistrano 2.9.0+)
Repository master: John Doe [email protected]
A short description on how to submit patches, fixes and new features.
A short introduction on how to use this app/library.