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OmniAuth Fortnox OAuth2 Strategy

Strategy to authenticate with Fortnox via OAuth2 in OmniAuth.

You will need to create your app in order to get Client-ID and Client-Secret, read more here: Fortnox

For more details, read the Fortnox docs: Fortnox Developer


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-fortnox-oauth2'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-fortnox-oauth2


Here's an example for adding the middleware to a Rails app in config/initializers/omniauth.rb:

  provider :fortnox_oauth2,
            scope: 'companyinformation',

Can also be set up with dynamic configuration:

  provider :fortnox_oauth2,
           setup: (lambda do |env|
                     # The following can be set dynamically from params, session, or ENV

                     env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_id] = 'client-id'
                     env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_secret] = 'client-secret'
                     env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:scope] = 'companyinformation'

Service account in Fortnox can be configured with the optional parameter account_type.

  account_type: 'service'

You can now access the OmniAuth Fortnox OAuth2 URL: /auth/fortnox_oauth2 Later a controller can be set up to handle the response after authentication, for example:

get '/auth/fortnox_oauth2/callback', to: 'auth/fortnox_oauth2#callback'


You can configure several options, which you pass in to the provider method via a hash:

  • scope: A comma-separated list of permissions you want to request from the user. See the Fortnox for a full list of available permissions. Caveats:

    • Note that you app will need the same scopes! The scope companyinformation is used by default. By defining your own scope, you override these defaults.
  • callback_url: Override the callback_url used by the gem.

You can also configure the client_options by passing in any of the following settings in a client_options hash, inside options.

  • site: Override the site used by the gem, default:

  • token_url: Override the token_url used by the gem, default: /oauth-v1/token.

  • authorize_url: Override the authorize_url used by the gem, default /oauth-v1/auth.

  • auth_scheme: Override the auth_scheme used by the gem, default :basic_auth.

  • token_method: Override the token_method used by the gem, default :post.

Auth Hash

Here's an example of an authentication hash available in the callback by accessing request.env['omniauth.auth']:

  "provider" => "fortnox_oauth2",
  "uid" => "556469-6291",
  "info" => {
    "address" => "Bollvägen",
    "city" => "Växjö",
    "country_code" => "SE",
    "database_number" => "654896",
    "company_name" => "Fortnox",
    "organization_number" => "556469-6291",
    "zip_code" => "35246"
  "credentials" => {
    "token" => "TOKEN",
    "refresh_token" => "REFRESH_TOKEN",
    "expires_at" => 1496120719,
    "expires" => true
  "extra" => {
    "raw_info" => {
      "Address" => "Bollvägen",
      "City" => "Växjö",
      "CountryCode" => "SE",
      "DatabaseNumber" => "654896",
      "CompanyName" => "Fortnox",
      "OrganizationNumber" => "556469-6291",
      "VisitAddress" => "",
      "VisitCity" => "",
      "VisitZipCode" => "",
      "ZipCode" => "35246",


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.