Name | Type | Description | Notes |
url | String | Direct url to the record. | [optional] |
amount | Float | Amount of the payment | [optional] |
amount_currency | Float | Amount in the specified currency of the payment. Required if Currency is other than SEK | [optional] |
booked | BOOLEAN | If the payment is booked or not | [optional] |
currency | String | Currency of the payment | [optional] |
currency_rate | Float | The currency rate | [optional] |
currency_unit | Float | The currency unit | [optional] |
external_invoice_reference1 | String | External invoice reference | [optional] |
external_invoice_reference2 | String | External invoice reference | [optional] |
invoice_customer_name | String | Customer name of the invoice | [optional] |
invoice_customer_number | String | Customer number of the invoice | [optional] |
invoice_number | Integer | Invoice number | [optional] |
invoice_due_date | Date | Due date of the invoice | [optional] |
invoice_ocr | String | OCR of the invoice | [optional] |
invoice_total | Float | Invoice total | [optional] |
mode_of_payment | String | Code of the mode of payment | [optional] |
mode_of_payment_account | Integer | Account for the mode of payment | [optional] |
number | Integer | Payment number | [optional] |
payment_date | Date | Date of the payment | [optional] |
voucher_number | Integer | Number of the voucher | [optional] |
voucher_series | String | Series of the voucher | [optional] |
voucher_year | Integer | Id of the voucher year | [optional] |
source | String | Payment source manual / direct | [optional] |
write_offs | Array<InvoicePaymentInvoicePaymentWriteOffs> | Write offs | [optional] |