This app is get my profile(moka-a) from github api (graphQL).
You should Github API key to /
file. > Personal access tokens > Generate new token > check [read:org]
If you want to know more information of Github GraphQL Api v4, check
In this app you'll find:
- Kotlin Coroutines : Background operations.
- Navigation component : A single-activity architecture, to manage fragment operations.
- MVVM : A View layer that contains a fragment (View) and a ViewModel per screen (or feature).
- LiveData : Reactive UIs using LiveData observables.
- Apollo GraphQL Client to call Githubapi.
- Koin : dependency injection.
- imagehelper : ImagePicker / ImageViewer
- permissionmanager : Permission check
- adhelper : Google Admob, Facebook AudienceNetwork