Releases: strawberry-graphql/strawberry
Releases · strawberry-graphql/strawberry
Strawberry 0.13.3
Fix field initialization not allowed when using strawberry.field
in an input
class Say:
what = strawberry.field(is_input=True)
Strawberry 0.13.2
Allow the usage of Union types in the mutations
class A:
x: int
class B:
y: int
class Mutation:
def hello(self, info) -> Union[A, B]:
return B(y=5)
schema = strawberry.Schema(query=A, mutation=Mutation)
query = """
mutation {
hello {
... on A {
... on B {
Strawberry 0.13.1
Fix missing fields when extending a class, now we can do this:
class Parent:
cheese: str = "swiss"
def friend(self, info) -> str:
return 'food'
class Schema(Parent):
cake: str = "made_in_swiss"
Strawberry 0.13.0
This release adds field support for permissions
import strawberry
from strawberry.permission import BasePermission
class IsAdmin(BasePermission):
message = "You are not authorized"
def has_permission(self, info):
return False
class Query:
def hello(self, info) -> str:
return "Hello"
Strawberry 0.12.0
This releases adds support for ASGI 3.0
from strawberry.asgi import GraphQL
from starlette.applications import Starlette
graphql_app = GraphQL(schema_module.schema, debug=True)
app = Starlette(debug=True)
app.add_route("/graphql", graphql_app)
app.add_websocket_route("/graphql", graphql_app)
Strawberry 0.11.0
Added support for optional fields with default arguments in the GraphQL schema when default arguments are passed to the resolver.
class Query:
def hello(self, info, name: str = "world") -> str:
return name
type Query {
hello(name: String = "world"): String
Strawberry 0.10.0
Fixed issue that was prevent usage of InitVars.
Now you can safely use InitVar to prevent fields from showing up in the schema:
class Category:
name: str
id: InitVar[str]
class Query:
def category(self, info) -> Category:
return Category(name="example", id="123")
Strawberry 0.9.1
Fixed logo on PyPI
Strawberry 0.9.0
Added support for passing resolver functions
def resolver(root, info, par: str) -> str:
return f"hello {par}"
class Query:
example: str = strawberry.field(resolver=resolver)
Also we updated some of the dependencies of the project
Strawberry 0.8.0
Added support for renaming fields. Example usage:
class Query:
example: str = strawberry.field(name='test')