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File metadata and controls

100 lines (83 loc) · 8.79 KB


This module defines and exports metadata which describes the pages in the Strimzi UI, and how they relate to the Panel components that implement them. This metadata is then processed by the UI's navigation logic at runtime to determine what pages are shown and available to a user, but also how they are rendered in context to the wider UI and relate to one another. The motivation for this is three fold: to separate the components that implement a page and navigation (to avoid cross contamination), to enable extensibility for new pages in future, and allow re use of the same Panel components in numerous contexts with minimal changes.

Page Metadata Schema

The schema used to define pages in the Strimzi-ui is designed around capability, and the scenarios those capabilities are presented in. The exported object should be named to reflect the capability it provides, and the metadata contained to specify the Panel component used to provide it (contentComponent), and where (and how) it should be presented (contexts). The below example (pseudo) shape shows the structure expected:

export const Topic { // for purposes of example, a Topic page/capability
    contentComponent: () => import('Panel/Topic') // reference to the panel being used for this capability - this is an aysnc example
    contexts: [ // all the contexts or scenarios that panel component is used in
            path: '/topics/edit',
            feature_flag: 'PAGE.TOPICS.EDIT',
            order: 0,
            icon: Icon,
            pageType: NORMAL,
            properties: {
                'data-ui-id': 'TOPICS.EDIT'
            requiresMinimum: {  // minimum requirements of this page - if either `backendSupportFor` or `authorizationOf` are not completely satisfied, `contentComponent` will not be used for this route - instead a 404 (backendSupportFor) or 403 (authorizationOf) page will be shown to the user on access. These are minima - a panel may still need to check for additional support to enable/disable capability it provides
                backendSupportFor: {
                    Topic: { create, read, update, delete } // page requires the backend to support the ability to 'create', 'read', 'update' and 'delete' a 'Topic' at minimum to function
                authorizationOf: {
                    Topic: { create, read, update, delete }, // user requires minimum Topic 'create', 'read', 'update' and 'delete' privileges to make use of this page
                    Group: { read } // user requires minimum consumer group 'read' privilege to make use of this page
            path: '/topics',
            name: 'TOPICS_NAME_TRANSLATION_KEY',
            feature_flag: 'PAGE.TOPICS',
            order: 0,
            icon: Icon,
            pageType: NORMAL,
            properties: {},
            requiresMinimum: {
                backendSupportFor: {
                    Topic: { read } // page requires the backend to support the ability to 'read' a 'Topic' at minimum to function
                authorizationOf: {
                    Topic: { read }, // user requires minimum Topic 'read' privilege to make use of this page
                    Group: { read } // user requires minimum consumer group 'read' privilege to make use of this page


  • contentComponent - binds a panel to each page context in the contexts array. This can ether be a module (meaning the panel will be included in the main bundle) or a function, which will then be integrated with React Suspense/Lazy to asynchronously load the panel when required
  • contexts[X].path - path/location of this page. Used as a unique identifier, two contexts should have the same path.
  • contexts[X].name - translation key which maps to the name for this page, which will be shown (as required) by the navigation
  • contexts[X].feature_flag - the feature flag to check for to enable or disable this page. Retrieved via the ConfigFeatureFlag context
  • contexts[X].order - numeric value to enable sorting if when processed there are peers to this page, and a specific ordering is desired
  • contexts[X].Icon - a page may wish to have an icon to identify it in top level navigation, or at sub levels when there are many peers. If required this should be a React component representing the Icon, else undefined
  • contexts[X].pageType - a description of the type (as defined here) of page this is. The Navigation will then render (or not) supporting visual elements, such as the first or second level navigation, depending on this type
  • contexts[X].properties - an object which will be spread over the contentComponent on render. This can be used to provide static, context specific properties to components (to trigger a particular mode for example).
  • contexts[X].requiresMinimum.backendSupportFor - the minimum requirements for a backend to support so this page can function. If these are not met, the route will redirect to a 404 Not Found error page, rather than the panel provided via contentComponent. The format of this value is described here, and will be validated against the backend GraphQL Schema via Introspection.
  • contexts[X].requiresMinimum.authorizationOf - the minimum requirements a user requires to access this page. If these are not met, the route will redirect to a 403 Not Authorized error page, rather than the panel provided via contentComponent. The format of this value is described here, and will be validated against the UI's authorization model.

Test approach

To be defined in #7

Current pages

This section provides a summary of the currently provided modules, and the pages they represent:

Module Panel used Included in main bundle? Path used Summary TBD Yes /error/nopages Page shown to a user when no pages (following introspection) can be shown to a user due to either a lack of supporting backend capability or if no pages have been configured to display via feature flags (these scenarios are edge cases). If a user cannot access any page due to a lack of authorization, they will see the NotAuthorized page. TBD Yes /error/notfound Page shown to a user when either the URL they provide does not match a page we do not recognise or can show with the current backend TBD Yes /error/notauthorized Page shown to a user when either they do not have the correct authorization to access a page in the UI

Note: Above metadata to be implemented in a following PR, but is representative of the structure expected here, and what purpose/capability they should provide.

Expected files

For a given set of page metadata Topics for a topics page, the expected files are as follows:



  • index.ts acts as a barrel file, exporting all page metadata defined in this module as the public API for what pages are available for use
  • is this readme
  • contains the module which exports page metadata