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File metadata and controls

168 lines (138 loc) · 4.35 KB

How to read:

  • JSON is inlined between { }.
  • <> denotes substitution.
  • [] denotes optionality.
  • Everything else is taken literally.

Assume all requests are POSTed to /api.

Signing API for verification

Every request accepts an optional additional field "memorabilia", which should be a 64-byte base64-encoded random sequence. If this is specified, the return value will contain the field "signed_memorabilia", which is the sequence sent in the original request signed with the toxme instance's private key, the corresponding public key of which can be found at If the "memorabilia" field contains invalid data or data of an invalid length, the appropriate response will be returned as though "memorabilia" had not been specified.

Anonymous APIs:

lookup (3): {
    "action": 3,
    "name": <name>

Where <name> is a name[] ID. If the domain part is omittted, the server decides where to look up.

reverse lookup (5): {
    "action": 5,
    "id": <id>

Where ID is a Tox ID's public key. If the key exists and the account associated with it is not marked private a name will be returned.

search (6): {
    "action": 6
    "name": <query name>
    "page": <page number>

Where "name" is the partial name that will be searched for and "page" is the offset (page * ENTRIES_PER_SEARCH) for the returned list. Note: This query returns a list of users, not IDs. If you have a full toxme name and want to lookup the ID, use lookup(3).

"Authenticated" APIs:

"Authenticated" API payloads have the following format.

    "action": <action id>,
    "public_key": <the public key of the private key used to encrypt "e">,
    "encrypted": <action-dependent payload, encrypted with crypto_box: see below (base64)>,
    "nonce": <a 24-byte nonce (base64)>

The following payloads are JSON strings encrypted with crypto_box using toxme's public key (available at and the private key of the profile that is being registered, then encoded to base64.

push (1):

    "tox_id": <full Tox ID (hex, 72 chars)>
    "name": <name>
    "privacy": <looseness level; if it's > 1 it appears in /friends>
    "bio": <a bio string (cf, the bio appears in the speech bubbles)>
    "timestamp": <the current UTC time as unix timestamp>

delete (2):

    "public_key": <public key (64 chars hex)>
    "timestamp": <the current UTC time as unix timestamp>

Return values:

Returns take the form

    "c": <error code>

Possible codes:

ERROR_OK = {"c": 0}

# Client didn't POST to /api

# Client is not using a secure connection

# Bad payload (possibly not encrypted with the correct key)

# Name is taken.
ERROR_NAME_TAKEN = {"c": -25}

# The public key given is bound to a name already.
ERROR_DUPE_ID = {"c": -26}

# Invalid char or type was used in a request.

# Invalid name was sent

# Name not found

# Sent invalid data in place of an ID
ERROR_INVALID_ID = {"c": -31}

# Lookup failed because of an error on the other domain's side.

# Lookup failed because that user doesn't exist on the domain
ERROR_NO_USER = {"c": -42}

# Lookup failed because of an error on our side.

# Client is publishing IDs too fast
ERROR_RATE_LIMIT = {"c": -4}

For push(1), a password is issued for editing the record without having the private key.

    "c": 0,
    "password": <any string>

For lookup(3), information is included about the ID:

    "version": "Tox V3 (local)",
    "source": 1,
    "tox_id": "56A1ADE4B65B86BCD51CC73E2CD4E542179F47959FE3E0E21B4B0ACDADE51855D34D34D37CB5",
    "c": 0,
    "url": "tox:[email protected]",
    "name": "groupbot",
    "regdomain": "",
    "verify": {
        "status": 1,
        "detail": "Good (signed by local authority)"

For search(4), an array of users that matched the query name is returned. Each user dict contains their full toxme name and bio. The array will always be of length ENTRIES_PER_SEARCH (30) or shorter. If no matching names are found the users array is empty.

    "c": 0,
    "users": [{
        "name": <name>
        "bio": <bio>