Releases: swagger-api/swagger-parser
Releases · swagger-api/swagger-parser
Swagger-parser 2.0.22 released!
- automation - fix README prepare release (#1444)
- automation - fix gitignore and README prepare release (#1442)
- core and parser v1 release versions (#1440)
- add GH actions for build and release automation (#1439)
- fix ResolverFully for schema without type (#1434)
- adding redirect response codes to remote url (#1430)
- fix for MultipleOf with negative value issue #1398 (#1416)
- fix for issue invalid remote server url (#1412)
- When parameter style is invalid, return a helpful message instead of throwing an NPE (#1410)
- fix NPE when URL matcher is null in Remote Url (#1408)
- Issue 1402: Fix NPE when a path references an undeclared path parameter. (#1403)
Swagger-parser 2.0.21 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.21 released!
- Process exampleSetFlag to flag deserialization of null example vs missing - PR #1400
- Fix and test for Parser cannot process 'allOf' correctly - issue #1367 - PR #1389
- Fix for Flatten Map Schema when Inline ComposedSchema - PR #1386
- Flatten ComposedSchemas at Array items in responses, parameters, requestBodies - PR - #1384
- Improvement for parse options issue #1303 - PR - #1380
- Fix for Empty and Blank query parameters issue #1375 - PR - #1376
- Add extension to keep track of original swagger version in PR #1374
Swagger-parser 2.0.20 released!
Swagger-parser 1.0.51 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.19 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.19 released!
- Fixing remote paths, response schema resolution - refs issue #1292 in PR #1343
This also fixes the schema duplication issue #1081 - Fix for issue #1335 - OAS3: Resolved YAML doesn't include Example components from domains in PR #1336
- Follow discriminator mappings to resolve subtypes refs issue #970 in PR #1333
Swagger-parser 2.0.18 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.18 released!
- Applying regular expression only to objects under components - refs issue #1309 in PR #1322
- Fix for issue #1316: ContentType in Encoding Object should not be required in PR #1317
- Enable STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION in Jackson parser for Yaml in PR #1313
- Fix for OAS2->3 converter doesn't update $refs inside allOf - refs issue #1261 in PR #1302
- Fix for URISyntaxException stacktrace printed. Always occurs when spec path has URI illegal characters - refs issue #1236 in PR#1301
- Include the mediaType in the location string, inside a content - refs issue #1274 in PR #1295
- Fix duplicate '.responses' in location string - refs issue #1273 in PR #1294
Swagger-parser 1.0.50 released!
Swagger-parser 1.0.50 released!
Minor Changes:
- Fix for issue #1249 in PR #1312
- Fix for issue #1249 in PR #1308
- Fixing parsing of empty securityRequirement - refs issue #1305 in PR #1306
- Fix for issue #1299 Swagger 2.0 external parameters broken in PR #1300
- Update LICENSE #1298
- Fixed a NPE occurred during processing discriminator in an empty model, in PR #1293
Swagger-parser 2.0.17 released!
Swagger-parser 1.0.49 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.16 released!
Swagger-parser 2.0.16 released!
Notable Changes: